<br /> in the Prap�r��and r�ghts under t�.x5 Secur��y �nstrument; and�d� takes such ac�ifln as Lender may
<br /> reasonab�y r�quir��a assure�ha�Lender's interes�in the Proper�� and r�ghts under�his Secur�ty �nstrument,
<br /> and Borrower's obiiga�ifln tfl pay�he sums secur�d�y this Securi�� �nstrumen�, shall continue unchanged.
<br /> L�nder�nay requ�re�ha�B�rr�wer pay such reins�atemen��ums and expenses in�ne or more of the fol�awing
<br /> farms, as se�ec�ed�y Lender; �a} cash; �b}maney order; t�} certi�ed check, ban.k ch�ck, treasurer's�heck or
<br /> cash�er's check, prov�ded any such eheck�s drawn upan an insti�u��on whose dep�sits are insured by a
<br /> federal agen�y, ins�rumentaiit�or enti�y; or�d} Elec�rani�Funds Transfer. Up�n reinstateme�at by Borrower,
<br /> this Se�ur�ty �nstru�nent and�bliga�ions secured hereby shaii remain fu�l�effective as xf no ac�e�erati��.had
<br /> occurred. �owe�rer, th�s r�gh�to reinstate shal�not app�y �n the case nf accelera�ian under�ec�ion 18.
<br /> �[3. Sa�e of Note; Change of Loan Ser��cer; Nfltice vf �rie�ance. The No�e or a par�ial in�erest in the
<br /> No����ogether w���.th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument} can be sold on�or more times w��haut pr�or no���e ta
<br /> Borrower. ,�.sale mzg�.�resu��in a change�n the e�.��ty (kn�v�n as the "Loan Servicer"}�hat����ec�s Per�od�c
<br /> Paymen�s due under�he N�te and�his Securi�y Instrum�nt and performs��her�rnor�gage loan serv��cxng
<br /> flbligations under the No�e, th�s Security�nstrument, and.�4.pplicable Law. There a�so migh���flne or�nore
<br /> changes of the Laan Ser�icer unrelated�o a sa�e flf the N�te. �f�here�s a change of the I.oan Ser�r��er,
<br /> Borrow�r w���he g�v�n written notice of�he c�ange vvhich wi�� s�ate the na�me and address of the n��v I.1oan
<br /> Ser��cer, �he address ta which paym�.en�s �hould be n�ade and any other�nforn�.ation RESPA requ�res�n
<br /> connec�ion wi�h a na�ice�f tran�fer of servicing. �f�he Note is so�d and thereafter�he Loan is serviced�y a
<br /> Loan Ser�icer other�han�he pur�haser of�he No��, �he rn�r�gage�oan ser�icing ob�iga�ions to Borrawer wi��
<br /> remain with�he I.�an Servicer�r���ransferred to a successor L�an�er��cer and are not assumed by��e
<br /> Note pur�haser un�ess o�herw�se provided hy the�ote purchaser.
<br /> Nei�her Borrower nor Lender may commence,join, or be joined to any judic�al a��ion�as ei��er an
<br /> �ndivi�uall�tigant or the mem�er of a c�ass}that arises fronz the o�her par�y's ac��ons pursuan�to�.his
<br /> Secur�ty Instrumen�or tha�a��eges thaf the o�her part�has breached any pro�ision of, ar any duty owed b�
<br /> reason of, ���s Security Instrumen�, unt�l such Borrnwer or Lender ha�no��fied�h�other par�y��ith such
<br /> notice gi�en�n can�p�ian�e w�th the requiremen�s of Sec�ion 15}of such alleg�d breach a.nd afforded the
<br /> �ther party hereto a reasonable period after�he gi�ir�g of such notice�o take cflrrec�ive act�an. �f App��ca��e
<br /> Lavv pr�vides a time p�ri�d wh�ch mus�elapse Y�ef�r�certa�n action can be tak�n, that time period wi���e
<br /> deemed�o�e reasonable for purposes of th�s paragraph. Th�no��c�of accelera��on and oppor�uni�y�o cure
<br /> �iven to Borrower pursuant to S�c��an 2�and the no��c�of accelerat�on given to B�rrow�r pursuant�o
<br /> S�c�ic�n �S sha��be c�eeme�i tU 5d�i�ly ��e�iu�����u��U��u�t��r�i��t�ta.��c�rr�ct��e acfi�on pr�v�s�on�of�h�s
<br /> Sec�ion 2�.
<br /> �'I. Hazardous Suhstances. As used in th�s Sectxon 21: �a} ".Fa�azard�us Subs�an�es"are those substar�c�s
<br /> defined as tax��ar hazardous substances, p��lu�ants, �r wastes by Env�ronrnental Law and the foilowin�
<br /> subs�ances: gas��ine, kerosen�, o��er flamma�le or tox�c petro�eum produc�s, �oxic pest�cides ar�d her�icides,
<br /> v��atile so�ven�s, ma�erxa�s�ontaining asbes�os�r forma�dehyde, and radi�activ�mat�r�a�s; �b}
<br /> "Envi��r�rr�nt�l Law"means federal �aws and�av�� af the jur�sdiction where the Proper��r�s 1oca�ed t�iat
<br /> relate�o heal�h, safe�y or environmen�a�protecti�n; �c� "Er�uiron�nentar�`�eanup"�nc�udes an�respo�.se
<br /> ac���n, remedial act��n, or remo�al actz�n, as defined in Env�rar�menta� Law; and�d} an "Envzr�rtme�taZ
<br /> C'onditior�"means a conditian�hat can cause, contr�bute ta, or o�h�rwise�rigger an En�ir�nmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrov�rer shal�no��ause ar permi�the presence, use, disposai, s��rage, or release af any Hazardous
<br /> �u�s�ances, or�h.rea�en tfl re�ea�e any �iazard�us Suhstances, �n or�n the Pr�per��. Sorrower s�ax�not do,
<br /> nor allow anyone else t�da, anyth�ng affe�t�ng the Proper�y �a}that �s in violat�on of any Environm�nta�.
<br /> Law, �b} which�reates an En�rironmen�al Condit�on, or�c} which, due t�the presence, us�, or release of a
<br /> �3azardous Substance, creates a condit�on�hat ad�ers���r affe�ts the vaXu�of the Prap�r�y. The preceding�w�
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN[��RM INSTRUM�NT Form 3D28 1141
<br /> VMP6�NEy�1342}
<br /> VMP[� Pa e'�3of17
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices 9
<br />