<br /> DEE�] �F 7'�U�`�
<br /> ��onti�u�d} �age �
<br /> se�urity agreement are a pa�t of this Deed❑f T�us�: �
<br /> Security Agreement. This �nstrumen� sha�f const��ute a Security Ag�eement to the ext�nt an�r of the Property
<br /> constitutes�ix�ures, and Lender sha�� have al1 a��he r�gh�s o�a secured party under the Uni�orm Commer�ial Code
<br /> as amended from t�me to time.
<br /> Securify Interast. lJpon reques� by Lende�, Trust�r sha�f tak� wha����r action is reques#ed by Lender to perfec�
<br /> and continue Lender's security in#erest in the Persona[ P�-flperty. !n addi�ion�o reco�ding this Deed of Trust in the
<br /> real prope�ty records, Lender may, a� any t�me and withou� �urther authoriza#ian from Trus�or, ��fe executed
<br /> counterpar�s, copies or reproduct�ans of this ❑eed of Trus� as a finan��ng s�atement. Trus#or shafl ��imburse
<br /> Lender for al! expenses incu�red in pe�fecting or cantinuing this securi�y interest. Upon defau�t, Trus��r shali no�
<br /> remo�e, se�er �r detach the Personai Prope�#y from the Praper�y. Upon de�au�t, Trustar shal� assemble any
<br /> Pers�nal Praperty not affixed to the Praperty in a manne� and at a p�ace r�asonabiy convenien� to Trus�or and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailab�� �a Lender within thr�e �3} days af�er receipt ��w��tten demand fr�m Lender ta �he
<br /> ex�en�permitted by appiicab�e law.
<br /> Addresses, The mailing addresses af Trustvr �d�btor} and Lender �secured pa�ty} from which information
<br /> concerning �he security inter�st gran�ed by this Deed of Trust may be obta�ned �ea�h as required by the Unifo�m
<br /> Commercial Code}are as stated on the first page of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSLIRANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FAGT. The following pr�o��si�ns reiating to fu�ther assurances and
<br /> a�tarney-in-�act are a part of�his ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Fu�ther Assurances. At any�€me, and from time ta �ime, upon request of Lender, Trustor wi�l make, exe�ute and
<br /> de��ver, or wi[I cause�a be made,�xecuted or deii�e��d, ta Lender or to Lender's designee, and when reques�ed by
<br /> Len�er, cause ta be filed, recarded, re#iied, or rerecorded, as the case may he, at such times and in such of#ices
<br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and a�l such mor�gages, deeds of�rus�, security deeds, security
<br /> agreements, f�nancing sta�ements, continuation sta��ments, instrumenfs of furth�� assurance, certificates, and
<br /> other documents as may, in the saie apinion o�Lender, be necessary or desirahle �n order to e�fectuate, complete,
<br /> perfect, �ontinue, or preserve �1} Borrower`s and Trust�r's obliga�ions under the N�te, this Deed of Trust, and
<br /> the Reiat�d Dacumenfs, and ��} the �iens and security �nt�rests created by �his D�ed af Trust as firs�and prior
<br /> liens ❑n the Proper�y, whether now awned ar hereaf�er acquired hy Trus�or. Unless p�ohibited by iaw or L�nd�r
<br /> � agrees fio the contrary in wr�ting, Trustor shal� re�mburse Lender for all costs and expens�s incurred �n connecti�n
<br /> - wi�h the ma�ters referred to in this paragraph. �
<br /> At�arney-'rn-Fa�t. �f Trustar fails to do any a�the�hings referred to in th� preceding paragraph, Lender may da so
<br /> for and in th� name o�Trus�or and a�T�ustor's expense. Fvr su�h purposes, Trus�or he�eby irr�vo�ably appoints
<br /> Lender as Trus�ar's at�o�ney-in-fact for the �urpose of making, �xe�u�ing, deli�ering,fi�ing, recording, and doing a[f
<br /> other#hings as may be necessary o�des�rabl�, in Lender's so�e opinion, to accompiish #he matters re�er�ed to �n
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> F�LL PERFQRMANCE. If Borrower and Trustor pay al{ the Indebtedness when due, and Trustor othe�vv�se pe�forms al�
<br /> �he�b[igatinns imposed upon Trustor under this D�ed of T�ust, Lender shall ex�cute and deliver to Trus�ee a reques�for
<br /> full reconveyance and sha�l�x�cute and d�li�er to Trustor suitabfe sta�ements af terminatian of any f€nanGing statement
<br /> on �ile evidencing Lender's secu�i�y in#�rest in �he Rents and the Personai Property. Any recon�eyan�e fee requir�d by
<br /> law shall be paid by Trus�or, if permit�ed by applicable law.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. A# Lender's aption, Trusto�wil! be in defau�t under�his Deed ❑�F Trust if any of the ��1lowing
<br /> happen:
<br /> Payment D�fault. Borr�wer fai�s tv make any payment vuhen due under the�ndebtedness.
<br /> Break�ther Prvmises. Bor�ower or Trustor breaks any p�-omise mad�to Lender or faiis ta per#orm promptly at the
<br /> �ime and stric�ly in the manner pro�ided in this Deed o�Trus�vr in any agre�ment rela��d to th�s Deed o�Trust,
<br /> �omp�iance Default. Failure to comply with any other �erm, ob��gation, covenan� or cond�tion contained in this
<br /> ❑eed of T�ust, the Note or in any❑f the Related Doeuments.
<br /> De�ault an�#her Payments. Failure of Trust�r w�thin the��me required by�his D�ed o�Trust ta make any payment
<br /> for fiaxes or insurance, or any flther payment necessary to prevent filing of or to e�fect dis�harge of any fien.
<br /> Fa�se Sta�emen#s. Any represen#ation or statemen� made or furn�sh�d tv Lender by Borrower or Trustar or on
<br /> Borrower`s or T�us�o�'s behaif under #his Deed af Trust or the Related Documents is faise or misleading in any
<br /> material respect, ei�her now or at the time made or furnished.
<br /> Defecti�e �o�[ateralizatinn. This Deed of Trust ar any of the Refa�ed Dacuments ceases to be in full force and
<br /> effect �inclu�ing fai[ure ❑f any colia�eral document to create a valid and pe�fected secu�ity �nt�rest or iien} a#any
<br /> t�me and fo�any reason.
<br /> Dea#h o�Insol�ency. The d�ath ❑f Borrawer ar Trus�or, �he insoi�ency o�Barrower ar Trustar, �he appoin�ment of
<br /> a rece��er for any par�af Borr�wer's or Trus�or's property, any assignmen�for the benef�t of credito�s, any type af
<br /> creditor warkaut, or the commencement❑f any proceeding under any bankrup��y a�insoivency�aws by or agains#
<br /> gorrowe�❑�Trustor.
<br /> Taking of the Prap�rty. Any creditor or governmenta� agency ��ies to take any o��he Prop�rty or any o�her of
<br />