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� ��15�1��� <br /> C�i��[] �]�' �'�U��' <br /> ���ntinued} pag� �4 <br /> interests �n �h� Prope�#y, then Lender on Trustor's beh�lf may, but is not required to, take any action that Lender <br /> helie�es to be appropriate�o prQtec�Lender's int�rests. A!! expenses incurred or paid by Lender�o�such purposes will � <br /> then bear interest at the rate charged under the Note fr�m the da�e incurred ar pa�d by Lender to the date of repaymen� <br /> by Trust�r. All such expenses wi11 became a parf o��he �ndebtedness and, at Lender's optian, will �A� be payah�e on <br /> demand; �g} be added ta the balance of the Note and be apporkioned amang and be payab�� vwifh any ins#aliment <br /> payments to became due during either �'I} �he term of any applicab[e insurance palicy; �r [�} �he remaining te�m a� <br /> the Na�e; or ��} �e t�eat�d as a �a�loon payment which w�ll be due and payahle at th� Not�'s maturity. The Deed o� <br /> Trusfi aiso will secure payment af these amoun�s. The rights p�n�ided for in this paragraph shall be in addition ta any <br /> other rights or any remed��s �o which Lender may be entit�ed on account ��any defau�t. Any such ac�ion by Lender <br /> shal[no#be construed as cu�ing the default so as ta bar Lender f��m any remedy that i�o#herwise wau�d ha�e had. <br /> WARRANTY; DEFENSE�F TlTLE. The�Following provisions rela�ing �o owne�ship vf the Proper�y are a pa€�of�h�s Deed <br /> of Trus�: <br /> Tit[e. Trustor warrants that: �a} Trustor holds good and marke�abEe tifile �f re�ord to �he Property in fee simp�e, <br /> fr�e and clear o'�afl ��ens and encumbrances ather than �hose set forth in the Rea1 Property descrip�ian or in any <br /> t�tle insuran�e poli�y, �i�le report, ar finai t�tl� op�nion issued in fa�or of, and acc�pted by, Lender in connec�ian <br /> with this ❑eed of Trus�, and �b}Trus�ar has the full right, povver, and authority�o execute and deli�e�this Deed of <br /> Trust to Lender. <br /> Defense �f Tit�e. Subject t� the excep#ion in �he paragraph abov�, Trus�or warrants and will fare�er defend th� <br /> title to�he Property against�he lawful claims o�al} persans. In the ev�nt any a�tivn or proceed�ng is commen�ed <br />- tha#ques��ans Trustor's tit�e or�he �nteres�af T�ustee or Lender under this Deed❑f Trust,Trustor shall defend the <br /> action at Trustor`s expense. Trus���may be th� nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender sha�l he entitled to <br /> participate �n #he proceeding and �o be represented �n the proc�eding by couns�l o�f Lender's vwn chaice, and <br /> Trustar wi�l deliver, or cause to be deli�ered, to Lend�r such instrumen�s as Lender may request fram time to time <br /> to permi#such pa�ticipation. <br /> Com p�iance With Laws. Trustor warran�s that the Property and Trustor's use of the Property campiies with al� <br /> - existing appii�abl�1aws, ardinances, and regulatians of g�vernmental authari#ies. <br /> Survi�af v� Prom is�s, A�I promises, agre�ments, and sta�ements Trustor has mad� in #h is D�ed of Trust shall <br /> survi�e�he execution and de[i�ery of this De�d o�Trust, shal� be continuing in nature and shall �emain in fulf force <br /> and e�fect until such�ime as Borrower`s lndeb#edness is paid in fu�i. <br /> C�NDEIVINATI�N. The�ollow�ng pra�isions rela�ing�a condemnation proceed�ngs are a par�o�this�eed of Trust: <br /> Prac�edings. �f any proceeding in condemnation is fied, Trustor sha�l promp�ly notify Lender in writing, and <br /> T�usto�sha�l prompfiy take su�h st�ps as may be ne�essary to defend �he action and obtain the award. Trus#�� <br /> may be th�nominal pa�ty in such praceeding, but Lender shali be en�it[ed to participate in the pro�eed�ng and�o b� <br /> represen�ed in �he proceeding by counsel of its ❑vvn �hoice, and Trust�r wifl deliver or �ause to he de�i�ered to <br /> Lender such instruments and documen�a�ian as may be requested by Lender from time �a �ime '�o permit such <br /> . parti�ipa�i�n. <br /> Appiicat�an o#Net Pro�eeds. If all ar any part of�he Proper�y is eondemned by eminen�domain p�oceed�ngs�r by <br /> any pr�ceeding or purchase in lieu o�condemnation, Lender may a�its elec�ion require tha�all or any portion of the <br /> net pr�ceeds of the award be appiied to the lnd�bt�dness �r the repair �r res�orat�an ❑f the Pr�perty. The ne� <br /> proc�eds of the award shall mean the award aft�r paymen�af al! reasonable cos#s, exp�nses, and attorneys' �ees <br /> incurred hy Trustee�r Lender in connection with the condemnat�on. . <br /> 11VIP�S�T��N aF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL A�TH�RITIES. The fofl�wing pr�visions re�ating <br /> ta go�ernmenta!taxes,fees and cha�ges are a pa�k a��his Deed o�Trus�: <br /> Gurrent Taxes, Fees and Chargesw Lipon reques� by Lender, Trus�or shalf execute such documents in addition to <br /> th�s Deed a�Trust and take whate��r o�her action is requested by Lender tfl perfect and cantinue Lender's lien an <br /> the Real Prope�ty. Trustor shall reirr�burse Lende� for all �axes, as des�ribed befow, together with all �xpenses <br /> incurred in recording, per�e�t�ng or can�inuing �his Deed of Trust, including without fimitati�n a�l taxes, fees, <br /> documentary stamps, and other cha�ges�or recording or regis#ering th�s Deed of Trust. <br /> Taxss. The following sha[I consti�u�e �ax�s to which this sectian applies: t'�} a speci�i� �ax upan this type of <br /> Deed of Trust or upon al� or any part of the lndeb�edness se�ured by �his []eed of Trus�; �2} a specifi�tax on <br />� Borrower whi�h Borrower is authoriz�d or requ�red to deduct�ram payments on �h� Indeb�edness secured by�his <br /> typ� of❑e�d o�'Trus�; �3) a tax on this type of D�ed of Trust�harg�able against the Lender ar the holde�of�he <br /> Note; and (�} a specif�c tax on ai! or any po�tion of the lndeb�edness or an payments o� princ�paf and �nte�est <br /> made by Bor�owe�. <br /> Subsequen� Taxes. �� any �ax �� which this section applies is enacted subsequen� ta the date of�his �eed of <br /> - Trust, this e�ent shal{ ha�e the same effect as an Event o� Defau[t, and Lender may exercise any or al1 ❑� its <br /> available remedies far an Event af Defaui� as pro�ided be�ow un�ess Trustor either �1} pays the tax before i� <br /> becomes dei�nquent, o� �2} con�es�s�he tax as pravided above in the Taxes and Liens s�c�ian and deposits wi#h <br /> Lender cash or a suff�ci�nt corpora�e sure#y band or other security safis�actory�o L�nder. <br /> SEC�RlTY AGRE�MENT; FINANClNG STATEMENTS. The �oll�wing pro�isians relating #o this Deed o�' Trust as a <br />