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��15�1��3 <br /> � , � <br /> .� <br /> � DEED �F TRUST <br /> L�an No: '1 D1�g3595 {�vntj�ued� Page 9 <br /> Ni15CELLANE�US PR�VISIDNS. The following misce��aneous provisions are a par�❑f this Deed of Trus�: <br /> Amendmen�s. This ❑eed ofi Trus�, t�ge�her with any Re�ated Dacuments, canstitu�es the entire unders�anding and <br /> agreem�nt af the parties as �v the ma��ers sefi forth in this Deed of Trus�. No al�era�ian of or amendmen��❑ this <br /> Deed of Trus�sha�I be effectiWe unless given in writing and signed by the party ❑r parties sough�ta be charged ❑� <br /> baund by the a�teration or amendmen�. <br /> Annual Repor�s. !� fihe Property is used �Far purpases ❑�her than Trus�ar's �-esidence, Trustor shall furnish �a <br /> Lender, upon reques�, a cer�ified sfiafiemen� ❑f net operating Encome re�ei�ed f�vm th� Proper�y during T�ustor's <br /> pre�iaus fisca! year in such �a�m and detail as Lender sha�� require. "Net ❑pera�ing �ncame" shall mean al! cash <br /> re�eipts fram the Property less aif cash expenditures made in connec�ion wi�h�he opera�ion❑f�he Prvperty. <br /> Cap�ion Headings. Cap�ion headings �n this Deed of Trus� are tor c�n�enience purposes ❑nly and are nv� to be <br /> used�a int�rprefi or define�he pra�isians a�this Deed of Trust. <br /> lUlerger. There shalf 1�e no merger of the interest�r estate created by this Deed o�Trust with any o�her�nterest or <br /> estat� in�he Praper�y a�any time held by ❑r far the benefit❑f Lender in any capa�i�y, wi�hou�fihe written consen� <br /> of Lender. <br /> Governing Law. Th�s Deed o�f Trust will be go�erned by federal law applicable to Lender and, tv the exfient nat <br /> preempted by federal law,the laws of the 5fiafe vf Nebraska wi�hout regard ta its confli��s of law prvvisions. This <br /> ❑eed a#Trus#has been accepted hy Lender in#he State o�Nebraska. <br /> Chni�e of Venue. if�here is a lawsuifi, Trus�or agrees upon Lender's requ�s��v submit to the jurisdictinn of�he <br /> cour�s ❑f Hall Coun�y, S�ate❑f Nebraska. <br /> Nv V11ai�er by Lender. Lender shafi no�be deemed�❑ have v+ra��ed any righ�s under this aeed a�Trust unless such <br /> waiWer is given in wrifiing and signed by Lend�r. No delay❑r vmission on�he part a�Lender in exercising any righ� <br /> shal� operate as a wai�er v�such right ar any other right. A wai�e�-by Lender❑f a pravisian ❑f�kh�s Deed ofi Trust <br /> shal� na� prejudice or cons�itute a wai�er �� Lencier's right otherwis� to demand st�ric� compl3ance with �hat <br /> pro�ision ❑r any �ther pro�ision .of this I3eed o� Trust. No prior wai�e�- by Lender, nar any �aurse o�F dealing <br /> between Lender and Trusfiar, shall ��nsti�u�� a wai�er �� any o�F Lender's righ�s ❑r of any of Trus�ar's ❑hligatians <br /> as to any fu�ure �ransac�ions. Whenever the consent of Lender is required under this I�eed ❑f Trust, the gran�ing <br /> vf such cons�n� by Lender in any ins�ance shall nat constitute c�ntinuing consent�o subsequenfi instances where <br /> such consent is required and in a[[ cases such consenfi may be gran�ed or wifihhe�d in�he sole discre�ian❑�f Lender. <br /> 5e�rerahili�y. I� a cour� ❑f competent jurisdictivn finds any p�-a�isian vf�his Deed vf Trust�❑ be illega�, in�afid, �r <br /> unenforceai�le as �o any circumstance, �ha� �inding shall no� make �the o�f�ending pro�ision illegal, in�atid, ar <br /> unenforc�able as �v any o�her circumstance. lf feasihle, the ❑�fendin� p�aWisian sha�� �e �nnsidered modi�ied s❑ <br /> that i� becflmes 1ega�, �alid and enforceahle. ff the affending Qro�ision �annot be so modified, i� shall he <br /> c�nsidered defeted �fram this Deed ❑fi Trus�. Unless ❑fiherwise required by law, �he iliegalifiy, in�alidity, ❑r <br /> unen�arceabili�y of any prv�ision ❑�this De�d of Trus�shall nflt af�Fec��he �ega[ity, �alidifiy vr enforceabili�y of any <br /> ather pravisivn of this �eed of Trust. <br /> 5u��essvrs and Assigns. Sub�ect tv any Iimi#a�ions stated in this �eed o�Trust an �rans�fer v�Trus�ar's interes�, <br /> fihis �3eed o�Trust shall be binding upon and inure tv the benefit ofi the par�ies, �heir successors and assigns. if <br /> awnership vf fihe Property becames �es�ed in a p�rsan vfiher than Trus�or, Lender, wi�hout no�ice fio Trus�or, may <br /> deal wi�h Trust�r's successors wi�th reference t❑this Deed a�f Trus�and�he Indebtedness by way of forbearance flr <br /> exfiensEon without reteasin�Trus�or from the abliga�ivns vf�his aeed o�Trus�or liabili�y under fihe Indeb�edness. <br /> Time is of�the Essence. Time is of�h� essence in fihe perfivrmance❑�this ❑eed vf Trus�. <br /> . <br /> V1laiver of Homes�ead Exemptivn. Trusfivr hereby releases and wai�es all righ�s and benetits of �he hamesfiead <br /> exempfiian iaws���he S�ate o�Nebraska as to afl lndeb�edness secured by this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> ❑EFIN�T��NS. The fo��ow�ng capi�alized w�rds and terms shall ha�e�he foll�wing meanings when used in this ❑eed a� <br /> Trust. Unless speci��cally sfiated t� �he contrary, alf references �❑ do��ar amnun�s sha{� m�an amvunts in law�u� mvney <br /> of �he United 5fiates of America. VVords and �e�-ms used in fihe singuEar sha�l .include �he �[ural, and the p�ural shall <br /> include the s�ngular, as �he context may require. Words and terms not o�herv�ris� defined in this �eed a�f Trust shal! <br /> ha�e�he meanings a��ribu�ed�o such terms in the Uni�arm Comm�rcial Code: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "6eneficiary" means Fi�e Po�nts Bank, and ifis successors and assigns. <br /> Borrv►►ver. Th� word "Bo�-rvwer" means LiNC4 REAL ESTATE INVESTIVIENTS LLC and includes als cv-signers and <br /> co�makers signing�he No�e and all their su�cessors and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trust. The words "❑eed of Trusfi" mean this Deed ❑�f T�rust among Trus�ar, Lender, and Trus�ee, and <br /> includes wi�haut �im�tat�fln all assignmen� and security En�er�st prv�isions re[ating fio �he Personal Prvperty and <br /> Ren�s. <br /> Default. The word "Defaul�t" means�he Defau[t set�For�h in�his Deed o�Trus�in�he sec��on tit�ed "De�aul�". <br /> Environmen#al Laws. The words "En�ironmenta[ Laws" mean any and all state, �federal and Iocal s�atutes, <br /> . regu�ations and ❑rdinances r�la�ing tv �he pro�ec�kion ❑f human heal�h or the enviranment, inc�udin� withou� <br /> limitatian �he Compr�hensi�e En�ironmen�al Response, Gompensatinn, and Lialaiiity Ac� o� �984, as amended, 42 <br />