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<br /> DEEC� �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan Nv; 1���83595 {Gvntinued} Page 'i�
<br /> 1J.5.C. Section 95�1, et seq. �"CERCLA"}, the Super�und Amendmen�s and Reau�hariza�ion Ac�❑�F �986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99--499 �"SARA"},the Hazardvus Materials Transpvrtation Act, 49 U.S.C. 5ectian 18fl`�, et seq., the Resource
<br /> Conser�ation and Reca�ery Act, 42 U.S.C. Secfii�n 6901, et seq., or other applicab�e state or federal laws, rules,
<br /> vr regula�ions adop�ed pui-suant thereto.
<br /> E�ent vf De�aul�. The wo�-ds "E�enfi of Default" mean any❑t the e�enfis ❑f defaul�set fvr�h in this ❑eed ❑�Trus�in
<br /> �he e�ents ofi de�au��s�ctFon af�his Deed ❑�F Trust.
<br /> Exisfing [ndebtedness. The words "Exis�ing �ndebtedness" mean �he indehtedness described in the Exis�ing Liens
<br /> pro�isivn o��his ❑eed vf Trust. .
<br /> Guaran�y. The word "Guaran�y" means�he guaranty firom guaran�or, endorser, surety, ❑�-ac�ammoda�ian party�❑
<br /> Lender, incjudin� without limita�ion a guaranfiy af a!1 ❑r part vf the Nofie.
<br /> Hazardvus 5ubstances. The words "Ha�ardous Substances" mean mater�a�s that, because ❑f '�he�r quan�i�y,
<br /> concen�ra�kian �r physica�, �hemical or in�ec�ious charac�erist�cs, may cause or pose a presen�k �r po�kential hazard
<br /> t❑ human hea[�h ❑r�khe en�ironment w.hen impraperly used,�rea�ed, s�ored, dispased vf, generated, manu�ac�ured,
<br /> �ranspor�ed vr otherwise handled. The wards "Hazardous 5ulastances" are used in their very brvades'� sense and
<br /> include wi�hout limitation any and all hazardous or toxic subs�anGes, materials or waste as defined by or listed
<br /> under�he EnWironmental Laws. The fierm "Ha�ard�us 5ubs�ances" als❑ includes, wi�haut limitafiivn, pefirol�um and
<br /> petroleum by-pradu�ts or any frac�ion thereof and asbest�s.
<br /> imprnrrements. The ward "Impra�ements" means a�l existing and fufiure 3mpro�ements, buildings, s�ructures,
<br /> mobile homes affixed on the Rea� Property, facilifiies, additions, replacements and other canstruc�ion on �khe Reaf
<br /> Property.
<br /> Indebtedness. The ward "Indebtedness" means a�I principal, inter�s�, and other amaun�s, cos�s and expenses
<br /> payable unde�- the Note or Rela�ed Dacuments, tagether wi�h all renewa�s vf, extensions of, modif��ations vf,
<br /> �ansvlida�ions ❑f and subs�i�utions for the Note or Re[ated Documen�s and any am�run�s�expended ar ad�anced by
<br /> Lend�r t❑ discharge Trus�or's abligat�ons or exp�nses incurred by Trustee ❑r Lender t❑ enforce Trustar's
<br /> obliga�ions under this ❑eed at Trust, toge�her with in�erest on such amaun�s as pro�ided in �his Deed of Trust.
<br /> 5pecifically, wi�haut limita�ion� Indeb�edness includes the fu�ure ad�ances se� �vrth in the Future Ad�ances
<br /> pro�ision, together with all in�erest fih�rean and all amaunfis �hat may be indirec�ly secured by �th�
<br /> �C�55--Callat�ra(iza�ivn pra�ision❑f�his ❑eed of Trus�k. � �
<br /> Lend�r. The v+iord "Lender" means Five Poin-�s Bank, its successors and assigns.
<br /> No�te. The word "Note" means �he p�-amissary na�e dated March 6, �4�5, in the vriginal principal amvunt
<br /> vf $�5.�3'I,DD from Trusto�- t❑ Lende�; tvge�her with all �renewals v�, extensians ❑f, modifications of,
<br /> re�inancings o�, consolida�ions of, and subs�i�utians��or�he promissvey nate ar agreement.
<br /> Persvnal Proper#y. The WDCdS "Personal Property" mean all equipmen�, �ixtures, and ofiher art�cles af personal
<br /> , prop�r�ty now ar hereafter owned by Trustvr, and nvw or hereafter attached or a��ixed tv the Rea[ Property;
<br /> tvgether with all accessians, par�s, and additions �o, a�I replacemen�s of, and all subs�itutions �for, any ❑f such
<br /> property; and t�ge�her with all proceeds �including wifihout limitation all insu�-ance praceeds and refunds of
<br /> premiumsy from any sale❑r other disp�si�ion af�he Proper�y. � . . .
<br /> Property. The word "Praperty" means callec�i�ely the Real Proper�y and th� Personal Property.
<br /> Real Proper�y. The words "Real Property" mean the real proper�y, inter�s�s and r-igh�s, as�urther described in this
<br /> ❑eed ❑�Trust.
<br /> Related Documen�s. The words "R�lated D�cuments" mean all pramissory notes, �credit agreements, loan
<br /> agreements, en�ironmentaf agreemen�s, guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds vf trus�� S�CUCI��I
<br /> deeds, ca#�ateral mor�ga�es, and all vther ins�rumen�s, agreemenfis and documents, whe�kher nvw ❑r hereafter
<br /> exis�ing, execu�ed in cannec�ion with the Indeb�edness.
<br />' Ren#s. The wvrd "Rents" means all presen� and future ren�ks, revenues, incvme, issues, rayal�ies, profits, and
<br /> ather i�enefi�s deri��d�rom�he Prvperty.
<br /> � Trustee, The wvrd "Trus�ee" means Fi�e Points Bank, whvse .address is P.� 6ox �5D7, �rand Island, NE
<br /> 688�2--���7 and any subs�i�ute or successar trus�ees.
<br /> Trus�vr, The wvrd "Trus�or" m�ans L1NC� REAL ESTATE INVESTNiENTS LLC,
<br />