<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> DEEa �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan Nv: '1��283595 {C�nt�nued} Page 7
<br /> the ins�rumenfi securing such indeb�edness and is no�cured during any�appli�a�le g�race perivd in such instrument,
<br /> or any sui�❑r ofiher ac�kian is cammenced�v fore�lose.any existing lien on�he Property.
<br /> Right tv Cure. lf any defau�t, ❑ther than a detault in paymen�is curable and if Trustor has not been gi�en a n��ice
<br /> o�F a hreach o�F the same pr��isian o�f�his Deed o�F Trust wi�hin�he preceding twel�e ��2� manths, it may be�ured if
<br /> Trustor, after Lender-sends written no�ic��o Trustor demanding cure ❑f suGh default: ��� cu�es�he defaul�wi�hin
<br /> fifi�een ��5} days; ar {Z} i��he cure requires mare than fif�een ��5} days, immedia�ely inifiia�es steps wh�ch Lender
<br /> deems in Lender's sa�e discretion t❑ be su��icient t❑ Gure the defaul� and thereaf�er confiinues and completes all
<br /> reasonable and necessary s�eps suf�icien��o prvdu�e �ampl�ance as sovn as reasonalaly prac�ticaf.
<br /> R1GHT5 AND REMEDIES flN aEFAULT. I� an EWen�o� Default occu�-s under this Deed of Trust, a� any time thereaf�er,
<br /> Trustee❑r Lender may exercise any one❑r mvre��the following rights and remed}es:
<br /> Acce�eration Upvn De�faul�;Additional Remedies. If any E�en� vf �3efaul� oc�urs as per the�erms o�the Nv�e
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare aI� ind�btedness secured by this Deed afi Trust�❑ be due and payable and
<br /> �he same sha[I fihereupon become due and payable wi�hout any presentment, demand, protest❑r na�ki�e o�any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> �a} Either in person ❑r by agent, with ❑r withvu� bringing any ac�ian ❑r proceeding, or by a recei�er
<br /> appointed by a court and without regard �❑the adequacy �f its security, en�er upon and fiake possession
<br /> ❑fi�he Prop�rty, ar any par�thereo�; in its own name ar in the name ❑f Trus�ee, and d❑ any ac�s which it
<br /> deems necessary❑r desirahle ta preser�e fihe�alue, marketabili�y or rentabili�ty of the Prvperty, or par�of
<br /> the Property ❑r interest �n �he Proper�y; increas� the income tr�m the Praperty ❑r pro�ect�he security of
<br /> the Properky; and, wi�h o�- withaut taking possessivn ❑f �he !'roper�y, sue for or o�herwise colleG� the
<br /> rents, issuss and profi�s of�he Property, �ncluding those past due and unpaid, and appfy�he same, less
<br /> cosfis and expenses of aperativn and collectEon at�orneys' fiees,�o any indeb�edness secured by fihis ❑eed .
<br /> of Trust, all in such vrder as Lender may determine. The �n�ering upon and �aking possession af the
<br /> Prop�rfiy, fihe collectian ❑f such renfis, issues and pro�ifis, and �he applica�ivn th�reof sha�f nafi cure ❑r
<br /> waiWe any de�fau�t❑r notice ❑�defau[t under this ❑eed ��Trust or in�alida#e any act dvne in respanse t�
<br /> such de�au[t❑r pursuan�to such notice of defaul�k; and, notwithstanding the con�inuance in possession❑�
<br /> the Praper�y or�h� cai�ectian, receipt and app�icativn �� rents, issues vr profits; Trusfiee ❑r Lender shall
<br /> be en�itled fio exe�-cise e�ery r�ght pro�ided �Fvr in�he No�e or�the Related ❑ocuments or hy law upon�he
<br /> oc�urrence o�F any e�ent❑�de�au�t, �nc�uding#he righ�k�ko exercise the p��er af sa�e;
<br /> {b� Commen�e an a��ivn�o foreclose�his ❑eed of Trust as a mvrtgage, appoint a recei�er ar specifical�y
<br /> enforce any vf�the co�enants hereo�; and
<br /> ��} ❑e�E�er tfl Trusfiee a w�-�t�en declaratian of de�ault and demand for sale and a wri��en notic� ❑�de�fault
<br /> and electian t❑ cause Trustar's int�res�in the Property t❑ be sald, wh�ch na�ice Trustee shall cause t❑ be
<br /> duly�iied�ar record in the appropriate of��ces of�he Caunty in which the Property is located; and
<br /> {d} VII�th respect�a all ar any par�o��he Personal Property, Lender shall ha�e all the righ�s and remedies
<br /> of a secured par�y under�khe Nehraska Uniform Commercia! Code.
<br /> Foreclosure by Power of 5ale. If Lender eiects to foreclose 1ay exercise of�he Pvwer afi Sa�e herein contained,
<br /> � Lender shalf noti�y Trustee and sha�1 deposi� wi�h Trus�ee�his �eed ❑�T�usfi and �he Nate and su�h receipts
<br /> and e�idence v�expenditures made and secured by�his Deed o�Trust as Trus�ee may requ�re.
<br /> �a} Upan re�eipt o€such notice �ram Lende�-,Trustee shall cause to be recorded, published and deli�ered .
<br /> to Trustar such Notice of ❑e�aulfi and Na�ice of Sa[e as fihen requir�d by Eaw and hy this fleed of Trus�.
<br /> Trustee shaf[, withaut demand on Trustar, after su�h time as may �then he required by law and afker
<br /> recvrda�ion of such No�ice of Detault and after Noti�e ofi Sale ha�ing been given as required by faw, se[[
<br /> the Property afi fihe time and place of sale fixed by ifi in such Na�ice of 5a�e, either as a whvle, vr in
<br /> � separafie�iofis �r parce�s or Etems as Trustee shall deem exp�dien�, and �n such order as it may determ�ne,
<br /> at public auction fio the highest bidder far cash�in iaw�u[ money ❑f�he Unified 5ta�es payable at the time
<br /> of sale. Trustee sha�E deliver ta such purchaser ❑r purchasers �hereofi its gaad and sufficien� d�ed ❑r
<br /> deeds con�eyin� fihe prvperty sa sold, bu� without any cv�enan� ❑r warranty, express ar tmplied. The
<br /> r�ci�als in such deed ��f any ma��ers vr facts shal� be canclusi�e p�-oof of�he truth�ulness thereo�f. Any
<br /> pers�n, including wi�hou�limi�ation Trus�or,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase a�such sale.
<br /> �k�} As may be permit�ed by law, af�er deducfiing a�� �as�s, �fees and expenses of�Trustee and ❑f �his
<br /> � Trusfi, inc�uding cas�s ❑f e�idence ❑f�i�le in cannec�ion w�th sale,Trustee sha!! apply�he prviceeds of sal�
<br /> t� payment of �i} all sums expended under the terms af�his Deed of Trust or under the terms o#the Nvfie
<br /> nat then repaid, including laut no� limi�ed tv a�crued �nter�st and lafie charges, �i�} all other sums then
<br /> secured herelay, and �iii} the remainder, if any,to the person❑r persons legally en#itled thereta.
<br /> �c} Trustee may in the manner pro�id�d by law postpvne sale❑f all ar any pvrtivn vf�he Property.
<br /> Remedies Not Ex�lusi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each of them, sha[i be entitled fi❑ enforce paymenfi and
<br /> performance of any indeh�edness ❑r❑bliga�ions secured by�his Deed of Trust and�a exercise all righfis and powers
<br /> under�his ❑eed �f Trus�t, under�he Note, under any of the Ref afied Documen�s, or under any o�her agre�ment or
<br /> any laws n�w or hereaffier in�vrce; no�wi�hs�anding, some or all of such indeiat�dness and vbligations secured by
<br /> this ❑eed ��Trus�t may now �r hereafxer be �the�wise secured, whe�her hy morfigage, deed ❑#trusfi, pledge, lien,
<br />