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��15�1��3 <br /> I r <br /> e <br /> DEED �F TRUST � <br /> Laan'Nv: 1����359� �Cantinued} Page � <br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and alf such mortgages, deeds of trust, securi�y deeds, securi�y <br /> agreements, financing s�atemen�s, cvnfiinuation s�a�ements, instruments of -�urfiher assurance, cer�ificates, and <br /> ather dvcumen�s as may, in the sole vpinion a� Lender, he necessary a�-desirahle in ❑rder ta �ffec�ua�e, complete, <br /> perfec�, continue, vr preser�e ��� Trus�or's ob[igativns under the Na�e, this Deed of Trust, and the Related <br /> Do�umenfis, and {�} the liens and se�urifiy inte�-ests created by this ❑eed�o�Trus� as -�irs� and prior liens ❑n the <br /> Praper�y, whe�her now owned or hereafker acquired i�y Trus�ar. Unless prohibi�ed hy �aw or Lender agrees t❑the <br /> � cvnfirary in wri�ing, Trustor shall reimburse Lender f�r al� casts and expenses incurred in connect�an wifih fihe <br /> ma��ers referred�o in�his paragraph. � � � <br /> Attorney-�n-Fact. [f Trus�or fails to d❑ any o�F�the�hings referred �o in�he prec�ding paragraph, Lender may do so <br />; for and in �he name ❑f Trustor and at Trustor's expense. F�r su�h purpases, Trustar hereby irrevflcably appoin�s <br /> Lender as Trus�vr's attvrney--in--fact�or the purpose a�making, exe�uting, deii�ering, tilin�, recording, and do�ng ail <br />' other things as may be necessary ar desiralale, in Lender's sa�e opin�on, �o accomplish the matters re�erred �o in <br />� the preceding pa�-agraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. �f Trustor pays all �h� Indeb�edness, including wi�hou� limita�ian all �uture advances, when du�, <br /> and �o�herwise per�orms alf the obligations imposed upan Trustor under this Deed o� Trus�, Lender shalj execu�e and <br /> deli�er ta Trus�ee a �-equest �or �uli recon�eyance and shall execu�e and deli�er -�o Trustvr suital��e sta�ements o� <br /> � �erminati�rn a� any financing s�a�emen� �n �File evidencing Lender`s securifiy interest in �he Ren�s and �he Persvnal <br /> Property. Any recon�eyance�Fee required by law shall be paid by T�rus�ar, if permitted by app[icabl� law. <br /> EVEIVTS QF aEFAULT, Each ❑fi the fvllawing, at Lender's vption, shall cons�i�u�e an Even� o� Defiault under this De�d <br /> ❑f Trust: � <br />, Paymen�Default. Trustor fails to make any payment when due under the lndebfiedness. <br /> ��her Defaulfis. Trustar fails �o comply wi�h ❑r ta perform any ❑�her term, ob�igafiion, covenanfi ❑r.condition <br /> conta�ned in �his Deed ❑� Trust ar in any ❑f the Rela�ed ❑�cuments or �to comply wi�h vr t❑ pertarm any �fierm, <br /> abligation, cv�enant or condi�ian cantained in any ofiher agreement between Lender and Trus�or. <br /> Cvmplian�� ❑efault, Failure to comply with any other term, vhligation, covenant or condi�ion can�ained in fihis <br /> � Deed a�Trusfi,the No�e ar in any a�the Related l�ocumen�s. <br /> Defauit on ��her Paymenfis. Failure of Trusfior wi�hin the�ime required by this ❑eed of Trus�t❑ make any payment <br /> for taxes or insurance, or any other payment necessary to pre�ent filing❑f❑r to effec�discharge af any lien. <br /> Faise 5�atemen�s. Any warran�y, represen�a�tion or sta�ement made or furnished t❑ L�nder by Trus�or or on <br /> Trustor's behalf under this Deed of Trust o�-the Rela�ed Documen�s is false or mEsleading �n any ma�erial respect, <br /> ei�her now or a�the�ime made o�-��urnished❑r becames false or misleading at any fiime�hereafker. <br /> Defect'r�e Callateraliza�ivn. This Deed of Trus� ❑r any vt the R�la�ed Documents ceases �o be in fu[I force and <br /> e��ect {incfuding failure ❑f any �olla�eral docum�n��❑ create a �alid and per�ec�ed securi�y in�erest or �ien} a-� any <br /> �ime and��r any reasan. <br /> Dea#h ar lnsolvency. The dissoEu�ion af Trustor's �rega�d[ess af whether e�e��ivn to continue is made}, any <br /> memlaer withdraws fr�m fihe Iimi�ed lialail�ty company, vr any other termina�ian af Trus�or's exis�ence as a gving <br /> business �r the death o�F any member, the insol�ency v-� Trustor, �he appointment ❑f a rece�ver far any part ❑f <br /> Trusfiv�-'s proper�y, any assignment far th� benefi� ❑f cred�fiors, any fiype of �redi�ar. warkou�, �r the <br /> commencemen�of any proceeding under any bankruptcy a�insolvency(aws by or against Trustor. <br /> Gred`rtor or Forfei�ure Proceedings. �ammencem�nt v� �a�-eclosure or far�fei�ure pro�eedings, whether hy judicial <br /> proceeding, se�f-help, repossessivn vr any❑�her me�hod, by any credi�ar af Trustar or by any go�ernmentaf agency <br /> against any pr�perty securing the �ndeb�k�dness. This includes a garnishmen� �� any ❑f Trus�vr's accoun�s, <br /> inc�ud�ng deposi� accounts, wi�h Lender. However, this E�en� ❑f Default shall not apply if there is a gvod fai�h <br /> . dispute by Trustar as to�khe �alidity or reasonableness nf the �laim which is �he�he credi�or ❑r�orfei�ure <br /> proceeding and if T�-usfior gives Lender wri��en notice o� fihe �reditar ❑r fa�fei�ure-prviceeding and deposifis with <br /> Lender monies vr a sur��y bond f�r�he �reditor a�f�rfeiture pr�ceeding, in an amvunt de�erm�ned by Lender, in its <br /> soie discre�ian, as being an adequa�e reserve vr bvnd fnr the dispute. � <br /> . Brea�h of D�her Agreement. Any breach by T�-ustor under�he�erms of any ather agreement be��een Trustor�and <br /> Lender �hat is no� remedied within any grace period �ro�ided therein, including wi�hou� limita�ion any agreemen� <br /> cvncerning any indeb�edness or o�her abligation of Trustar�o Lender, whe�her existing now or later. <br /> Ev�n�s A�ffecting Guarantor. Any of the preceding e�en�s accurs with respec�to any guarantor, endvrse�-, sur��y, <br /> .ar accommvdatian par�y ❑f any vf the [ndeb�edness �r any guarantor, endorser, sur��y, or accommoda�ion pa�ty <br /> dies ar laecomes �ncampetent, or re�okes ❑r disputes the �aiidifiy o-�, ❑r liabi�ity under, any Guaranty of, the <br /> lndeb�edness. � <br /> Adverse Change. A mate�-ial ad�erse change occurs in Trustar's �inanc�al conditian, or Lender belie�es �he <br /> prospect ot payment❑r performance of the lndebtedness is impaired. <br /> lnsecurity, Lender in good faith belie�es its�lf insecure. <br /> Exis�ing indebtedness. The paymen�vf any insta�lmen� o�princ;pal or any inte�-es� vn�he Existing lndelatedness is <br /> nvt made wi�hin the tEme required by the pramissory nv�e e�idencing such indebtedness, ❑r a defaul�occurs under <br />