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��15�15�� <br /> AI1 insurance po��c��s required�b� Lender and renewals af such poiicies sha��be subject to Lender's rzgh��a <br /> disappr�ve such po�ici�s, shal� include a standard mor�gage clause, and shal� name L�nder as m�rtgag�e <br /> andl�r as an additional loss payee. Lender shal�hav�t�e right to hoid the po�ic�es and renewa� certifica�es. If <br /> Lender requires, Borrower shall promp�iy gi�e to Lender all receipts of pa�d premiums and renev�al not�c�s. <br /> �f Bflrrower obta�ns an� form of insurance co�era�e, not a�herwise required�� Lender, for dama�e�o, or <br /> d�struc��on of, the Praperty, such pol�cy shall �nciude a s�andard m�r�gage c�ause and shall nam� I.ender as <br /> mor�gagee andlar as an add���ona� loss payee. <br /> �n the e�ent af�ass, Borrov�rer shall g�ve prompt not�ce to t�.e�nsurance carrier and Lender. Lend�r ma� <br /> make pro�f of Ioss if not rnade pr�mpt�y by B�rrov�er. Un�ess Lender and Borrower o�herwis�agre�in <br /> wr�tin�, any znsurance pro�eeds, �uhe�h�r or not the underly�ng insurance v�ras required by Lend�r, sha��be <br /> applied ta rest�ra�xon or repair nf the Pro�er��, if�he restorati�n or repair is ecanomica�ly feasible and <br /> Lender's securi�y is not�essened. During such repa�r and res�oratian period, L,�nder shal�ha�e�he right�o <br /> h�id such �nsurance prace�ds unt�� Lender has had an oppor�uni�y�o inspect such Property to ensure�he <br /> work has be�n comple��d to Lender's sa��sfac�ian, pra�ided�ha�such �nspection sha11 be undertaken <br /> prompt�y. Lender ma�dis�urse pr��eeds for�he repairs and res�arat�on �n a sing�e payment or�n a series of <br /> progress pa�rm�nts as�he w�rk is completed. C�n�ess an agreement is mad�in wr�ting or Applicable Lavv <br /> requires interes��fl b�paid on such �nsurane�proceeds, Lender shall no��e r�qu�red t�pay Bnrrov�er any <br /> inter�s�or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for pubi�c adjusters, or ather third par�ies, r��ained by B�rrower <br /> shail no�be paid ou�af�he insurance proceeds and shal� be the s��e ob��ga�ion�f Barr�w�r. If the res�oration <br /> ar repa�r is nflt ec�nomically feasible or Lender's security wou�d be le�sened, the insurance�roc�eds shali be <br /> app��ed�o the sums secured by th�s S�curity �ns�rumen�, wh�ther or no�then due, with the excess, if any, <br /> paid�o Borrow�r. Such�nsuranc�pr�ce�ds shall be app�ied in the order pr��ic�ed for�n Section 2, <br /> If B�rrnv�er abandons�he Proper��r, Lender may �le, negotiate and sett�e an� a�aiiable�nsurance c1a�m and <br /> re�ated ma��ers. �f Borrov�er does no�respond�vi�hin 3�da�s to a not�ce from Lender�hat the insurance <br /> carr�er has offered to se�t�e a c�aim, �hen L.�nder may negotia��and set��e�he c�aim, The 3�-da�per�od w��� <br /> beg�n when the n�t��e is g�ven. In�ither e�ent, ar if Lender acqu�res the Praperty under Section��or <br /> otherwis�, Barrov�er her�by assigns to L�nder�a} Borrower's r�gh�s�o an� insuranc�pro�eeds in an amaun� <br /> no��o e�ceed the amounts unpa�d under�he Note or�hzs 5ecuri�� �nstrunjent, and�b} an���her of <br /> Borrower's r�gh�s �o�her than the right�a any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrower}under all <br /> �nsurance pol��ies covering the Proper�y, insofar as such righ�s ar�appl�cable to the co�erage of�he <br /> Pr�p�r�y. Lender may use�he insurance proceeds either to repair ar res�are the Proper���r�o pay am�un�s <br /> unpa�d under�he Note or th�s S�curi�y Instrumen�, whe�her�r no�then due. <br /> 6. ❑ccupancy. Borrower shal�oc�upy, establish, and use the Property as B�rrov�er's princ�pal residence <br /> with�n 54 da�s after�he execu�ion of th�s Securi�� �nstx-umen�and s�al�con�inue to oc�upy the Praper�y as <br /> Borrower's princ�pal res�dence far at l�as�one�ear after�he date�f oc�upancy, unless L.ender atherwise <br /> ag�ees �n wr��ing, v�hi�h c�nsent sha11 not be unr�a�anab�y wi�hheid, flr unl�ss ex�enuat�ng circumstances <br /> ex�st vvhich are be�ond Borrower's cnntrol. <br /> 7. Preser�ation. Ma�ntenance and Protectian af the Prvperty: Inspect�ons. Barrower sha��not destroy, <br /> damage ar impair�he Prop�r�y, allov� �he Prop�r��to de�er�orate or�ommit waste on the Praper�y. 'VL�he�her <br /> or no�Barrower�s res�ding �n�he Proper�y, Borrower shall main�ain the Praperty �n order�o pr�vent��.e <br /> Pr�per�y from de�er�orating or d�creasing in�alue due to its condition. Un�ess it �s de�ermined pursuan��o <br /> Secti�n 5 tha�repair or�res��ration�s n�t�c�nami�a�ly feasib�e, B�rrawer sha�I promptly repair the Propert� <br /> �f�amaged ta a�oid fur�her deteriora�z�n or damage. If insurance flr condemnation proceeds are paid in <br /> connect�on w�th damage�o, or the tak�ng of, the Proper�y, Borrower sha��he responsible for repa�r�ng or <br /> res�or�ng th� Praper�y�nly if Lender has re�eased pr�ceeds for such purposes. L�nder may disburse praceeds <br /> N�BRASKA-Si�gfe Fami�y-�ar�nie MaelFreddi�Mac L3Ni�QRM INSTRUM�NT �arm 3flZ8 t1�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi[NEf�13��3 <br /> Wofters Kluwer�inanciaE 5ervices Page 7 of t 7 <br />