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��15�15�� <br /> r�quired by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay ta Lend�r the amoun�necessary �o make up�he de�c�enc� zn <br /> accardanc�with RESPA, but in no more than �2 monthly pa�ments. <br /> Upon payment in fu�� of all sums secured by�h�s Security �nstrument, Lender shal�promp��y r�fund tQ <br /> Barrower any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. �harges; Liens. Borrawer sha�1 pay all �axes, assessments, char�es, f�nes, and impositions a��r�butab�e to <br /> the Proper���vh�ch can atta�n prior��y Qver�h�s 5ecur���r �nstrument, �easehald paym.en�s ar�round r�nts an . <br /> the Proper�y, �f any, and �ommun��y Associat�an Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. To the�xten�t�at <br /> �hese��ems are Escrow �tems, Borraw�r shai�pay them in�he manner provid�d in Sec��on 3. <br /> Borrower shall promp�ly discharge any l�en which has priari�y aver this S�curity �ns�rumen�unless <br /> Borr�vw�r: �a} agrees in writing to th�payment of�he o�Iiga�ion secured by�he lien in a manner accep�ab�e <br /> �a Lend�r, bu�on�y so i�ng as Borrawer is perforrn�ng such agreement; �b}con�ests the�ien�n gflad faith�y, <br /> or defends aga�nst�nforcemen�of the��en �n, �ega�praceed�ngs wh��h in Lender's op�nion op�rate t�pre�ent <br /> the enforcemen�of th�lien�vh��e thos�proceedings are pending, bu�only unti� sueh proceedings are <br /> conc�ud��; ar�c} se�ures from th�h�ld�r af�he lien an agreement sat�sfactory to Lender su��rdinating the <br /> �ien to this Securi�� Instrumen�, If L�nder determines�hat any part of the Pr�perty �s subjec�to a��en wh�ch <br /> can attain prior��y aver th�s Security Instrument, Lender may g��ve Barr�wer a nnt�ce�den��fy�ng�he li�n. <br /> V�i�h�n �D days of the da�e on wh��h tha�nat�ce�s gxven, Borrawer sha�l satisfy the l�en ar take one or m�re <br /> af�he act�ons se� for�h ab�ve�n�hzs Section 4. <br /> Lender may r�quire B�rrawer to pay a one-�im�charge for a real estate tax veri�cation andl�r repor�ing <br /> ser�ice used by Len�ier in cannec�ion wi�h this L�an. <br /> 5. P��perty lnsurance. Borr�wer shal�keep the im�ro�emen�s n�v�exist�ng or her�after erected on th� <br /> Praper��r insured aga�nst l�ss by �re, hazards �ncluded vvithin the term "extended cflvera�e," and any oth�r <br /> hazards inc�ud�ng, but nfl���mited��, ear�hquakes and floads, for whzch Lender requ�res �nsurance. This <br /> insurance sha��be rnaznta�ned�n�he amaun�s ��nc�ud�ng d�ductib�e�e��ls} and for the p�riods that �tnder <br /> r�quzres. �Vhat Lender requires pursuan�to the preced�ng s�ntences can change during the term of�he Lnar�, <br /> The�nsurance carri�r pro�iding ��a�znsurance sha�� be chosen by Borr��er�ub�ect t� Lender's righ��� <br /> disappr�ve Borrow�r's�hoice, whi�h right shall�a�be�x�rcised unr�a�onab�y. L�nd�r may r�qu�re <br /> Borraw�r��pay, �n conne�tion with�his Laar�., ei�her: �a} a one--t�m�charge far fl��d znne determ�natifln, <br /> cer�if�ca�i�n and track�ng serv�c�s; ar�b� a oneTtime charge for fland zone de�erm�.nat��n and cer��f�cati�n <br /> serv�c�s and subsequent charg�s each time remapp�ngs or��m�lar change�accur which reas�nably rnight <br /> affect such determination or cer�xf��a�ian. Borr�wer sha�l a�sa be respansib�e for the paymen�af any fees <br /> �nZposed by the Federa� Emergency N�anagement Ag�ncy in cannection vvith the reW�ew af any flaod z�ne <br /> determina�ion resulting fr�m an objec�ian�y Borra�ver. <br /> If B�rro�ver fails ta maintain an�af the cov�rag�s describ��above, Lender may abtazn�n�uranc�ca�erage, <br /> at L�nder's�pt�nn and Barrow�r's e�pense. Len�.er is under n�obligat�an�n purchas�any par��cu�ar typ�ar <br /> amoun�af co��rag�. Therefore, su�h coverag�sha�� caver Lender, but m�gh�or might n�t protect Barrflwer, <br /> Borraw�r's equ�t� in th�Pr�per�y, ar the cnntents of�he Proper�y, aga�nst any r�sk, hazard�r liabili�y and <br /> �n�gh�provide grea�er or lesser co�erage than was pre�iausly in effect. Barrower acknawledges that the c��t <br /> af the insurance co�erage so�btained might s�gnificantly exceed the cost of insurance that Borrower��u�d <br /> have abtain��. An�amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this Section 5 shal� be�ome addit��na� d�bt of <br /> Barrower s�cured by�his S�curity Instrument. These amounts sha11 bear interest at�he N�te ra�e frnm�he <br /> date of disbursemen�and shall be payable, with such int�rest, upon natic�fram Lender t� Borrower <br /> reques�ing payment. <br /> N�6RASKA-Singfe�amily-Fannie MaelFredrfie Ma�UNIFORM INSTRUMENT �arm 3��8 1107 <br /> VMP� VMPfitNEy 413D23 <br /> Walters Ki�w�r FinanGial 5er�ices Page fi of 17 <br />