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��15�15�� <br /> designated a substitu�e notic�address by notic�to Lend�r. Borravver shall promptly notify Lender af <br /> Barrower's chang�of address. �f Lender sp��if�es a pracedure far repor�ing BQrrower's change of address, <br /> �hen Barrower shall anly report a change of address�hrough tha� spe�if��d procedure, <br /> There ma�b�only one designated notice addr�ss under this Securzty �ns�rum�nt at an�one��me. Any no��ce <br /> ta Lender shall b�gi�en by d�li��ring it or by mailing it by �rst c�ass ma��ta Lender's address sta�ed here�n <br /> un�ess Lender has designat��an�ther addr�s�by natice to Barrov�er. Any not�ce in�onn�c��on w�th th�s <br /> Se�urity Instrumen�sha��not b�deemed ta ha�e been giv�n t� L�nder un�il actually receiW�d by L�n�er. �f � <br /> any not�c�requ�red b� �his Securi�y �n�trum�n� �s a�so r�quired under Appli�able La�v, the Applicabl� Law <br /> requxrement wi�� sat�sfy the corr�spond�ng re�u�renlen�under th�s Sec:urity �nstrument. <br /> 'I�. Ga�erning Law; Se�erabifity; Ru�es of Constructivn. Th�s Security Instrument shaxl be�averned by <br /> fed�ral law an�i the�aw of the jurisdiction in which�h�Property �s �ocate�. A�� r�ghts and obl�ga��ons <br /> contain�d in this�ecurity Instrum�nt are�ubj ec��� any requirements an�1 imi�a�ions af Appl�ca��e Law. <br /> App�icab�e La�v m��igh�exp��ci�Iy or imp�����i�a��ow the par��es to agre�by�on�ract or it might be s�lent, but <br /> such s�lence sha�� no�be��ns�rued a� a prah�b���on aga�nst agr��m�nt by c�ntrac�. �n the event that any <br /> pr��is��n�r c�au�e of t�a�s S�cur��y �nstrument ar�he N'flt�c�nfl�c�s wzth App��cab�e Law, such�onf��ct shal� <br /> not affect�ther provisians �f thi� Securi�y Ins�rument or the N��e�h�ch can b�g��en effe�t wzthaut the <br /> conflict�ng pravision. <br /> As us��in this SeCur�ty Instrument: �a} words of the masculin��end�r shal� rn�an and in�Iude c�rresponding <br /> neuter wards or words�f the fem�nin�gender; �b} w�rds �n th�singu�ar�hal� mean an� inc�ude the plura� <br /> and�rzce versa; and�c}the word "may" g��es�n�e discre�ion with�ut any�bliga�ion�� take any ac�i�n. <br /> '17. B�rrov►►er's Cvpy. gorrower shal�be gi�en on�copy af the No�e and of�his 5ecur���r �ns�rument. <br /> 18. Transf�r af the Property or a Benef�ciaf Interest in Svrrvwer. A�u�ed�n th�s Sec�ifln �8, "In�erest in <br /> �he Praper�y" mean� an��egal or beneficial in�erest in the Proper�y, including, but na��imited to, �hase <br /> ��ne�cia� inter�sts transferred in a band for deed, G�ntrac�f�r deed, insta��ment sales can�ract ar escrow <br /> agreemen�, the�nten�of vvhich is the transfer of title�y Borrower at a fu.ture date to a purchaser. <br /> �f a�� or any par��f the Praperty�r any �nterest�n the Pr�per�y �s soid or�ransferred ��r�f Borrower�s not a <br /> na�ural persan and a benef�cza� znter�st in Borrflwer i�so�d�r tran�f�rred} w�thflut Lender's prior wr�t�en <br /> consent, Lender may requ�re imxnediate pa�nnent in fu�l of a�I sur�zs secur�d by this Security �nstruznent. <br /> Hawever, this aption shall not�e exercised by Lender if such e�er�ise�s prohib�ted by Applicable Law. <br /> �f Lender ex�r�xses�his opt�on, Lender�hal�g��e Borrower no�ic��f accelerati�n. The notic�shali pr��ide a <br /> periad of na��ess thar�3D�a�s from th�dat��h�n��xce zs given in accordar�ce with Sec�ion 15 within whi�h <br /> Borrower must pay a�� sums se�ured by this 5�cur���r�nstrument. If Borrawer fa��s to pay�hese sums pr�or to <br /> the exp�rati�n af this p�riod, L�nder may �nv�ke any r��ned�es p�rmitt�d by th�s Secur��y �nstrumen�w�th�u� <br /> further notice ar demand�n Borrower. <br /> ��. B�rrower's Right tn Reinstate After Acce�erativn. ��Borro�ver meets certain canditions, Borrower <br /> shall ha��the righ�to have enf�rcem�nt�f this SeGur��y �n�trument discontinued at any tim�prior to the <br /> ear��e�t of: �a} f�ve days b�fare sa�e of�he Prnper�y pursuan�t� any pov�er of sale conta�ned�n this Se�urity <br /> �nstruxn�nt; �b} su�h other perx�d a� App��eab�e Law m��ght spec�fy for the tern��inat�on of B�rrow�r's right to <br /> re�nstate; nr��}entry af a judgment enfarcing this Se�ur�ty �ns�rumen�. Those conditians are that B�rrower: <br /> �a}pays Lender all sums which then wou�d be due under this Securzty �nstrument and the N�te as if no <br /> acceleratian had occurred; tb} cures any defaul�of any o�her cavenants or agreements; �c}pa�s all expenses <br /> incurred in enforCing this Securi�y In�trumen�, inc�uding, but not limited t�, reasanab�e attarneys' fees, <br /> proper�y inspection and �aluati�n f�es, and�ther fees incurred for the purpose of pratecting Lender's interest <br /> N�gRASiCA-Sfngie�amily-�annie Mael�reddie Ma�UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 3Q28 110i <br /> VMP Q VMPS{N�y t7 3D2� <br /> Wvl#ers Kt�wer�inaneial Ser�ices Page 12 of�7 <br />