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��15�15�� <br /> sa�xsfactz�n, prnv�ded that su�h inspect�on shal� be undertaken pr�mptly. Lender m.ay pay for�he repairs <br /> and restorat��n�n a s�ngle disbursem�nt ar in a s�ri�s of prngr�ss pay�nen�s as�he wark is cflmp�e�ed. <br /> Unless an agr��m�nt is made in writing�r Appli�ab�e Law requ�r�s znt�res�to be pa�d on su�h <br /> Misce��an�ous Pr�c�e�s, Lender shall not b�r�quir�d to pay B�rr�wer any �nt�res�or earn�n�s an suc�a <br /> Misce�lane�us Prace��.s. If the restorati�n or repair is no�ec�n�mica�ly fea�ib�e ar Lend�r's s��urity�vould <br /> b�Iessened, the M�s����ane�us Proce�ds shall b�app��ed to the�ums secur�d by th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument, <br /> wh�ther�r no��hen due, wzth�he exc�ss, if any, pa�d�o Borr�wer. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall b� <br /> app���d in the arder prov�ded for�n SeG��nn 2. <br /> �n the e�ent of a total taking, d�s�ructz�n, or�oss �n vaiue�f the Pr�perty, �he Miscellaneau� Pr�C�eds shall <br /> ��apptied to th�sums secur�d�y this S�curity Instrument, wh�th�r or no��hen due, w�th the exces�, �f an�, <br /> paid�a Bnrrflwer. <br /> �n the event of a part�al taking, destruction, or lnss �n�a�ue of the Prflper�y in which�h�fa�r r�aark�t�aiue of <br /> �he Proper�y �mmed�a�e��before the partia� tak�ngs C��5�IL1C��dn, or�oss in value is�qua� ta or great�r than the <br /> amount of the sums s�cured by�h�s S�curz�y �nstruznen� imm��iiat��y before the partial taking, d�struct�an, or <br /> loss in�alue, unies� Borrow�r and Lend�r oth�rwi��agree in v�►lriting, �he sums ��cur�d by�h�s Se�ur�ty <br /> Instrum�nt shail be reduced by�he am�unt of the Misce��aneaus Prace�ds mu��zpl�ed�y �he fa��awing <br /> frac�ian: �a}the��tal am�unt af the sums secured�mmed�ate�y befare t��part�al�aking, de��ruct��n, ar lo�,� <br /> zn va�ue d�v��ded by €b} the fa�r mar�et va�ue nf the Prop�rty �mmed�ate�y before the par�ia� �aking, <br /> destruction, �r l�ss �n va�ue. Any ba�an�e sha�� be paid�o Borrawer. <br /> In the e�ent of a partia� tak�ng, destruct��n, or lass in valu�of the�roper�y �n wh��h�he fair market valu�of <br /> the Pr�perty imme�iate�y befare�h�partial tak�ng, destruct�an, or���s in�alue is less�han�he am�un�af th� <br /> sums secured imm��iate�y b�fore�he partial taking, destruction, or��ss �n va�ue, un�ess Borr�wer and <br /> L�n�er otherw�se agr�e in wr��ing, the Misc�Ilan��us Proceeds �ha��be appl�ed ta the sums secured by this <br /> SeGur��y �nstrument whether�r n�t th�su�ms are then du�. <br /> �f the Proper�y zs abandoned by Borrower, �r�f, af��r no��ce�� Lend�r�a Borrower tha��h��ppasing Par�y <br /> �as de�in��i zn the n�x�sentence} offers to�m.ak�an award to setti�a claim for damages, Borrow�r fa�ls �a <br /> respand t� L�nd�r w��hin 34 da�rs after the date th�na�ice is g���n, Lender is au�hnrized to co�����and app�y <br /> th�Miscellar���us Proceeds either to restoration or repair of the Pr�p�r�y or tn th�sums �ecured by thi� <br /> S��urity Instrument, whether ar n�t then du�, "�pposing Party" m�ans�he thzrd par�y that�wes Borrovver <br /> Misce�laneous Pr�c�eds�r th�par�y aga�nst whom Barrov�er has a r�ght of act��n in regard to Miscelianeaus <br /> Pr�ceeds. <br /> Bflrrower sha�l�e�n default�f ar�y action ar proc�eding, whether c���� ar criminal, is begun that, in Lender's <br /> �udgment, could resu�t �n forf�i�ure of the Praperty or o�her materia� impairm�nt of Lend�r'� int�r�st�n the <br /> Pr�per�y or rights under�his Security �nstrum.ent. Borrower can cur�such a default and, if a�����ratifln has <br /> occurred, r�instate a�pro�ide� in S�cti�n �9, by�ausing the a�tion nr procee��ng to be d�smissed w�th a <br /> ruling that, �n Lender's judgmen�, precludes forfeitur�of th�Property or other materzal zmpairament af <br /> Lender's �nCer��t in the Pr�p�r�y�r rights under thzs S�cur�ty �n�trumen�. The pr�ceeds of any award ar <br /> c�a�rn�far da�mages that are at�r�bu�ab�e t�the�nlpairrnent of Lender's interest in the Praperty are hereby <br /> assigned and sha��be paid tfl Lend�r. <br /> All Misceilaneous Praceed� that are not applied to r�stara�ion or repair of the Praper�y shall be appl�ed in the <br /> order provid�d far�n Se�tion 2, <br /> NEBRASKA-Singte Family-Fannie MaelFreddi�M�G UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Farm 3028 II01 <br /> VMP� VMP�{N�}{13�21 <br /> Wolt�rs Kluwer Financial Ser�i�es Pag�10 of�7 <br />