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��15�1499 <br /> Any applica�ion of pa�rmen�s, insurance proceeds, �r Misce��an�ous Praceeds to princ�pal due under�he N�te <br /> shall not extend or postpone the due da�e, or change�he amoun�, of�he Per��d�c Payments. <br /> 3. Funds for�scrow I�ems. Borrower sha�l pay�o Lender on�he day Peri�d�c Paymen�s are due under�he <br /> N'ote, unti� th�Note is paid in full, a sum��he "Fun�s"} to pr�vide for�ayment af am�un�s due for; �a}�axes <br /> and assessments and o�her items which can a�tain priority over this Securit� Ins�rumen� as a�ien or <br /> encumbrance on�he Proper�y; (b} 1eas�ho�d paymen�s or graund rents�n the Pr�per��, if an�; �c}prern.iums <br /> for any and a�l �nsuranc�required by Lender under�ection S; and�d} Mor�gage�nsurance premium.s, if ariy, <br /> ar an}�sums paya�le b�r B�r�ower to Lender in lieu of�he payment af Mortgage�nsurance premium� in <br /> accordance w�th the pra�is�ans af Sect�on I D. Th�se it�ms ar�ca��ed "Escro�r �te�rns." A��rig�nati�fln or a� <br /> any�ime dur�ng the�erm af the Laan, L,ender may r�quxre tlaa��ommunit�Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessmen�s, if an�, be escrowed�y Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessments s�al�be an Escrov� <br /> Item. Borrov�er shali prompt�y furnish�o Lend�r a1�not�ces of amoun�s�o be paid under�his Sectivn. <br /> Borrawer shal�pa� Lender the Funds for Es�rov� �tem.s unless Lender waives B�rrower's abligatxon to pay <br /> the Funds for any�r aii Escr�v� I�ems. L.ender may vvai�e B�rrower's ob�igation ta pa�ta Lender Funds for <br /> any or al� �scrow ���ms at any time. Any such waiver may�nly be in wri�ing. In the e�ent of su�h wai�er, <br /> �arrawer sha11 pay direct�y, v�rhen and wh�re payable, the amoun�s due for any �scrow ��em�s f�r wh�ch <br /> payment of Funds has�een waived by Lender and, �f Lender requires, sha11 furnish�o Lender rece�p�s <br /> ev�dencing such pa�men�vv�thin such time period as Lend�r may require. Borrower's obligatian to make <br /> su�h payments and t�pro��de receipts sha�l for all purposes�e deemed to be a c�v�nant and agreemen� <br /> contained in this Security �nstrumen�, as the phras� "c�v�nant and agre�men�" xs used�n Section 9. If <br /> Borrower is obl�ga�ed��pay Escrow I�ems directiy, pursuant to a wai�er, and Borrower fai�s ta pay�he <br /> amount due for an Escrow Item, Lender may�xercis� its r�ghts under Sect��n 9 and pa� such amoun�and <br /> Borrawer shall then be o��igated under Sec�ian 9 to repay�a Lender any such amount. Lender ma� r��oke <br /> the wai�er as to any ar al� Escrov�r ���ms at any time�y a notice given�n a�cordance w�th Sect�an �5 and, <br /> upan such re�ocation, Borrower shail pay to Lender a�� Funds, and �n such amounts, �hat are then required <br /> under this Sect�an 3. <br /> Lender�nay, at any tixne, �o��ec�and ho�d Funds in an amaun��a} suf�cient to permi�L�cnder�� app�y the <br /> Funds at the time specified und�r RESPA, and �b}not to exceed�he maximurr�.am�un�a�ender can require <br /> under RESPA. L�nder sha�i estima�e th�amount of Funds due�n�he basis of current da�a and reasonab�e <br /> es��ma��s of expend�tures of futur�Escraw Items or otherw�se xn accordance with Appl��able Law. <br /> The Funds shall �e held in an�nsti�u��on whose deposits are insured by a federa� agency, �ns�rumen�a�ity, �r <br /> entity ��nc�uding Lender, if L.�nd�r is an ins�i�ution whose deposi�s are so �nsure�i}ar in an.y �`ederal Home <br /> L�an Bank. Lend�r shall app�y the Funds to p�.y�he Escrflw ��ems no later�han the tim�specified under <br /> RESPA. Lender sha�l n�t charge Borr�w�r for holding and appl�ing th.e Funds, annualiy analyz�ng�he <br /> escro�u accaun�, ar verif�ing the Escrow��ern.s, un�ess Lender pa}�s Borrower�nterest on�he Funds and <br /> Appl�cab�e Law permi�s Lender to make such a charge. Un�ess an agreement is made in writing ar <br /> Appli�able Law requir�s in�eres��o be paid on�he Funds, Lender�hall no�be requ�red ta pay Borrower any <br /> interest or earnings an�he Funds. Borrower and Lender can a�ree�n wri�ing, h��e�er, that in�er�st sha11 be <br /> pa�d on the Funds. Lender sha�l gi�e to Borrov�er, vvi�hout charge, an annual accounting af the Funds as <br /> required by R�SP.�. <br /> If there is a surplus�f Funds held �n escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha�I account�o Borrower far <br /> the excess funds in a���rdance wifih R�SPA. �f ther��s a sh�rtage nf Funds held in esGro�r, as defned under <br /> RESPA, Lender sha�l notify Borrov��r as required by RESPA, and Barrov�er sha��pay�o L�nder the amaunt <br /> necessar� �a make up the shartage in accor�.ance�vi�h RESPA, �ut in no more�han 1�mon�hly pa�ments. If <br /> �there is a def�cienc�af Funds held in�scr��r, as defin�d under RESPA, Lender sha�l no�ify Borrnwer a� <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-Fannie Mael�retidie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 3fl28 i ID1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NE}=3 3Q�) <br /> Woit�rs Ktuwer Financia!Ser�i�es Page 5 of 17 <br />