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��15�1499 <br /> BURR��VER CU�ENANTS tha�Borrow�r is lawful�y seised of the�s�ate hereby con�eyed and has the r�ght ta <br /> �rant and convey the Property and that�h�Property �s unenCumbered, except for encu�rnbrances�f record. <br /> Borrower warran�s and�vi�� defend gen�rally the�itle ta the Proper�y against a�l claim�s and d�mands, sub�ec�to <br /> any encumbrances of recflrd. <br /> THIS SE�[JRITY INSTRUM�NT�nmb�nes un�f�rm cov�nant� for national use and nan-unif�rm co�enants w�th <br /> limited varia�i�ns by�ur�sd�ction to c�nstztute a un�farm�e�urity in�trument���ering real prop�rty. <br /> Unifo�m Co��nants. Bnrr�v�er and Lender eo��nant and agre�as foll�ws: <br /> �. Payment of Princ�pat, lnterest, Escr�w �tems, Prepayment Charges, and Late ��arges. Barrower <br /> shal�pay w�a�n due the princ�pal of, and interes�on, the debt ev�denced by�he Nate and any prepaymen� <br /> �harges and late charges due under the No�e. Borrovw�r sha�� a�so pay funds for Escrow �tems pursuan�to <br /> SeCt�an 3. Payments due und�r the Nate and this S�curi�y In�trumen� sha�� be made�n U.S. currency. <br /> However, �f any ch�ck or a�her instrumen�received by L�nder as payment und�r the Nate�r th�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrument is returned�a Lender unpaid, Lender may requ�r�that any�r all sub��quent paym�nts�ue under <br /> the N�t�and�his S�curi�y Instrurn�nt be made in one or mor�of th�fo��aw�ng f�rms, as sel��ted by L�nder: <br /> �a� cash; �b} m�ney�rder; �c}�er�ified check, banl�check, �reasurer's chec��r cash�er's ch�ck, prov�de�any <br /> such check�s drawn upon an ins�i�u�ion whase d�pas�ts are insured by a federa� agency, instrurnenta��ty, or <br /> entity; or�d} E�ec�ran�c Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed recei�ed�y Lend�r when received at th��acatz�n designated in th�Nate�r a� such <br /> other�ocat�on as may b�designated by Lender in accordance with the no��ce pro��s�ans�n��c�xon �5. <br /> Lender may return any payment or partial paymen� if the payment or par�iai payments are insuf���ent to <br /> bring the Laan current. Lender may acCept any pa�ment�r par�ial payment insuff�cien��a bring�he Laan <br /> curr�nt, without wai�er of any rzghts hereunder or prejudice to its r�ghts to refuse such payment or par�ial <br /> pa�ments in th�future, but Lenci�r�s n�t ab��gated�a app�y such pa�men�s a�the time such payments are <br /> aG�ep�ed. �f�ach P�r�ndic Payment zs appl��d as of its schedu�ed due date, then Lender need not pay interest <br /> �n unapp��ed funds. Lender may hold such unapp�ied funds until Borra�er n�akes pa�rments to�r�ng�he <br /> Lvan current. �f BarrQ�ver does nat da so within a reas�nabl�peri�d af time, L�nder shall either apply such <br /> funds or r�turn t�em to Barr�wer. �f nat appiied ear��er, such fund�wil� b�appli�d�o th�outstanding <br /> principal ba�ance under the N�te imm�dzate�y pr�or to f�rec��sur�. No�ffset�r�la�m wh��h B�rrawer migh� <br /> ha�e now or in�h�future against Lender shal� relieWe Barr�wer from mak�ng payments du�under th� No�e <br /> and th�s 5ecuri�y�ns�rument or performing the cavenan�s and agreemen�s secured by this Secur��� <br /> �nstrumen�. <br /> �. App�ication of Payments ar Prviceeds. Except as��h�rv��s�descr�bed in�his S��t��n 2, alI paymen�s <br /> acGepted and app�ied by Lend�r�ha�i b�app��ed in the fa��ow�ng order af pr��r��y: �a} �nt�rest due under�he <br /> Nnte; ��}principal due under the Note; �c} amaunts due under Se�t�an 3. Such payments sha��b�app���d�n <br /> each Per�odiC Payment �n the order in which it became du�. Any remaining amounts shal�be appiied f�rst to <br /> lat�charges, second to any other am�unts due under this Securi�y Instrumen�, and�hen to reduce the <br /> principal balance of the Note. <br /> Zf Lender r�c�ives a paymen�fram Barrawer far a del�nquen� Per�odic Payment�vh�ch �ne�ud�s a suff�cient <br /> amount to pay any late Charge due, �he payment may be app�ied ta the de�inquent paymen�and the�ate <br /> charge. If more than�ne Periadic Payment is outstanding, Lender may app�y an�payment recei�ed fram <br /> B�rr�v�er to th�r�payment of�he PeriodiC Payments if, and�o the extent that, each paymen�can be paid in <br /> fui�. Ta the e�tent that any excess e�.�sts aft�r the payment is appl�ed ta the fu�l payment of one or more <br /> P�r�od�c Paym�nts, su�h�xcess may be app��ed to any�a�e charges due. Vo�untary prepaymen�s sha��be <br /> app��ed�rst to any prepayment charges and�hen as described in the N�t�. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingte FamiIy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1Ni��RM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3428'f 1�'� <br /> VMP� VMP64N�1 t13��� <br /> Walters Kluwer Fina�cial Ser�ices Pags 4❑f 17 <br />