<br /> full of a�l sums se�ured by �his Securi�y Instrum�n�. Hflwever, this opt��n shall no� �e exerc�sed �y Lender �f
<br /> exercise is prohibited b�federal Iavv as of the da��of this Securi�y�nstrum�nt.
<br /> �f Lender exercises �his ap�ion, Lender shall give Borrower natice of acce�era�ion. The notice sha�� prov�de a
<br /> period af not I�ss �han the minimum number of days established by Appli�ab�e Law from �he da�e the nat�ce is
<br /> de�ivere� �r mail�d with�n which Borr�wer mus� pay ali sums secur�d by this S�curity Ins�rumen�. �f B�rraW�r
<br /> fails to pay �hese sums pri4r t� the expira�ion of this perifld, Lender may �nvoke an�r r�medies permit�ed by �hzs
<br /> S ecurity Instrumen�without furth�r no�ic�ar demand an B orrow�r.
<br /> Borrativer'� R�ight t� Rexnstate. If Bvrr4wer mee�s cer�ain conditions, Borrower sha�l have �he righ� to ha�e
<br /> �nforcementi�f this Secur��y Iristrument disc�ntinued at any�im�prior to the earl�er�of: �a� 5 days �or such��her
<br /> period as App�icab��Law may specify far reins�a�ement�before sale of th�Propert�pursuan���any pov�er of saie
<br /> con�ained �n th�s S�curifiy Instrument; or �b} entry of a judgment enforcing this Securi�y Instrument. Those
<br /> candit�ons are �ha� Borrower: �a� pays Lender a�l sums which �hen vvauld be due under�his Securi�y Ins�rumen�
<br /> and�he C�ntract as if no ac�e�era�ion had oc�urred;�b�cures any d�fau�t of any o�her cov�nan�s or agreements;�c)
<br /> pays al�expenses incurred in enforc�ng this Security Instrumen�,inc�uding,but n��limi�ec��o,reasflnable attarneys'
<br /> fees�o�he ex�en�permitted by�aw; and�d} take� such action as Lender may reasonably r�quire to assur�that the
<br /> l��n of this Security Instrument,Lender's rights in�he Proper�y and Borrow�r's obligat�on to pay the sums s�cured
<br /> by th�s Securi�ty Instrument sha�l con�inue un�hanged. LTp�n reinsta�ement by B�rrow�r, �his Security Ins�rumen�
<br /> and�h� ob��gatzons secured hereb�r sha�l rema�n fu11y effective as if n� accel�ra�i�n had occurred. Hav�ev�r, thi�
<br /> righ�to reinsta�e shal�not apply in the case of accelerati�n under�he section ti�led Transfer af the Praperty or a
<br /> Beneficial Interest in B�rr�wer.
<br /> Hazardous Substan�es.Borr�wer sha�I n�t cause or permit�he pr�sence,usey disposal,storage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardou�Substances on ar�n the Proper�y.Borrawer sha��not da,nor ailow anyone e�se to do,any�hing affect�ng
<br /> �he Properry that is in v�olati�n af an� Environmen�a� Law. Th� preceding t�ro sent�nces sha1� no� app�y t� �he
<br /> presenc�,use,or s�orage on�he Properfiy of small quan�i�ies of Hazardaus Substances that are generally recognzzed
<br /> to be appropriate�o normal residen�ia�uses and�o main�enance�f�he Properry.
<br /> B�rrow�r shall promptly give Lender wri�ten notic�of any investigatian,c�aim,demand,�avvsuit or other action b� .
<br /> an� gov�rnmental or regulatory agency flr private par�y involving the Properfiy and any Hazardaus Subs�ance or
<br /> Environmental Law of v�hich Borrower has actua� knawledg�. If B�rrower learns, or is notif�ed by any
<br /> governmen�al or r�gulatary auth�rity,�hat any removal or other remediatian of any I�3azardaus Su�stance affectzng
<br /> �h� Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly ta�e aIi necessary remedzal actions in accordance wi�h
<br /> Enviranmen�al Law.
<br /> As used�n th�s paragraph, "I-3a�ardous Subs�ances" are�hose subs�ances defined as toxic or hazardous su�stances
<br /> by Environmental Law and the f���ovving substanc�s: gasaline, kerosene, oth�r flammable ar tox�� pe�raleum
<br /> produc�s, �oxic p�sticides and herbxcides, volati�e so�ven�s, materials containing asbes�os or fonnald�hyd�, and
<br /> radioac�ive ma�erials. As used in this paragraph, "Envir�nmental Law" means federa�laWs and Iaws of the sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska that relate�o hea��h,safety or environmenta�protec�ion.
<br /> Ac�e��ration; Remed�es. Lender sha�l g�ve na��ce t� Borrawer priar to acce��ra��fln foli�wing Borro�ver�s
<br /> breach of any covenant ar agreement in this Secur�ty Ins�rument or the�ontract under which acceXerativn
<br /> is permitted(but not pr�or to acce�eratian under the sectian titled Transfer uf the Fraperty.or a Benef c�al
<br /> Interest in Barrower, unles�App�icab�e Law pravides �thQrwise}, The nntice shall specify: �a} the defaux�;
<br /> [b� the act�fln requ�red to cure the defauxt; �c} a date, na� IeSs �han the minimum number of days
<br /> estab�ished by App��cab�e Law fr�rn the date the natice�s gi�en to Barrower,by which th�default must be
<br /> cured; and �d� that failure to �ure the defau�t on ar before the date 5pe��f ed in the notice m.a� resul� �n
<br /> acceleratian of �he sums securQd by this Security Instrument and sa�e af the Property. To the extent
<br /> pern�tted by Ia�v, th� n�tice sha�l further inf�rm B�rr�wer of the right�o rexnstate af�er accel�rat�on and
<br /> the r�ght ta br�ng a court act�on to assert the nan-existenc�nf a defauit or any ather defense of Borrawer t�
<br /> accelerat�on and sale. If the defau�t is nat cured on or hefore the date specified �n th� not�ce,L�nder a�it5
<br /> option may requ�re immediate payment in ful� of al� surns secured by th�s Security Instrument withou�
<br /> further demand and may in�oke the power of sale and any other remedies perm��t�d by Appl�cabXe Law.
<br /> To the ext�nt permitted by Iaw, Lender shall be en��tled t� collect a�i expQnseS incurred in pur5uing the
<br /> remedie5 provided xn this Section,�nciuding,but nat limited to,reasonabie attorney�' fees and casts of title
<br /> ev�d�nce.
<br /> If the power of sa�e is�n�oked,Trustee shall record a n�t�ce of default in each�ounty in which any part af
<br /> the Property is�ocated and shall mail capies of such notice in the manner prescribed by App�icab�e Law to
<br /> Borrower and ta the other pers�ns pres�r�bed by App��cable Law. After the time required by App��cahle
<br /> Larv, Trustee sha�l gi.�e public notice of sale to the per5ons and �n the manner prescr�bed by Applicable
<br /> Law. Trust�e,w�ithout demand on B�rrovver, sha�l�el�the Property at pub�ic auctian to the highest bidder
<br /> at the t�me and place and und�r the t�rms designated in the notY�e of saie in one or more parcels and�.n any
<br /> order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpane 5ale of all or any par�e� of the Property by publ�c
<br /> announ�Qment at the t�me and place af any previausly schedu��d sale.Lender or�ts designee may purchase
<br /> �he Praperty at any sa�e.
<br /> Upon rece�pt af payment of the price bid, Trustee shal�de�iver to the purchaser TruSteQ's deed conveying
<br /> the Property. The recitals in the TrustQe's deed sha�be prima fac�e evrden�e af�he�ruth of the statemQnts
<br /> mad� there�n, Trustee sha�l app�y the pr�ceeds of the sale �n the fol��wing order: �a� to a�l �osts and
<br /> ex�enses of exercis�ng the pow�r af sale, and the sale, including the payment af the Trustee's f��s actua�ly
<br /> 0�4D4-2QI4 Comp�ianc�Systems,Inc.49SS�ESE4-20i3L2,3.1.803
<br /> Consumer Reat Estate-Security Instnament DL2�3b Page 4 af 5 www.cornpliancesystems.com
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