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��15�1453 <br /> Inspection. Lender ar zts agent may make reasonab�e en�ries upon and �nsp�c�ions of�he Propert�. Lender sha�I <br /> gzve Borrower notice a�the t�me of ar prior to an ins�ec�ion spec�fying r�asanabie cause for the�nspec�ion. <br /> Candemnat�on.The proc�eds of any award or c�aim for damages, direct ar consequen�ialy �n car�ec�zon wi�h any <br /> cond�mrYat�on or�ther�aking of any part�f the Praper�y, or for canveyanc� zn�ieu af condemnat�on, are her�by <br /> asszgned and sha�i be paid to Lender. <br /> �n the ev�n� �f a�a�a1 �aking of�he Pr�perty, �he praceeds sha11 be applied to the sums secured b��his Security <br /> Instrument, whe�her or noti then due, wi�h any excess paid to Borra�ver. In �he event af a partzal �ak�ng of the <br /> Proper�y �n whzch�he fa�r market va�ue of the Froper�y immed�a�ely before the taking is equal �a �r grea�er�han <br /> �he amoun� af�he sums secured by th�s Securi�y �ns�rument immediate�y befare �he taking, ur��ess Borrower and <br /> Lender atherwzse agree xn wrxtxng,�he sums s�cured by th�s Security Ins�rument shall be reduced b�t�.e amoun�of <br /> �he praceeds multiplied hy the following fra�tion: �a} �he�a�al amaunt�f the sums secured�mmediate��before th� <br /> tak�ng, dxv�ded by �b} the fazr marke� va�ue of the Property xmmediately before �he �aking. :A�y�alance shall �e <br /> paid �o Borrov�er. In �he even� �f a par�ial �aking of the Proper�y in wh�ch�he fair market value of��e Property <br /> imm�diate�y before �he �aking �s less �han �he amoun� af the sums secured zmmediat�Iy�efore �he ta�ing, unless <br /> Borrower and L�nder o�herwise agree �n vvr���ng�r un�ess App�zGab�e Law otherw�se provzdes, ��.e pr�ceeds sha�l <br /> be appliec�t�the sums secured b�thzs Securx�r�nstrumeza�whether or no��he sums ar�then du�. <br /> �f�h�Propez�y xs abandoned�y Borrower, or�f, after n���ce by Lender�� Borrawer�ha�the condemnar offers tio <br /> make an avvard or settle a claim for damages, Borrawer fails�o respar�d to Lender wi�hin�he m�n�m�m number of <br /> days established by App�icable Law after the date the notice�s given,Lender is authori�ed�o co�le�t and app�y the <br /> proceeds, at �ts ap��or�, either to restara�zon or repa�r of the Pr�per�y �r �a the sums secured by this S�curi�y <br /> �ns�rumen�,whether ar not then due. <br /> �C..Tnless Lender a�d Borro�ver o�herwise agree in wri�ing, any app��ca��on�f proceeds�a princ�pa� shal� no��x�end <br /> or�ostpo�e the due dat�of�he payments due under the CantraGt or change the amoun�of such���mae��s. <br /> �orrawer Not Releas�d; Fnr�earan�e By Lender Not a Wa�ver. Extension of the time for pa�ment or <br /> mod�f ca�i�n of am�r�i�at�on of��.e sums secured by�h�s Security Ins�rument gran�ed by �erzder ti� �orrower ar <br /> any successar xn in�erest �f B�rrower shal� noti aperate �o release the liab�lity of �he nr���zx�.� $��rawer ar <br /> Borrativer's successors in in�erest. Lender shall r�a�b�requ�red�o �ammence proceedings agair�st any successar in <br /> znterest or refuse to extend�ime for payment ar otherwise m�dify am�rtiza�i�n of�he sums seGured by this Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument by reason of an� demand made by the nrigina� Barrower or B��raw�r's suc�ess�rs in i�.�e�r�s�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exerczsxng any right ar r�med� shall n��be a waiver af or preclude th� e�ercise af any <br /> r�ght or remedy. <br /> Successor� and Ass�gns Bound; Jo�nt and Sev�ra� L�abil�ty; Accammodatinn Signers. Th� covenan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of�his S�curzty Instrument sha�l bznd and benef t the suc�essars a�.d assigns of Lender and Barr�wer, <br /> suh�e�� ta �he provisians of sec�ion titled Transfer of the Pr�perty ar � B�neficial Inter�st xn Borrower. <br /> Borra�ver`s ca�v�nan�s and agreemen�s sha�x be�ain�and several. Any person w�io co-signs�hzs Security Ins�rument <br /> but has no persana� �iabi�i�y under �he Contract �"Accammadat�on Signer"}: �a� is co-�sign�ng t�is Security <br /> In��rumen� anly ta mor�gage, gran� and conve� �hat Accommodation Sagner's in�eres� in the Prope�ty under the <br /> terms af the Secur��y �nstrumen�; �b} is nati persanal�y obliga�ed ta pay the sums secured �� th�s Secur��y <br /> Ins�rumen�; and�c} agrees tha�Lender and a�y other Borrawer may agr�e to ex�end,modify, farbea�r or make any <br /> ac�ommoda�ions w�th regard�o the terms af this Securi�y Ins�rum�n�or�he�on�rac�wzthou��hat Ac�ommodatiion <br /> Sxg�er's cansen�. <br /> Laan Charges. If the ��an secur�d by �his 5�cur��y Ins�rument �s subject �a a la,w �vh�ch �e�s maximum loan <br /> �harges, and�ha�law is f�nally�n�erpreted so�hat fih� xnteres�ar o�her laan charges col�ected or��be callec�ed in <br /> connecti�n with �he laan exceed t�e perm�tted limitis, �hen: �a} any �uch laan charge shall be reduced hy the <br /> amoun�nec�ssar�to reduc� the charge to the p�rmztted limits and�b} any sums already c���ected fr�m Borrawer <br /> wh�ch exceeded �ermi��ed ��mits wil� be refunded �o Borrawer. L�nder rnay choase ta make �his refund by <br /> reducing the principal aw�d under the �on�rac� ar�y making a direc�pay7m.�n�tio Borrovver. If a re�r�d reduces <br /> pr�ncipa�,the reduction w��l be�reated as a partia��repa�rm.��.�un�e�the�or�tra�t. <br /> Not�ces. Any notice to Borrow�r provid�d for �n this Security �nstrume�t sha�Z be giv�n by deliverzng i� or by <br /> mailing�t by f rst class mail un�ess Applzcahle Lavv reqt�ires use af a�o�her me�h�d. T`he n��ice sha��be direc�ed to <br /> �he Proper�y Address or any o�her address Borrawer deszgna�es by riotzce to Lender. B�rrower a�rees �a prov�de <br /> Lender with BarraWer's most curren�mailing address, as �t may change from��me-to-�zme. Any no�ice ta L�nd�r <br /> sha��be given�y f rst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any atih�r address L�nder des�gnat�s by not�ce <br /> �a B�rrovver. An�r notxce prav�ded far in this Securzty Instrum.�nt sha�l be de.emed�o have beer�g�ven��B�rrower <br /> nr Lender when gzven as pro�xded in�his paragraph. <br /> Governxng Law; SeverabiX�ty.This Securi�y�ns�rumen�sha�l be governed by federal law and�he�aws�f the sta.te <br /> of Nebraska. In the event �hat any pro�xsion or c�ause of this Security �ns�rumen� or the Can�ra�� c�n�licts wztih <br /> Applicah�e Law, such confl�c� shal� not affec� a�her�rovisions �f this Security Instrumen� ar�he Corztracti wh�ch <br /> can be gzven�ffec�wi�hou�the conflic�zng prov�sion. To this end the provis�ons af th�s Secur�ty�nstrument and the <br /> Con�ract are deG�ared to be severable. <br /> �arrower's Copy.Borrower sha��be giv�n�r�e copy af thzs Security Ins�rumen�. <br /> TranSfer of the Property or a Benef��a�Interest xn Borrower. �f al�or any par�of�he Proper�y or any interest <br /> in it �s sald �r transferred �or xf a bene�c�al in�eres� in Borrower zs so�d or transferred and Borrower is not a <br /> na�ural pers�n� withau� Lender's prior wr�tten c�nsent, Lender ma�, ati its ap�ian, require immedia�e paymen� �n <br /> C�2��4-Z034 Campliance Systems,Inc.495$-�$E4-�Q13L2.3.1.8�3 <br /> Consumer Real Estatc-Security instt-tzment DL2�36 Page 3 vf S www.compliar��esys�err� <br />