<br /> D�E� �� T`��15T
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<br /> �Cot��t n u��} Page �
<br /> paragraph c��this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Attnrney�` Fees; Expenses. If Lender insti�uf�s any suit or action ta en�Force any �f the �e�-�ms ❑f f��is Deed of
<br /> Trust, L�nder sha�f b�entitled to reco�er such sum as the c���t may adjudge reasanable as attorneys'fees�t frial
<br /> and upon any appeal. 11�hether or nat any cour� ac�ion is in�o��ed, and to the extent nvt prohibited by law, a!i
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender in�urs that in Lender's opinion are necessary at any tirne far �he protectivn of �ts
<br /> interest or�he enfa�-cernent�f its ri�hfs shall�ecome a par�of�he indebtedn�s�payab�e an d�mand anr�shal�bear
<br /> interest a�fihe Note rate�rorn fif�e date of the expenditure unti�repaid. Expenses cn�ered hy this paragraph�nclude,
<br /> w�thau�lirni�ati��, howe�er subject�v ara�limits under applicabl� law, Lender's a�t�rneys'fees and Lender's legal
<br /> expenses, whether�r nof#here is a fawsui�, inciuding attorneys' €ee� and expenses �or bankruptcy proceedings
<br /> � �inc��ding e�fvr�s to mQdify or va�ate a�y aufioma�ic stay or injur�ction}, appeals,and any an�ti��pafed�ost judgment
<br /> co��ectfon ser�i�es, the cos#of searching r�:��rds, abtaining �i#le repor�s �includin�foreclosur�r��ports}, survey�rs'
<br /> repv�ts, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and fees �or the Trustee, to thP ex�ent permift�d by applic�b�e �aw.
<br /> Trus�or also will pay any cour��osfis, in addi�ion�a al�other sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> R'rghts o�'Trustee. Trustee shall ha�e all of the righ�s and duties o�Lender•as sefi�Forth in this�ection.
<br /> P�WEI�S,AND qBLIGATfqNS�F TRUSTEE. The�ol�owing provisions relating�o the powers and obligatians of Trustee
<br /> are part of this De�d of Trust:
<br /> Powers of Trustee. In addit�t�n to all pou�ers af Tr�a�tee aris�ng as� matter a�faw,Trustee shall ha�e the power�v
<br /> take the fv��a�rving actions vuith respec�tv the Prap�rty upvn the written �eque�t of Lend�r�and Trus�or: 4a}�oin in
<br /> preparing and filing a r�ap �r pEa� of the Real Pr�perty, incfuding fihe dedicafion o�F sfreets or vfher r�gh�s tfl the
<br /> pub�ic; ��} joir� i�� grar��ing any �asement ar �r�ating an� restric�ic�n on the Real Pro�er��; and �c} jain in any
<br /> subordination❑r other agreement a�fecting fhis Deed of Trust or the inferest of Lender under this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Trusfe�: Trus�ee shall meet ail qua�ifcati�ns required for Trustee unde�- applicable �ar►v. ln addi�i�n to the rights
<br /> and rernedies set forth abo�e, v��th respect t� a�l o�-any part o�the Property, the Trustee �ha�� have the right ta
<br /> foreclase by notice ar�d sale, and Lender will 'ha�e fhe right to �oreclose by judicial f�reclvsure, in �i�her- case in
<br /> accardance wi�h and ta the full ex�ent prQWided by a�pplicable fa�rv.
<br /> Su�cessar Trustee. Lender, a�Lende�'s�ptian, may�ror�-�time to�ime appaint a successo�Trustee ta any Trustee
<br /> appointed under�his Deed of Trust by an instrument execut�d and a�knawledg�d h� Lender and recorded ir� fihe
<br /> ofFice o� the rec��-�er o�' Hal� Coun�y, State af Nehraska. The instrument sha[E �ontain, in addition to all o�her
<br /> mat�er� required by sta�e law, �h�e narrres of �he orig�nal Lender, Trustee, and Trusfivr, the bo�k and page �or
<br /> campu�er sys�em referen�e} where this Deed of Trust i� recvrded, and the name and address of the successar
<br /> tr�astee,and the ins�rument shall �e��ecuted an�d ac�n�wledged by afl the beneficiaries ur�der�his Deed af TrWs�flr
<br /> their success�rs in interest. The suc�essnr�ru�tee, wi�hout con�e�ance of#h� Propsrty, �hall succeed to a![ fhe
<br /> �itle, power, and duties canferred upvn the Trustee in fhis�Deed af Trust and by applicable Eaw. This proced��re��r
<br /> i
<br /> subs�ituti�n of Trustee shafl go�ern fo the exclusion Qf all other pro�isions for substitu�ion.
<br /> NDTI�ES. Any notic� required fia be g�ven under this De�d of Trusfi, incl�ading withvut�imi#atian any n�tice of d��ault
<br /> and any natice of sale snall �� gi�en in writing, and shafl he e�fecti�e when actually deli�ered, vvhen actua�fy re�ei�ed
<br /> by teletacsimiie�unless❑therwise required by lavu},when deposit�d riv�th a natiana��y recvgnized o�ernight caurier, or, if
<br /> mailed, v`rhen depasited in the United 5fiates mail, as first class, certified or registered rnaii postage prepaid, d�rected�o
<br /> th�addresses shvwn near�he beginning of this ❑eed of Trus�. �411 copies at n�tices of forecivsure frvm �he hvlder of
<br /> any lien which has priorit�a�er this Deed a�Trust shal� be sent�o Lender's address, as shown near fhe beginning of
<br /> this Deed o�F Trust. Any person rr�ay change h�s ❑r her address �or notices under fhis �eed of Trust by gi�ing forma!
<br /> written not�ce fio #he other person or persons, �pe�i�ying #haf the purpose of �he notice is �o chan�e the persan's
<br /> address. For notice purpases, Trustvr agrees to keep Lender infarmed a�ali tim�s af Trust�r°�curren#address. Unless
<br /> ❑therwise pr��ided or requir�d b�r law, i�ther� is m�re thar� one Trus�ar; any noti�e gi�en by Lender to any Trustar is
<br /> deemed to be r�otice gi�en to all Trus#vrs. ft will be Trust�r's resp�nsib�lity�v tell th��th�rs of the nofice�rom Len�er.
<br /> �ESCELLANE��lS PR4VISIDNS. The follvwing miscellaneous pro�isions are a�art a�this De�d vf Trust:
<br /> Amendments. What i�written in this Deed nf Trust and in the �efa�ed Documents is Trustor's entire agreement
<br /> orvith Lender concern�ng the matters co�ered by this Deed of Trust. To be effecti�e, any change ar amer�dm�nt#o
<br /> thi� Deed of Trust rnu�t b��n�ri#ing and mus�be signe� by whoe�er w��l be ba�und ar obligated by the change or
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Cap�ion �eadings. Caption headings in this Deed of Trust are for �on�enience purpases anly ar�d ar� nof tv be
<br /> �sed ta interpret or def n�the pra�isians fl�'this Deed of Tr�ust.
<br /> ���ger. l�here shall be no merger af the interest or estate cr�ated �y th�is Deed of Trust wifh any ofih�r in#eres�or
<br /> esta�� in the Property at any time held by❑r for tne henefit of Lender in any capa�ity, wi�hout the written consent
<br /> af Lender.
<br /> Ga�ernin� Law, This Deed o�Tru�t will be govern�d by f�ederal �aw applicabl� to Lendei�and, to th� extent not
<br /> preemp�ed by federal law,#h� Iaws of the State vf Nebra�ka wi�hout regard t�its c�nfli��s of law pro►►isi�n�. Thi$
<br /> Deed vf Trust has been acc�pted by L+�ndQr in fhe Sta�e uf Ne��aska.
<br /> Joint and 5��era� Liabili�y. All ob�igations af Trustor under fhis Deed of Trust sha�l be jvint and se�eral; and all
<br /> �eferenc�s tc� Trustar sha�� mean each and e�ery Trus�or. This means #hat each Trus�ar signin� be�flu� is
<br /> resp�nsible f�r ail ohligatians in�his Dee�a�Trust.
<br /> Nv 1Naiver�y Lender. T�-usfiar understands Lender wif 1 rtat gi�e up any o�Lender`s rights under this ❑eed of Trust
<br /> unless Ler�der does s❑ in writing. The fa�t that Lender delays or❑mits to exercfse any right vvifl nof m�an fh�t.
<br /> Lender has SEv�en up that right. If Lsnder daes agree in �rit:r�� ta gi�e up an� of Lender's righ�s, that dves not
<br /> mean Trus�or will no� ha�e fa comply with the other prv�isions o�this Deed af Trust. Trus#or a�so und��-stands
<br /> that if Lender does cvnsent ta a r�quest, that daes n�t rnean that Trusfior wil� not ha�e to get Lend�r's �onsent
<br /> again i�the s��uatian happ�ns�gain. Trustor fur�her understands�hat�ust because �.�nder consents ta one or more
<br /> of Trustor's requ�sts, that daes no� mean Lender wi�! be required to�onser�fi�a any o�Trus�or's�u�ure r��quests.
<br /> Trus�ar wai�es presentment,demand for payment, prafest,�nd nofice of dishonor.
<br /> SevQrability, [f a courf finds �hat any pravision of this De�d of Tru�t is no��alid vr shQuld not be enforced, tha�
<br /> �act by it�elf wi�l r�o�mean�hat the rest nf this aeed of Trust will nat be valid or en�For�ed. Theretvre, a court will
<br /> en�Force the rest of the pr�o�isians af�his❑eed of Trust eWen if a pr-o�isian af�his ❑eed of Trust may b�fvund fo be
<br /> in�alid❑r unen�arceable.
<br /> Successars and Assigns. 5uk�ject�� any limi�a�ivns s#at�d in this Deed of Trust on trans€er of Trus�or's interest,
<br /> ��is �eed af Trust�ha�i �e b�nding upon and inure �a�he benefit of the pa�ties, their successors and assigns. !�
<br /> o`►�vnership vf the Property becames�es�ed in a person o#I��r than Trustor, Lender, wFth�u� na�ice t�Trus#or, may
<br /> dea�wi�h Tr��tvr's successars wit�i reference ta this[7eed o�Trust and the fndeb��dness��vvay of�arbearanc�vr
<br /> extensian�►�vithou�releasFng Trustor frvm th,e obligations a�th�s ❑eed o�Trust ar liabili�y under the�ndebtedness.
<br /> Time��o��he Essence. Time is af the essence in the p�rfarm�n�e o�F this Qeed of T�us�.
<br /> V�'ai►►e Jury. A�I parfiie�t�this l]eed�f Trust hereby wai�e#he r�ghf tv any jury#rial in any a�tivn, prcace�ding, or
<br /> �ounterclaim brought by any party against any ofher party,
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