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��15�1417 <br /> t��ED ��' `T�UST <br /> + <br /> �C���I r7���d} Page 5 <br /> ��ncerni��g any ind�btedness or o�her ahligation af Trusfior to Lende�,whe��er existing noin�❑r later. <br /> Events Affecting Guaran�or. Any of the pre�eding e�aen�s occurs w��h resp�ec��o any guaranfor, endorser, sur��y, <br /> or aceommvda�ian party o�any o�the Indehtedness ar �ny guar�ntor, endor�er, sur�ty, �r ac�ommvda�ion par�y <br /> dies or be�omes incvmpe�en�, vr reuok�s or disputes fhe �afidity o�, or [iabili�y under, any Guaranty af the <br /> Endebtedness. � <br /> Insecurity. Lender in gaod�Faith be[ie�ves itself insecure. <br /> Exist�ng Indeb#edness. The pa�ment o�F any installment o�principa� or any inte�est on the Exisfing indebtedness is <br /> not made within fhe time required by the prvmissory nnte��idencing su�h�nd�btedness,or a de#ault❑ccurs under <br /> the �nstrument securing su�h ir�debtedness and is nvt cured during any applicabfe grace period in such instrument,. <br /> �r any suit or o�her a�tian is comm�n�ed to#oreclose any exis�ing lien on the Prvperty. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDlE� �N �EFAULT. If an E�ent of aefault o�curs under�his Deed o�Trust, at any�ime thereafter, <br /> Trus��e or Lender may exercise any one or mor�e vf�he fvllawing ri�hts and rernedies: <br /> A��elerat�on �pvn Default; Additiona� Remedies. �f any E�e�t of U�fa�lt o�curs as per#he t�rms vf�he Nate <br /> s�cured hereby, Lender may declare alf lndebtednEss secured by�his Deed af Trus�ta be due and�ayab�e and <br /> fihe same shal�thereup�n be�orrte due and payable withvu�any presenfinent, demand,prvtest or notice at any <br /> kind. Ther�a�ter, L�nder may: <br /> �a} Eithe� �n person or by agent, wi�h ar w�thaut bringing any actian or praceedir�g, vr by a receiver <br /> appoin#ed by a�aurt and vvithout regard to the adequacy of its�ecurity, en�er upon and take posse�sian <br /> of fhe Prop�r#y,or any par�thereof, in its�wn name ar in the name v�Trusfee,and do any aGt�which if <br /> deems ne�essary ar desirable to preserv�the �alue; marke�abi��ty ar renfab�li�y o�F the Proper�y,ar parf nf <br /> the Property vr interes�in the Proper�y; increase the incvme fr�m the Prvperty or pr�t�;ct�he security of <br /> the Property; and, with ar withou� taking passessi�n o�the P�-oper��, sue fvr ❑r vtherwise �of lect the <br /> rents, issues and profits o�F#he Praper�y, including those past due and unpaid, and apply fhe same, les� <br /> costs and expenses of�peration ar�d cofl�c#ivn a�torroeys'fees,to any inctebfedness secured by�hi�Deed <br /> of Trus#, all in such order as Lender may det�rmine. The entering upon and takfng pos�se�sion �f�he <br /> f'roperty, the cvifection vf such ren#s, issues and prafi�s, and �he applica�ian thereo�F shall nat cure vr <br /> wai�e any defau�t or notice�f defau��under th�s �eed of Trus#or invalidate ar�y act done in resp�nse to <br /> such default�r pursuant to such nvtice❑f default;an�, notwiths�anding the confinuance in p�ss�ssion af <br /> fhe P�-vper�y or the �ol�ection, receipt and applicati�n vf r�nts, issues or profits, Tru�tee or Lender shall <br /> be entitl�d ta exercise e�ery right pro�ided �or in �he Note or the Reiated ❑ncumen�s or by la��upvn�h�: <br /> occurrenc�of an►�e�ent af default, inciuding the right�o exer��se the power af sale; <br /> �b} Commenc�an action�o foreclase this Deed o�Trust as a martgage, appoint a rec�i�er or specifiicafly <br /> en�arce any of fihe co�enan�s hereaf;and <br /> [c� �efi�er to Trus�ee a wri��en d�eelaration v�'default and demand for sale and a vuritten notice a�default <br /> and election to caus�Trust�r's inferest in#he Prap�rty tc�he svld,which nofice Tru�tee shall caus�fio be <br /> duly filed far r�c�a€-d in the appropriate o�fices vf the�ounty in which fihe Property is Iv��#ed;and <br /> �d} `Illith respe�t to alf or any pa�k of#he Pers�naf Prvperty, Lender shall ha�e all�he rights and remedies <br /> �f a secured par#y under the Nebraska Unifvrm CommerGial Code. <br /> Fareclo�ua�e by Power o�5ale. If Lend�r elects to f��ec�ose by exercise a��he Pavver of Sale herein confained, <br /> Lender shall nofify Trustee and s�all depasit with �rusf�e thi� De�ed af T�rust and fih�e Nvte and such receipts <br /> and e�idence of sxpenditures made and�ecured by this Deed a�Trust as Trustee may requireo <br /> . <br /> �a} Upon rece�pt of sucM nvfice from Lender, �'rus�ee�hall caus��v be recorded, publ�shed and delivered <br /> to Trustvr such No�ice of❑efaul�and Notice o�Sale as fihen required �y law and by this De�d a�Trus�. <br /> Trust�e shall, without dema�d an Trustar, after such time as rnay then be requi�ed by la�rv and after <br /> recordat��n of such No�ice af❑efau�t and aft�r Notice of�ale ha�ing been giuen as required by�aw, sell <br /> fihe PrvpertY at fhe time and p[ace a�sa[e fixed by i� in su�h �lot�ce of Sale, either as a whof�, flr in <br /> separa�e fots ar par�els❑r items as Tru�t�e shall d��m expedient, and in su�h order as it ma�de#ermine, <br /> at public auction to the h6ghest�idd�r�vr�asf� in lawful mvney af th� Llr�it�d 5tates payable af�he time <br /> o� s�le. shaff deii�er ta such �urchaser or`purchaser� �here�f i#s gao� and su�fici�nt deed or <br /> deed� con�eying the proper�y so sald, but vvi�hou� any ca�enant ar�arranty, express o�- implied. The <br /> recifals in su�h deed of any matters ��-�acfs shaff be conc�usive proaf a�the truth�Fufness therevf. Any <br /> person,including withou�limita�ivn Trustor,Trustee,or Lender, may purchase at such sa�e. <br /> {b} As may be permitted by law, af�er deductin� all cos�s, fees and expenses o�Trust�e and a���is <br /> Trus#, including costs o�F evidenc�o�titfe in connec�ion wi�h sale,Trus��ee sha��app�y the proceeds of s�ie <br /> ta payment o� �i}all sums expen�ded under the terrns af this Deed af Trus#or und�r�he terms af�he Note <br /> nvt ��en r�paid, in�luding but not limited ta a�cru�d interes� and late charges; �i�} a!1 ❑ther sums then <br /> secured herel�y,and (iii}the remainder, i�any,��the persan�r persons�egally en�titled thereto. <br /> �c} Truste�may in#he manner pr�wided by lav�pvstpone sale of all or an�partion v��he Property. <br /> Remedies Not Exclusive. Truste� and Lender, and �ach of �hem, shall be enfitfed ta en�or�e payrr�ent and <br /> performance of any`r�debtedness or o�liga#ivn�secur�d by this De�d a�Trust and to exercise afl rights and,powers <br /> under this Deed o�Trust, under the Note, under any of the f�elated Documents, o�und�r a�y other agreement ar <br /> �ny laws now❑r here��ter in force; notwiths�anding, some �r afl af such indehtedness and �bligativns se�ured by <br /> �his Deed of Trust may now or hereafter b�othe�w��e se�ured, whefher by mortga�e, deed of trust, p�edge, lien, <br /> assignment or c�thenivise: Neit�er the acc�ptan�e of fhis Deed af Trust nor its enfar�emen�, whetl�er b� �vu� <br /> acf��n or pursuant to the pv�er o�F sale vr ather pawer� can�ained in �his Deed ❑f Trus#, sha�� prejudice or in �ny <br /> mannEr affect Trustee'� or Lender's right�a real�z� upon ar enfnrce any other secur��� novv ar here�fter held by <br /> Trustee or Ler�der, i��e�ng agreed that Trustee and Lend�r,and each of th�rr�, shall be entifi�ed�o enforce�his Deed <br /> a�Trust and any ather securi�y now ar hereafter held hy Lend�r or Trustee in such order and manner as they or <br /> e��he� af them may �n their absa�ute discret�vn determin,e. �o reme�y con�,e�r�d upan or reserved #o Truste� or <br /> Lender, is intended #o be excfusive of any o�her remedy�n �his D��d o�Trust❑�by law provided❑r permitfied, bufi <br /> each shafl be cumulati�e and shall b� in addifior� �o e�er� other remedy �i�en in fhis L�eed v� Trust ❑r novv ar <br /> hereafite�existEng a�law❑r in equi�y or by statute. E�er�power❑r r-emedy giuen b�the N�v�e or any af the Related <br /> Do�ument� fo Truste� ar Lender ❑r �o �hich either of them may be otherwise enti�led, may be exercised, <br /> �oncurrent�y ar independently,from t�me to#ime and as v�ken as may be d��med expedient by Trustee vr Lender, <br /> and eifher af them may pursue inconsistent remedies. Nothing in t�is L7e�d of Trust shaf( be canstrued as <br /> prohibiting Lender from seeking a defi�iency judgmer�t against the Trusfiar�a the ex�ent such ae�ion is perm�tted by � <br /> law. <br /> Efectinn of Re�t�ne�iies. ►�11 of Lender's rights ancl rerried�es wif l be cumufativ� and may be exercised alane or <br /> tagefher. ff Lender decides to spend money❑r to perForrr� any Qf T�ustor's obligati�ns under this Deed o�Trust, <br /> afker Trus�or's faifure#a� d�so, fihat de�ision by L�nder wilf nv�affe�t L�nder's right to declare T�-usto�-in defaul� <br /> an�to exercise Lender`s rem�d��s. <br /> Reques�fvr Notic�. Trustor, on behalf a�Trustvr ar�d Len�er, her�by request��ha�a copy vf any Noti�e v�Defauit <br /> and a copy of any Nafice of Sale under this Deed o�Tru��be mailed to them at fhe addr�sses se�for�h in the first <br />.�,,.,�.n..�,.,.���,�.�����__________________.._.--•------------------�-----------------------------------........ <br />