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��15�1357 <br /> �n�he Praper�y and rights under�h�s Securit� �nstrument; and�d} takes such act�on as Lender may <br /> reasanab�y require�o assure tha�Lender's �n�er�st�n th�Proper�y and r�ghts under this S�curi��r �n�trument, <br /> and Borravv�r's�bliga�ion�o pa�the suxns secured by th�s Se�uri�y �nstrument, sha�l can��nue unchan�ed. <br /> L�nder may require that Borrower pa�such reins�atem.ent sums and expenses in one or more�f the fo��flvving <br /> forms, �� s�lc�tcd by I,cndcr: ��} �ash; �b} mon�y ordcr; �c}ccr�i�cd chcck, ban��hcc�, trcasur�r's chcck or <br /> cashier's cheGk, pra��ded an�such check is drawn upon an institut�an whose deposits are �nsured by a <br /> federal agen��, ins�rumen�al�ty or en��ty; or�d} Electronic Funds Transf�r. L)pon reins�a�emen�by Borrower, <br /> �h�s Securxty �ns�rument and obl�gat��ns se�ured hereby sha�i remain fiul�y effective as if no acceierat�on had <br /> �ccurred. Hfl�re��r, �hxs right ta reinstate shall not apply �n the case of a�ce�era�ion under Section �g. <br /> �0. Sa�e of Note; Change �f Laan Ser��cer; No#ic� of �rie�ance. The Note or a part�a� int�rest in the <br /> Note��age�her wi�h th�s S�curity�nstrumen�} can be sold one or more times without prior notice to <br /> Borrow�r. A sa�e m�ght resu�t�n a�hange�n the entity �knnwn as�he "Loar�Servicer"}�hat callects Period�c <br /> Payments du�under�he Note and�his Security �nstrumen� and p�rfor�ms oth�r mar�gage�oan s�rvxcing <br /> obligations under the Note, �his Secur�t� �nstrumen�, and Applicabl�Law. There a�so�might be one or more <br /> changes of the Loan Serv�cer unre�ated ta a sa�e of the N�te. If there�s a change of the Laan Servicer, <br /> Borrawer w�il be gi�en wri��en no�ice of the change v�rh�ch w��l state the name and address�f��.�nev�r Laan <br /> Ser�icer, the address�o v�hich pa�ments should be made and an�other informa��an R�SPA requires �n <br /> connec�ion w�th a nn�iee�f�ransfer of ser�ic�ng. If the No���s soid and�hereaf�er the Loan�s serviced��a <br /> Loan Serv�cer other�han the pur�haser of�he Note, the mor�gage�oan ser�icing ob�igations to Borrovwer vv�ll <br /> rema�n�v�th�he I..�an Servicer ar be�ransf�rred�fl a succ�ssar L�oan Ser�ricer and are n��assumed by�he <br /> No�e purchas�r unless�therwise pra�ided by the Note pur�haser. <br /> Nei�her Barrawer nor Lender may commence,join, or be�oined�o any judiciai action�as e�ther an <br /> indi��dual l�tigant or fhe member flf a class� tha�arises from the other par��'s ac�ions pursuant to this <br /> Securit� �ns�rumen�or that al�eges�hat the ather par�y has breached any pr�vision of, �r any du�� awed b� <br /> reason of, this Secur�t}� �ns�rumen�, until such B�rrower ar Lender ha.s noti�ed�he other�ar�y ��vith suc� <br /> no�ice gx�ven in compliance with�he requzrements of Sec�ion 15�of such a���ged breach and aff�rded t�e <br /> o�her par�y�ere�a a reasonab�e period after the g���n� of such notice t�tak�correcti�e action. �f Applicab�e <br /> Law pro�ides a time periad which mus�elapse before certain action can be�aken, that t�me period wi�l be <br /> deemed t��e reasonab�e for purposes�f this paragraph. The no�ic�of ac�elera��an and opportuni�y to Cure <br /> gi�en t� Borro�r�r pursuant t� Sec�ion 22 and the notic�of acceleratinn given to Borrower pursuant�o <br /> Sect�on �8 sha��be deemed to sa��sf�r the no��ce and oppor�un��y�o take corrective ac�ion prn�is�ons o#`this <br /> Section 2�. <br /> ��. �azard�us Suhstances. As used in�his Sec�ion�1: �a} "Ha�ardous Sr�bs�ances"are�hose substanc�s <br /> defined as�ox�c or hazardous subs�anc�s, pollutant�, or was�es�y En�ironmental Law and�h�following <br /> substances: gasa�ine, kerasene, o�her f�amma��e�r to�.�c pe�rnl�um produc�s, taxic p�s�ic�des and herbicid�s, <br /> �olatile s�I�ents, mat�ria�s con�ain�ng asbestos or farmald�hyd�, and rad�aactiv��m.a�erxa�s; �b� <br /> "Enviro��r�zer�ta�La�v"means federa� �aws and laws of�he jur�sdict�an wher�the Prop�r�y �s Iocated tha� <br /> re�a�e to heal�h, safety or environrnenta� pratec�ion; �c} "Er�viro�zme�tat �reartr�p"inc�udes any respanse <br /> ac�ion, remedia� action, or r�mo�al ac�ion, as de�n�d in�n�ironmenta� Lav�r; and�d} an "Ertvirar�trte�xta� <br /> Cor�diti�r�"means a condition that can cause, �on�r�bu�e to, or atherv�is�trigger an�n�ironmen�al�Ieanup. <br /> B�rrovver�ha��nat cause or permi��he presence, use, dispasal, storage, ar release of any Hazardous <br /> Su�]S�aIlC�:Sy Dr�hI'�at�I7�� r���a5e�1� H�Td.0I�5 SL1�35�c�C�S, vn or in�he Proper��. Borrow�r shal�n��da, <br /> nor a11ow an�one else to do, anyth�ng affecting�he Praper���a} tha�is �n v�olati�n of an� �n�ironmenta� <br /> Law, ��}whi�h crea�es an Envir�nmen�a� ��ndi�ion, or�c} wh�ch, due�a the presence, use, or re�ease of a <br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, �reates a canditian that ad�vers���affects the�a�ue�f�he Praperty. The pre�eding tw� <br /> {V�BRASKA-5ingle�amiIy-Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3�28 i 1�1 <br /> VMP[] VMPfi{NEj�i 3D2f <br /> Wafters Kluwer Fir�anciat 5er�i�es Page'�3 of 17 <br />