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��15�1357 <br /> designated a subs�itute nat�ce addre�s by no�ice to L�nder. Barr�wer shai�prnmptly notify Lender of <br /> BorrQv�er's change of address. �f L�nd�r spec�f��s a pracedure for r�porting Bnrrnwer's chan�e of address, <br /> then Borrawer shal� anly rep�rt a�han�e af addr�ss �hraugh tha�spe�zfied prncedure. <br /> There may be only one des�gnated notzce address under this Se�urity Ins�rument at any one�ime. Any notice <br /> t� L�nder shall b�giv�n b�d����er�ng x�or�y mai��ng xt by�rst c�ass mai� ta Lender's address stated herein <br /> un�ess Lender ha� designat�d anoth�r address�y notice ta Barrower. Any n���ce�n�onneCtion with this <br /> S��ur��y �nstrumen�shall not be deemed ta hav�be�n giti•en to L�nder unti� actua��y recexved by L�nder, �f <br /> an�r no��ce requzred by thzs �e�ur�ty �ns�rum�nt is a�so required under Appli�abl� Law, the App��cab�e Lav� <br /> requirernent will satisf�the carrespond�ng require�nen�under th�s Securzty �nstrumen�. <br /> 7�. Govern�ng Law: Serrera�i�ity; Ru�es �f Construction. Th�s Secur�t� �ns�rumen�shall be ga�erned�y <br /> federa� law and the�aw�f�he jurisdiction in which the Propert�r is locat�d. A�I rights and�bl��ations <br /> con�a�n�d zn th�s�ecur��y �n��rument ar�subjec�to any requirements an�.limi�ations�f Appl�cab�e Law. <br /> Applicable Law m�ght exp�ici��y ar�mp��c�t�y a��ow the part��s�o agree�y con�ract�r�t might be sitent, but <br /> such silence shal� not be cons�rued as a prQhibition against agre�nlent by contract. �n the��en��ha�any <br /> pr�vision or clause of this S�curi�y Instrument ar the Nate conflicts with Applicable Law, such conf���t sha�� <br /> not affec�other pr�v�sxons of�his Security Instrum�nt or the Note wh�ch can be given eff�ct withaut the <br /> confl�ct�ng prav�sion. <br /> As used in�his Securi�y Instrument: ta�wards of the mascu�in�gender sha�l mean and�nc�ude corresponding <br /> neuter words ar w�rds af the fem�nine gender; �b} wards in the s�ngu�ar�hall rnean and inc�ude the p�ura� <br /> and v�ce versa; and�c� the word "may" gives sole discretion�ithou�any obligation�a�ake any act�on. <br /> '17. Bvrrower's Capy. Borrower sha����gi�en on�cop�af the Nate and af th�s Se�ur�ty �nstrum�nt. <br /> 'I$. Transfer of the Praperty vr a Benef�c�a� tnterest in Borrvwer. As used in th�s Sectinn 18, "Ynterest in <br /> �h�Pr�per�y" m.eans any l�gal or b�neficial inter�st in the Property, including, �ut no� ��m�ted�o, thflse <br /> benef�c�a� interes�s transferr�d �n a bond f�r�ee�., c�ntrac�far d��d, installment sal�s contract or�scrow <br /> agreement, the in�ent of w�ich zs the�ransfer of t���e by Borrow�r a�a futur�date�� a purcha�er. <br /> If ail ar any part af the Proper�y or any �n.�erest in�he Proper�y is so�d or transferred �or�f Borravwer is nat a <br /> natural person and a b�n�ficial interes�in Borr��ver is so�d or transferre�}wi��ou�Lender's pr�or vvrit�en <br /> consent, Lender may r�quire immedia�e paymen� in full of all sums s�cured by this Secur���r�ns�rument. <br /> HoweWer, th�s op��on sha�� n��be exerCised b� Lender if su�h��ercise is prahibited by Applicab�e Law. <br /> If Lender�x�rcises this option, Lender shal� g�ve�3orrower n��ice of acceiera��on. The n��ice shali pravide a <br /> period�f n��less than 3�da�s franl the da��the no���e�s given �n accordance w�th Section 15 w�thin wh�ch <br /> Borraw�r mus�pay a�� sums secur�d by thz�Securit� Instrumen�. If Borraw�r fails�a pa�r�hese sums pr�or t� <br /> the exp�rat�on of th�s per�od, Lender may �n�ake any rem�dies p�rmitted�y�his Security Instrument without <br /> further n�tice or demand on Borrower. <br /> 't 9. S�rrower's Right tn Reinstate After Acce�erat�vn. �f B�rrower meets certa�n conditions, Barrower <br /> �hal�ha���he righ�ta ha�e�nf�rcement of�his Security Instrument discon�inued a�any��me pr�or ta�he <br /> ear���st of: ta} f�ve�.ay�before�a�e of th�Property pursuant ta any p�wer af sale cantain�d in�his Se�urity <br /> �nstrument; �b) such o�her per�ad as App��cab�e Law rnight sp�cify fnr the termina�ian of Borrower's right to <br /> rein�ta�e; or�c}en�ry af a�judgment enf�rc�ng�h�s Security�nstrument. Those cnnd�tz�ns are�ha�Borrowver: <br /> �a}pays Lender al� sums which then wou�d be due under this Securzt� �nstrumen� and�he Nate as �f nfl <br /> ac�elerati�n had nccurred; �b) cures any defaul�of any ather covenants ar agreemen�s; �c}pays a�I expenses <br /> �ncurred in enfor��ng�his SeCurity Instrumen�, inciud�ng, but not limited ta, reasonabie attorne�s' fees, <br /> proper�y �nspect�on and�aluat�on fees, and o�her fees inCurr�d f�r the purpose of prote�ting Lender's in�ere�� <br /> N�SRASKA-Sinc�fe�amiiy-�annie MaelFreddie Mac L1NiFqRM INSTRUMENT �arm 3�28�1�"i <br /> VMP Q �lt�EPst�J�}_����} <br /> Wviters Kluwer F�nancial 5er�ices Page�Z v�17 <br />