<br /> shall��paid vn the Funds.Lender shall give tv Barr�wer,w�thout charge,an annual accounting�f the Funds as required
<br /> �y RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Fun�ls held in escrow,as defir�ed under RESPA,Lender sha�1 account to Borrower far the
<br /> excess funds in accordance with RESPA.Ift�iere is a shartage of Funds he�d in escrov�,as defined under RESPA,Lender
<br /> shall natify Barr�wer as required by RESPA,and Borrower sha1�pay to Lender the am�unt necessary to make up the
<br /> shortage in a�cardance with RESPA,but in no m�re than 12 monthly payments.If there is a def ciency of Funds held in
<br /> escrov�,as d�fined un.der RESPA,Lender sha11 n�tify Borrawer as required hy RESPA,and Borrower shall pay to Lender
<br /> the amvunt n�c���ary to make up t.�.le defi�iency in accordance with RESPA,but in na more than 12 mon�hly payments.
<br /> Upon payment in fu�1 of a11 sums secured by this 5ecurity Inst�um�nt,Lender shal�prflmptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> Funds held�y Lender.
<br /> 4.�harges; L�ens.Borrvwer shall pay a�1 taxes,assessments, charges,fines,and impositions attributa.ble to�he
<br /> Proper�y whi�h can attain pri�r�ty o�er this Security Instrument,leasehald payments or gr�und rents on the Proper�y,if
<br /> any,and�ommunity Association Dues,Fees,and Assessmen�s,if any.To the extent that these items are Escrow Items,
<br /> Borrower shall pay them in�he manner pr��ided in Sect�on 3.
<br /> Borrovver sha11 promptly discharge any lien which has priarity o�er this Security Instrumen�unless Barrower:
<br /> �a�agrees in wri�v.�g tn the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a ma�ner acceptable t�Lend�r,but anly so
<br /> long as Borrower is perfarming such agreement;[b}contests the li�n in gaad faith by,or defends against enforcement of
<br /> the �ien in, lega�praceedings which in Lender's op�nion vpera.te to pre�ent the enforcement of the Iien whi�e those
<br /> proceedings are p�nding,but anly until such proceedings are cancluded;ar(c�secures from the holder of the lien an
<br /> agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinat�ng the lien t�this Secur�ity Ix�strument.If Lender determines that any part of
<br /> #�ie Pr�perty is subject to a lien which can aitain priority o�er this Security Instrument,Lender may g��e Borrower a
<br /> na�ice�dentifying the 1�en.Within 1�d.a.ys of the date on wh�ch�hat notice is gi�en,B�rrawer shall satisfy the lien or ta.ke
<br /> ane or more af the actions s�t fvr�h above in this Section 4.
<br /> Lender ma�require Barrower t�pay a one-time charge for a rea�estate tax verif cation andlor repor�ing ser�ice used
<br /> by L�nder�n cor�necti�n with th�s Laan.
<br /> 5.Property Insur�nce.Borrvwer sha11 keep the i.mpro��ments nvw existian.g or hereafter ere�ted an t�i�Property
<br /> �nsured against�ass by fire,ha.zards included within the�erm"extended co�erage,"and any vther hazards inc�uding,but
<br /> not l�mited to,earthquakes and floods,for which Lend�r requires insuran�e.Th�s insuran�e sh�ll be ma�ntained in the
<br /> amounts(inc�ud�ng deductible le�els�and for the periods that Lend�r requires.�Vhat Lender requires pursuant to�he
<br /> preceding sentences can change during the term of�he Loan. The insurance�arrier pro�iding the insuran�e sha1�be
<br /> ch�sen by Barrower subject to Lender's right to disapprv�e Borr�wer's choice, which r�ght shall nat be exere�sed
<br /> unreasonably.Lender may require Borrower to pay,in connection with this Loan,e�ther:�a}a one-tune charge for fload
<br /> zone determina�ion, certification and tracking ser�ices; or �b}a one-time charge far flovd zone de�ermination and
<br /> certif cation ser�ices and subsequent charges each tim�remapp�ngs or similar changes occur which reasonably might
<br /> af�ect such determination or certificatian.Borrnwer shall�ls�be responsible f�r the payment of any fees imposed by the
<br /> Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection with�he re�iev�of auy flood zone determina��on resulting from
<br /> an objection by Borrower.
<br /> If Bnrrower fails to maintain any �f the caverag�s descrihed aba�e, Lender may ubtain �nsurance coverage, at
<br /> Lender's option and Borrawer's expense.Lender is under n�abligat�on to purchase any particular type ar amount of
<br /> ca�erage.Therefore,such cv�erage sha�1 co�er Lender,but might ar migh�not protect Borrower,Borrower's equity in
<br /> the Praperty, or the contents af the Pr�perty, against�ny risk,hazard or liab�lity and might pra�ide great�r or�esser
<br /> coverage than was previously in effe�t.Borrawer acknnwledges that the cost of the insurance co�erage so obtained might
<br /> slg�uficantly exceed the cost of in�urance�hat Borrower could ha�e obta�.ned.Any amounts d.isbursed�y Lender under
<br /> this Sectian 5 sha�l become a.dditional deb�of Borrower secured by th�s Securifiy Instrument.These amounts shal�bear
<br /> interest at the Not�ra�e from the date�f disbursemen�and sha�l be payabl�,with such inter�st,upon notice from Lender
<br /> to Borrower requesting paymen�.
<br /> A�1 insurance pa�icies required by Lender and renewals of such po�icies shall be subject to Lender's right �o
<br /> disappro�e su�h pfliicies,shall include a standard mortgag�clause,and sha�l nam�Lender as mortgagee andlor as an
<br /> additional loss payee. Lender sha11 ha�e the right t� hold t�e policies and renev�al �ert�ficates. If Lender requires,
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fann�e MaelFneddie Mac UN�F�RM#NSTRUMENT with WIERS Fnrm 3��8 11Q'I
<br /> Page 5 af�3
<br /> ios,�nc. Borrower{s}!n itia�s��_��
<br />