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��15�1�9� <br /> funds or return them to Borrovver.If not applied ear�ier,such funds wil�be applied to�he outstanding principal balance <br /> under the N�te i.mmed�ately prior to foreclosure.No offset or clavm which Borrower might have now or in the future <br /> against Lender shall relieve Bflrr�wer from mak�ng paymen�s due und�r the N�te and�his Se�urity Instruamen� 4r <br /> performing t�e covenants and agreements secured by this Secur�ixy Instruu.ment. <br /> �.Application of Paym�nts or Proceeds.Except as otherwise d�scribed in this Se��ion�,a11 paymen�s accepted <br /> and applied�y Lender shall be applied in the following order of priority:(a}interest due under the Nate;�b}princ�pal due <br /> und�r the Note;�c�amounts due under Section 3.Such payments shall be applied ta each Periodic Paym�nt in the arder <br /> in whi�h it became due.Any remaining am�unt�sha�l be app�i�d fu-st to late charges,second�o any other amounts due <br /> under this Security Instrument,and then t�reduce�he principal balance of the Note. <br /> If L�nder recei�es a payment from Borrvwer for a delinquent Periodic Payment which includes a suf�icient amount <br /> to pay any�ate charge due,�he payment may be applied to t�e delinquent payment and�he la��charge.If more than on� <br /> Periodic Fayment is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment received fram Borrower to the repayment of the <br /> Periodic Payments if,and ta the extent that,ea�h payment can be paid in full.Ta the extent that any excess exists ai�er <br /> the payment is applied ta the fu�l paymen�of one or more Periodic Paym�nts,such excess may be app�ied t�any late <br /> charg�s due.V�luntary prepayments sha�l be applied f�rst t�any prepayment charges and then as described in�he Note. <br /> Any applicat�an�f payments,insuran�e proceeds,�r M�sce�laneous Proceeds to princ�pal due under trie Note shall <br /> not extend or pastpone th�due da��,ar�hange the amount,of the Per�odic Payments. <br /> 3.Funds for Escrow Items.Borrower shall pay to Lender on tlae day Periodic Payments are due under the Note, <br /> until th�Note is paid in fu�l,a sum��.i�"Fund.s"�to provide for payment of amounts due for:�a}taxes and ass�ssm�nts <br /> and o�her it�ms which can attain priari�y o�er this Security Inst�rument as a lien or encum�hrance on the Property; <br /> (U�leasehold payments or ground rents on the Praperty,if any;�c}premiums for ar�y and al1 insurance required by Lender <br /> under Sectian 5;and�d�Martgage Insuran�e premiums,if any,ar any sums payable hy Borrovver�o Lender in lieu of the <br /> payment of Martgage Insurance premiums in ac�ardance wi�h�he provisions af Section 10. These items are cal��d <br /> "Escrow Items."At arigination or at any time during the term �f th� Loan, Lender may require �hat C�mmun��y <br /> Ass�ciation Dues,Fees,and Assessments,if any,he escrowed by Borrower,and such dues,fe�s and assessments sha.�1 be <br /> an Escrow Item. Borrower sha1� promp�tly furnish to Lender al1 notices of amounts to be paid under this S�ction. <br /> Borrnvver shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow It�ms unl�ss Lender v�rai�es B�rrower's ob��gation ta pay the Funds for <br /> any or all Escrow Items.Lender may wai��Borrower's abligatian�o pay to Lender Funds for any or all Escrow Items at <br /> any time.Any such wa��er may only be in writ�ng.In the e�vent af such wai�er,Borrawer shal�pay dire�tly,when and <br /> where payab�e,the amounts due for any Es�r�w Items f�r whi�h payment of Funds has be�n wai�ed by Lender and,if <br /> Lender requ�res, sha11 �ish to Lender receipts ev�idencing such payment within such tirne peri�d as Lender may <br /> require.Borrvwer's�bligatian to make such paymen�s and to pro�ide receipts shall f�r al�purposes be deemed to be a <br /> co�en.ant and agreement conta�ned in this Security Instrument,as the phrase"covenant and agreement"is u�ed in Sect�on <br /> 9.If Barrawer is obligated to pay Escraw Items directly,pursuant to a waiver,and Borrawer fai�s to pay�he amount due <br /> for an Escrow Item,Lender may exercise its rights under Section�and pay such amount and Barrawer sha�l then be <br /> �h�igated under Section 9 t�repay to Lender any such amount.Lender may re�ok��he wai�er as ta any or all Escrow <br /> Items at any time by a notice gi�en in accordance wi�h Section 15 and,upon such re�ocativn,Borrower sha�l pay tv <br /> Lend�r al�Funds,and in such amounts,that are�hen requ�red under th�s Section 3. <br /> Lender may,at any time,co�lect and hold Funds in an amount(a�suffxcien�to permit Lender to app�y the Funds at <br /> the time specifi�d under RESPA,and[b}not to exceed the maximum amount a lender can require under RESPA.Lender <br /> sha11�stimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonahle estv.nates of expenditures vf future <br /> Escraw Items or otherwise in accardance wi�h Applicable Law. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposi�s are insured by a fed�ral agency,instrumenta�ity,or entity <br /> (including Lender,if Lender is an institution whose deposits are so insured}or in any Federa.�Hvme Loan Bank.L�nder <br /> sha1�apply the Funds to pay the Escrow�tems na later than�he tune specified under RESPA.Lender sha11 not charge <br /> B�rrvvver far h�lding and applying t�ie Funds,annually analyzing th�escrow acc�unt,or�erify�ng the Escrow Items, <br /> unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds andAppl�cab�e Law permits Lend�r to mal�e such a charge.Unless an <br /> agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires int�rest to be paid on the Funds,Lender shall not be requ�red to <br /> pay Borrower any int�rest or earnings�n�he Funds.Borrower and Lender can agree in writing,havve�er,that inter�st <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFr�dd�e Nfac tJNIF�RM INSTRUMENT with MERS Form 3��8 11�'I <br /> I Page 4 of�3 • � ' r <br /> �os, �. Bor�ower�s}ln�t�als �� �� <br />