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��15�1��1 <br /> fu11 of a11 sums secured by this Se�urit� Instrumen�. I3owever, �his optian shal� n�� be exercised by Lender if <br /> e�er�ise is prohibited by federal law as�f th�da�e of this Securi�y rnstrument. <br /> rf Lender ex�rcises this op�ian, L�nd�r sha�� give Borrawer natic� af accelera��on. Th� n��ice sha�I provide a <br /> perzod of na� �ess than the minimum num�er of days es�ablished by App�ica�ble Law from�he dat� the natice is <br /> delivered or mailed within wh�ch Borrower xnust pay alI sums secur�d �by this Security Instrumen�. If Borrawer <br /> fai�s t� pay�hese sums prior to �he exp�ra�ion of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permi�ted by�his <br /> Securi�ty Ins�rumen�withou�fur�h�r noti�e or dem,and on Borrower. <br /> Larrower's Right to Reinstate. �f Borrawer mee�s �er�ain condi�i�ns, Borr�w�r shal� ha�e �he righ� to have <br /> enforcement of this Security�nstxument d�s�ontinued a�any�ime pr�or to �he earl�er of: �a� 5 days �or such other <br /> period as Applicable Law may specify for reinstatemen�}before sale of the Properry pursuan��o any po�wer of sale <br /> con�a�ned in this Securi�y �nstrumen�; or �b} en�ry af a judgmen� enfarcing �his Security �ns�rument. Th�se <br /> canditions are tha�Barrower: �a� pays Lender al� sums wh�ch �hen Would be due under this Securit� �nstrument <br /> and�he�on�rac�as if no ac�elera�ion had occurred; �b�cures any defaul�of any�ther cov�nants or agr�ements;�c} <br /> pays al�expens�s �ncurred in enforc�ng�his S�curi�y�nstrument, �nC�uding,but not limi�ed�o,reasonable a��orneys' <br /> . fees�o the extent permi�ted�by�aw; and �d� �akes such act�an as Lender may reasanably requ�re to assure tha�the <br /> lien af�his Securzty�nstrument, Lender's righ�s �n�he Property and Borr�wer's�bliga�ion�o pay the sums secured <br /> by this Securi�Instrument sha�1 con�inu� unchan�ed. Up�n reins�a�emen� by Borrow�r, �his �ecurity Ins�rumen� <br /> and �he obligations secured hereb� shall remain fu�ly effec�ive as �f�o acce�eratian had occurred. I�3ovvever, this <br /> r�gh�ta reinstate shall no�apply in�he case of acceleratian under the section titled TranSfer of the Property or a <br /> BenQf�c�al Interest in Barrower. <br /> Hazardous SubS�ances.Borrower shall nat cause or permi��h�presence,use,disposal,storage, or r�lease of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or in the Proper�y.Borrower sha��no�d�,nor al�ow anyone e�se to do,anything affec�ing <br /> the Pr�perty tha� is zn via�ation of any Environmen�a� Law. The pre�eding two sen�ences shal� not apply to the <br /> presence,use,or storage on�he Prop�rty of smal�quan�i�ies of Ha�ardou�Substances�hat are genera�ly recognized <br /> �o be appropriate t�normal resider�tial uses and to maint�nan�e of�he Proper�y. <br /> Borrower shal�prompt�y give Lend�r wri�ten notice of any investiga�ion,claim,demand,�a,wsui�ar ather action�y <br /> any g��ernmental ar regu�a�ory agency or pr�vat� party involv�ng �he Proper�y and any Ha2ardous Subs�ance or <br /> En��ronmental Law of which B�rrawer has aCtual kn�w�edge. If Borrower �earns, or is natif ed �by any <br /> go�ernmen�al or regulatary authority,�ha�any r�m�va�or o�her remediatian of any Hazardous Substance affec�ing <br /> rhe Property is necessary, �3orrower sha�i promp�ly ta�e a�I ne�essary remedial ac�iflns in accordance with <br /> Environmental Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Ha2ard�us Subs�ances" are those subs�ances defined as�oxic or ha2ardous substances <br /> by En�iranm�n�a� Law and the following sul�s�ances: gasoline, kerosene, ather flammab�e or �oxic petro�eum <br /> products, toxic pes�ici�ies and herbicides, volatil� so�ven�s, materia�s cantain�ng asb�s�os or forma�dehyde, and <br /> radioac��ve materials. As us�d in�h�s paragraph, "Environmenta�Law" means federal �aws and�avvs of the s�ate of <br /> Nehraska�ha�relate to heal�h,safety or env�ronmental pr�tecti�n. <br /> Ac�e�eratian; Remed�es, Lender sha�l give n�tice to Borrnwer prior to ac�e�era��on fo�low�ng Borro�ver's <br /> breach af any covenant or agreement in this Securxty Instrument or the��n�ract under which acceleration <br /> �s permitted �but nat prior to accelerati�n under the section t���ed Transfer vf the Pr�per�y or a Benef�cial <br /> Interes�in Barr4vver, unless App�i�a��e Law prov�des otherwise}. The notice sha�l 5pecify: �a� the defaul�; <br /> �b} the actian requ�red �o cure the defau�t; ��� a dat�, nat �es� �han the minimum number of days <br /> e5tablished by Appi��ab�e Law from the date the natice i5 given t�Borrower,by which�he defaul�must be <br /> cured; and �d� that faiiure t� cure the defau�t on or before the date sp�cif�ed �n �h� n�tice may resu�t �n <br /> acceleration af the sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument and sa�e of the Property. Ta �he e�tent <br /> permitted by�aw, �he notf�� sha�I furthQr infarm Borrovver of the r�ght to rexnstate after accQ�erat��n and <br /> the right to br�ng a caurt act�on to assert the non-ex�stence of a defau�t�r any o�her defense of Borraw�r t❑ <br /> acce�era��an and sale. If the defau�t�s nat cured on or befare thQ date spec��ed in the notice, Lentier at��� <br /> opt�on may require �.mmediate payment in fu�� af a11 sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrurnent without <br /> fur�her demand and may �nvok� the pawer of sa�e and any other remedie5 permit�ed by A�pl�cab�e Law. <br /> Ta �he extent perm�tted by �aw, Lender sha�l be enti��ed to co�le�t a�l expenses incurred in pursuing the <br /> remediQs provided�n this Sect�on,�nc�uding, but nat�imit�d to, r�asonable attorneys' fees and costs of�itle <br /> evxdence. <br /> If the poyver af sa1Q is invoked,Trustee shali record a notice�f default in each caunty�n wh�ch any part nf <br /> the Property is located and shal�mai�copies af such natice�n the xnanner prQscribed by AppXicable Law to <br /> Bnrrower and to the other person5 prescribed by Applicable Law. After the t�me requ�red by Ap�li�ab�e <br /> Law, Trustee shall give publ�c no��ce of sa�e tfl the persons and �n the manner prescribed by App�icab�e <br /> La�v. Trustee,without demand on Borrower, sha�I sel�the Froperty at publ�c auctian �o the highest bidder <br /> at the time and p�ace and under the terms des�gnated in the natice of sale in on�or m�re parce�s and in any <br /> arder Trus#ee determines. Trustee may postpane sale of a�l ar any parce� �f the Pr�perty by puhli� <br /> announcement at the time and p�ace of any pre�xausly scheduied sa�e.Lender or its des�gnee may�urchase <br /> the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon rece�pt af payment of the price bid, Trustee shali deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed convey�ng <br /> the Property. The recitals in the Truste�'�deed sha�I be prima facie evidence af the�ruth nf the stat�ments <br /> made th�re�n. Trustee shall appiy the proceeds of the 5aie in the fol�ov�ing order: �a} ta a�� casts and <br /> expense5 of exercising the po�ver of sale, and the sale, inc�uding the payment of the Trustee's fees actual�y <br /> �2UQ4-2U14 Compliance Systems,Inc,4958-�78B-�Q13L2.3.I.803 <br /> C�nsumer Real Estate-5ecurity Ir�strument DL2�3b Page 4 of 5 vv�� <br />