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��15�1��1 <br /> Inspect��n. Lender ar �ts a�en� may mak� reasanable entries upan and �nspectians of the Property. Lender sha�� <br /> g�ve Barrovver notice a��the t�me af or przar�a an inspec�ion speczfyzng reasonable cause f�r�he znspect�on. <br /> Candemnation.The proceeds af any award ar�laim for dazr�agesy direct ar cansequen��a�, in connection with azay <br /> �ondemna�ion ar o�her�aking of any par� �f the Pr�pert�, vr for conveyance in lieu of candemna���n, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha�l be paid�o Lender. <br /> In the even� of a�a�al taking of tihe Proper�y, the pr�ceeds shall be applied�o tihe sums s��ure�by this Security <br /> Insfirumen�, whe�her or not �he� due, wzth any exc�ss paid to Barrower. In �he even� af a partial �aking of the <br /> Pr�per�y �n whzch�he fair market value of�he Proper�y immediate�y before �he �ak�ng is equal �o �r great�r than <br /> the amoun� af the sums secured by�his Security �ristrume�.t immediately befare the �aking, un�ess Borrower and <br /> L�nder nthez�v�se agree zn�vr��zng,�he sums secured hy�his Security Instrument sha�l be reduced by the amoun�of <br /> the pr�ceeds mul�iplied by�he following fractian: �a��he�o�al amoun�of th�sums secured�mmed�a�e�y h�fare the <br /> tak�ng, d��ided by �b} the fair market va�ue af the Propert� zmmedza�e�y before the takzng. Any ba�a�.ce sha11 �e <br /> pa�d ta Barrawer. In�he eventi of a par�ial �aking of�he Proper�y in�hich tihe fair market value �f��e Propert� <br /> �mmedia���y b�f�re the �akzng �s �ess than�he amaunt of the sums secured immedia�ely befare the �aking, unless <br /> Barrower and Lender otherw�.se agree zn writzng or un�ess Appl�cab�e Law otherwise prov�d�s, �he proceeds sha�l <br /> be ap�lied to the sums secured�by th�s Securi�y Ins�rument wh��her or�a��h��ums are�hen due. <br /> If�he Proper�y is abandoned by Borrawer, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower�hat the condeznnor offers to <br /> make an award ar s��t�e a c�airn for damages,Barrower faz�s�o r�spond�o Lerider w�thin the minimum number of <br /> days es�ab��shed by Applicable Law after the da�e the notice�s gi�ven,Lender is author��ed ta�al�ect and apply the <br /> proc�eds, a� �ts option, e�ther to res��ration ar repair of�he Praper�y or to �he sums secu��d by �his Security <br /> �ns�rume��,whetiher ar nat�hen due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower n�herwise agree in vvri��ng, any applzca�zon of proceeds�o pr�ncipa� sha�l no�ex�end <br /> or p�stpane the due date of fihe payments due under�he Cantract or change�he amoun�af such payments. <br /> Sarrawer Not Released; Forbearance By Lend�r Nat a Waiver. Ex�ension of �he t�m� for pa�men� or <br /> madif ca�ion �f amortizatian of�he sums secured by th�s Security Instrument gran�ed by L�nder�o Borrower �r <br /> any suc�essor zn �nterest �f Borrower sha�l no� op�ra�e to release the liabilz�y of �he origina� Borrower or <br /> Borrower's successors �n�riterest. Lender sha��n��be required�o commence proceedings aga�ns�any successor in <br /> �n�erest or refuse to ex�e�.d�xme f�r paymen�ar t��h�rwise modif�amortizatian of�he sums secured�y�his Secur�t� <br /> Ins�rument hy reasan of any demand mad� by the ar�ginal Barrawer or B�rrower's successors in �nteres�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exercis�ng any right or remedy shall na�be a waiver af ar prec�ude the exercise of any <br /> righ�or remedy. <br /> Succ�ssors and Ass�gn� Baund; Jo�nt and Severa� Liabil�ty; Accammodation S�gners. The cavenan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of�hzs Security�ns�rum�nt sha��b�n�.and henef���he successors ar�d assigns �f Le�r�er and Borrower, <br /> subject �o �he �r�visions of sect��n titled TranSfer af �he Praperty or a Benef�c�a� Int�res� �n Borrawer. <br /> Borrower's cavenants and agre�ments shal�be jain�and several. Any persan who co-s�gns�his S�cur�ty�nstrumen� <br /> but has n� persor�a� �zabx�ity under the �on�ract �"Accommnda�ion Signer"}: �a� is co-sigx�ir�g �his Security <br /> Znstrumen� on�y to mar�gage, gran� and canvey that Acc�mmadat�on Signer's interest in the Property under the <br /> terms of �he Security �nstrument; �b� is na� persana�ly obliga�ed to pay �h� sums secured by t�is Securaty <br /> �nstrumen�; and�c} agrees that Lender and any other Borrow�r may agree tn �x�end,modify, farbear ar make any <br /> accommada�zons w��h regard to the terms�f this 5ecur�ty Instrument or the�antrac�v�x�hou�tha�Accommoda�ian <br /> Szgner`s consen�. <br /> I.�aan Charges. If�he l�an secured �y this Security Ins�rument is subjec� �a a law whzch sets maxzmum loan <br /> charges, and tha�Iaw�� finally in�erpre�ed s�tha�the �n�erest or o�her loan charges co��ected or to be�o�Ie�ted in <br /> connec�ion with the loan exceed the p�rmitted �zmits, �hen: �a} any such Ioan charge sha�l be reduced by �he <br /> amaunt r�ecessary�o reduCe the charge�o �he permitxed ��mits and�b} any sums already collec�ed from Borrawer <br /> wh�ch exc�eded perm�t�ed lim�ts wil� �e refunded �n Borrower. Lend�r may choase �a ma�e �h�s refund by <br /> reduc�ng the prxnczpal owed und�r the �on�rac� ar hy making a direc�paym.enti to Borrawer. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�nczpal,the reductzo�tivill be�rea�ed as a par�ia�prepaymen�under�he�on�ract. <br /> Notices. Any notice �o Barrow�r provxded for zza this Securi�y Instrumen� shall be g��ren by deliver�ng zt or hy <br /> mazl�ng i�by first c�ass ma�l un��ss Applzcable Law requires use of anoth�r methad. The no�ice sha1l be directed to <br /> the Proper�y Address ar any o�her address Borr�wer designates by n��ice �a Lender. Borr�wer agrees �o provide <br /> Lender vvi�h Borrawer's most current ma��zng address, as zt may chang� fram�ime-�a-tzme. Any notice t� Lender <br /> sha��b�giver�by f�rs�class mazl�o Lender's address stated herein or any other addr�ss Lender designa�es by no�zce <br /> t�Barrower. Any na�ice prov�ded for in�h�s 5ecurzty�nstrument�ha�1 be deemed�o have be�n given�o B�rr�wer <br /> �r Lend�r when gxven as provided zn�his paragraph. <br /> Govern�ng Law; Se�erabiiity.Thzs Secur�ty�nstrument shall be gaverned by federa�law and�he�aws of�he sta�e <br /> of Nebraska. In the even� that any provisi�n or clause af�his Secur��y �ns�rumen� or �he �antrac� canfl�cts with <br /> App�zcable Law, such confli�t shall n�t affec� other pr�visions of this Securi�y Ins�rument or�h� �an�ract which <br /> can be gi�en�ffec�w�t�out the c�nfl.zctzng provision. To�hzs end�he provisions af�hzs Security�nstrumenti and the <br /> Con�ract are dec�ared�o be severab�e. <br /> Borrower's�opy.Borrower sha��be given�ne copy af thxs Secur�ty�ns�rumen�. <br /> Transfer of the Property or a Benef�c�a�IntQres�in Barrawer.If alI�r any par�af�he Praperty or any interes� <br /> xn i� is so�d or transferred ��r if a benef�cial in�eres� �n Borrawer is so�d or transferred and Borrov�er �s not a <br /> natural person� w�thaut Lender's pr�or wr��ten consent, Lender may, a� i�s o��i�n, require �mmedia�� pa�ment in <br /> �20Q4-2U14 Campliance Systcros,Inc.4958-D78�-2�13L2.3.1.8�3 <br /> Cansumer Re�l Esiate-Security Ir�strumer►t DL��35 Page 3 of 5 w�vw,cot�iplia� <br />
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