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��15�1��7 <br /> Any appli_catzon of paymer�ts, in�surance praceeds, or 1Vlzsce��aneous Proceeds to pr�nc�pa�du.e under the Note <br /> sha.��not ex.te�d a�-postpone the d:ue d�.te, or change�he amount, of the 1'�riod.ic Payn�.e��s. <br /> 3. F�d.s fa�]Esc�-ow It�msa �B�rrower sha��o Lender o�the day Pe��od�.c Pa�n�c.�nts are due uxYder the <br /> Nate, until t�xe Note�.s�aid i-�fu��, a su�[-�e"F�nds"}to pro� for payment of amounts due for: �a�ta�es <br /> ax�.d assessments and a�her�tems wh�.ch ca�at�ain priority over�hi.s Secur��.y Instrumne��as a��en ar <br /> encuxnbrance on the Praperty; [b�Ieaseho�d paymen�s�r grou�d rex�ts on�he Property, if an.y; �c��pre�ums <br /> for ar�y and a1�insura�ce requared by Lender under Sec�on S; and�d�1Vlortgage Insuxance prem�ums, if ax�y, <br /> or any sux�rxs payab�e by I3orrower to Lender�n�i�u of�he payment of Martgage I�surance pre�niuxns i�.. <br /> acc�rdance vv�th�he provi��.ons of Secti�n I�. These items are�a.11ed"Escraur Items." At or�gin.ation o�r at <br /> ax�.y��me duru�g the term of the Laa�, Lender may require that�ommur�:i.fy Assac�a�ion I]ues, F ees, and <br /> Assessmen-�s; zf a�ny, be eserawed by Borra-�ver, and such dues, f�eS�7C��:55�SSI�.�1�5 5�1��I7��1 ESC��W <br /> I��ra�. �orrnwer sh.a1l prompt�y fi�.ish to Lender a1�notices��amo�nts�o be paid ur�.der�is Secti.on. <br /> �3orrower s�iall�a�L.e�der tlie Fux�.ds for Escro�Ite�.s unless Lender waives]Borr��ver°s����ga�ar��o pay <br /> ��ie Func�s�or�y or a.11 Escrow I�ems. �enc�e�may wa�ve�orrowe�-'s abligatia����ay to Lender Fu:nds fo�- <br /> ar�y or all EsGraw Ite�s at any�ime. Any such wa�.ver mav��y be in vvr�ting. Iu th.e event of such waiver, <br /> Borrower sha��pay d�rectly, vrhen and vUhere payabl.e; �he amaunts due for any Escraw Items for vrhYch <br /> payment of Funds has bee�vva:ived by Lender and; if Lender requires, sha��.furnish to L�nder receipts <br /> ev�.dencing s�xch payment W�.thi�sueh�ime per�od as Lender rriay requ�re. B�rr�wer'�ob�igat�on ta xnake <br /> such payments and ta provide receipts sha�1 for a�.�purposes be deemed ta be a covex�ant and agreemen� <br /> contaim.ed in th%s Security Irxstrum�nt, as�he phras�"covenant an.d agreement" �.s used�n S�ctinn 9. If <br /> Borrow�r is �bl:igated to pay EscrQw Item.s d.�rect��, pursuant to a waiv�r, and Bor�-ov�er fails to pay the <br /> amount due�ar a:n)Escraw I�em, Lender r�ay exerGise its�ghts�der Sectxon 9 a�d pay such amoun�axi� <br /> Borro�xrer sh�.�then be ab�igated�uxlder Sec�i�n 9 to�e�ay to Lender any sueh amou�t. Lenc�er r�ay r�vake <br /> �he vsra.�.ver as�o ax�.y��-aII.Escrow I�ems at���e by a�.otzce g%ver�i�accorda�a.ce with.Sect��n �S a-�.d., <br /> upon�uch revoc�.t�.flxi, �orrower s�ia1�.pay to Lender a1�Fu�ds, and i-�.such amounts, that are-�Iien required <br /> under��.i.s Sectiort:3. <br /> Lender m.ay, a�any time, eol.�ect and hoid Fu�:ds 7n a�r�..amou�.t[a� suf��en��o pexmit Lender to app�y-�.he <br /> Fun.ds at the tzme spec�fzed under RESPA, and(b�z�ot ta�xceed�h�ma.x�.mum amaunt a lender ca.�require <br /> under RESPA. Lender sha1l es�imate the amo-unt of Funds due�n the basi.s�f current da�a and reasanab�e <br /> estimates�f��pendztures�f future Escrotiv Items or at�.terw�s�isx accordance-� Applicable Law. <br /> �Che�unds shall he he�d.�n an�t�t�:on whose depas�ts are insu�ed by a federa�agency, �t:rumen�al�ty, or <br /> entity�including Lex�der, if�.ender�s an in�st�tut�o�whose c��os�.�s are so insured} or in a�y Fed�eral Home <br /> Loax�.Bank. �ex�der sha1�.�.�pp��the Funds to�aay the Escr�w Items nQ�a�er t�i�.n�e�i�e spec�f ed u�der <br /> RESPA. JLer�c�e�-sha:���at charge Borrow�r far�.��cT�ig a�.d a�p�Y�ng�-��`�ds, annu�.�1y ar���zing�he <br /> �Scravv aCCount; or verify�xg the�scrow I�e�.s, �ess JL�nder pays Bor�n�ver�:r�teres��n�he Funds and <br /> Appli.�ab�e Lavcr permits L�nder�o make such a charge. U�ess an agreeme���s made x.n wri�ing ar <br /> App��.cab�.e Law require��:riterest�o be pa�.d on�h.e F�ands, Lender sha.1�nat be required to pay Borrower any <br /> �.nterest or earn�ngs o�.�h.�Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree�writi�g, h.�v�rever, that ir�terest�ha�I be <br /> pazd on�he Fund.s. Lender shall gxve to Borrower, �vzthout charge, an annual accou�ting of th.e Fur�ds as <br /> requ�red by RES]PA. <br /> If the�-e�.�a surp�.us of Fu�ds h�Id�n escraur, �.s def��d�n.der RESl'A, ]Lender sha1�account t�Borrow��-��r <br /> �he e�cess func�s�n accordanc��rit�l�SP1�. If�hexe�s�.s1�or� of Fund.s he�d��escr��r, as c���ec��der <br /> RESF�, ��r�der sha�l na��fy Bo�-�-ower as xequired�by�SPA, ax�.c�Borrovver s���.pa��o Leric�er�.e amaur�.t <br /> r�ecessa�-y��ma�e up the s�ar�ag�a�accox-c�.i�e w�.t��SPA, but in.n�more t.�ia� 1�mon��y pa�n�nts_ If <br /> there is a defic�ency af�unds held�.n.escrow, as def�ned under JL�ESPA, JLender s�.a1���tify�o�ower a� <br /> 24-Q0792� <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Far�nie M aelFreddie Nia��NIF�RM [NSTRIJM ENT F�rm 3428�1Q� <br /> VM P� VM P6�NE}(�3Q2� <br /> Vtilvs�ers K1�[wer Financial S�rvices Page 5 of�7 <br />