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��15�1144 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan Nv: 1�'12g35�3 � ��antinued} Page 3 <br /> . Compliance with Governmen�a� Requirements. Trustor sha�1 promp�ly comply wi�h ali Iaws, ardinances, and <br /> regula�ions, now or hereaf�er in sffsc�, o� a�! go�ernmental authori��es applicable to �he use or occupancy o-F the <br /> Property. Trustor may contes�tn good fai�h any such law, vrdinance, ❑r regulation and withhold campliance du�-�ng <br /> any proceeding, in��udin� appropria�e appea�s, s❑ long as Trusto� has natified Lender in wrttin� prior to daing so <br /> and so long as, in Lender's sale ❑pinian, Lender's in�erests in�he P�operty are not j�apardized. Lender-may require <br /> Trus�or to pos�adequate se�urity❑r a surety bond, reas�nably sa�is�a�tary�❑ Lend�r,fi❑ protec�Lender's in�eres�. <br /> Du�y #o Protect. Trus�or agrees neither ta abandon or iea�e unattended �he Praper�y. Trustvr shall d❑ ail ❑�her <br /> ac�s, in addifiian fiv�hvse acts set forfih aba�e in this se��ian, which from the character and use ❑f the Property are <br /> reasonably necessary to pratec�and preser���he Prope�ty. <br /> DUE aN SALE-C�NSENT BY LENDEl�. Lender may, at Lender's option, declare immediately due and payabie all sums <br /> secured by this Deed ❑f Trus�upon�he sale ❑r trans�er, wi�hout Lender's prior writ�en consen�, ❑f all ar any part o��he <br /> Real F'roperty, or any interes� in�he Real Pro�erty. A "sale o�-transter" means�he con�eyance o� Real Praperty vr any <br /> r�ght, title ❑r in�erest in �he Real Praperty; whe�her �egal, benefi�ial ❑r equitable; whe�her Wolun�ary ar in�afun�ary; <br /> whether by outright sale, deed, installmen� sale contract, �and can�rac�, can�ra�� fivr deed, leaseho�d interes�t with a <br /> term grea�er�han th�ee �3} years, lease--aptian confirac�, or hy sale, assignmen�, ❑r�ransfer af any bene�icial interes�in <br /> ❑r t❑ any land ��us� hold�ng fiitle fio �the Real Property, or by any �ther method af conveyan�e of an in�eres� in�he Real <br /> Property. Howe�er, this optFon shall nvt be exe�-cised by Lender i� such exercise is prohibi�ed by �ederal �aw or by <br /> Nebraska �aw. <br /> TA�ES AND LlENS. The �ollowing pro�is�ons reiatin� ta the taxes and ��ens an the Property are par� �f this �eed �f <br /> Trus�: <br /> Payment. Trusto�-shal� pay when due {and �n all e�ents prior to de�inquency} all taxes, specia�taxes, ass�ssments, <br /> cha�-ges �in�luding wa�er and sewer}, fines and impositions [evied against or on account o��he Praperty, and sha�� <br /> pay when due a�� cla�ms fvr work done ❑n o�-f�r ser�i�es rendered ar material furnished to �he Property. Trustor <br /> shal� main'�ain the Proper�y fr�e ❑f ai� ��ens ha�ing priarifiy o�er vr equal tv the in�eres�❑f Lender under�his ❑eed ❑� <br /> Trus�, excep� far the lien o� taxes and assessments no� due and except as vfiherwise pro�ided in �his Deed of <br /> T�-ust. � <br />� Rignt#o Contest. Trustar may withho�d payment o�any tax, assessmen�, ❑r claim in cannection with a gaod fai�h <br />�-���-..� dispute o�er�tih� ob[iga�ion�o pay, so long as Lender`s in�erest in�he Proper�y is nvt jevpardized. lf a lien arises o� <br /> � is �iled as a �esult af nonpayment, Trus�ar sha[[ wi�hin fif�een ��5} days after the lien arises or, if a lien is �iled, <br /> with�n fifteen �'�5� days after Trustor has no�ice o�the ���ing, secure �he discharge ❑�the lien, vr i� reques�ed hy <br /> Lende�-, depasit w�th Lender cash or a su��Ficient cvrpora�e sur�ty bond ar ather security satis�ac�ory to Lender in an <br /> amounfi su��icien��to dis�harge the ��en plus any �os�s and a��arneys' �ees, ❑r❑�her �harges that could accrue as a <br /> resu[fi of a forec�asure or sale under�he lien. �n any contes�, Trus�vr shall defend itsel�f and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgment befare en�orcemen�against�he Prvperty. Trus��r shall name Lender as an addifiional vbligee <br /> under any surefiy bond furnished in the cvntes�proceedings. <br /> Evidence vf Paymen�. Trustor shall upon demand �urnish t� Lender satis�fac�ory e�iden�e ❑�payment❑f�he taxes <br /> ar assessments and sha�� au�horize�he apprapriate governmen�tai o�fficial t� deli�er�❑ Lender at any time a written <br /> statemen�vf the taxes and assessments agains��he Property. <br /> Notice of Construc�ion. Trusfior sha[f na�i�y Lender afi least�Fifteen {�5} days befar� any work is commenced, any <br /> ser�ices are furnished, or any materials are supplied t❑ the Property, if any mechanic's lien, ma�erialmen's �ien, �r � <br /> other lien could be asserted on account ❑f the work, ser�i�es, or ma�erials. Trustor will upvn r��uest of Lender <br /> �urnish �o Lender ad�ance assurances sa�isfactory �a Lender tha� Trusfiar can and will pay th� cast o� such <br /> improvements. <br /> PR�PERTY [3AMAGE INSURANCE. The fiallawing prv�isians rela�ing ta insuring�he Property are a part❑��his Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Main�enance v� Insurance. Trustvr shall procure and main�ain policies ❑� fire insuran�e with s�andard extended <br /> cn�erage endarsemen�s vn a fair �alue basis for the full insura�le �alue co�ering all impra�ements vn ths Real <br /> Pr�perty �n an amoun� sufficien�k to a�aid application ❑f any cvinsurance clause, and wi�h a s�andard mortgagee <br /> �lause in fa�or of Lender, tage�her wifih such ❑ther ha�ard and liabiiity�nsurance as Lender may reasanably require. <br /> Policies shall be wri�k�en in form, amoun�s, co�erages and laasis reasonabiy acceptable to Lender and issued by a <br /> company ❑r companies reasvnably acceptable �o Lender. Trustor, upon request �f Lender, will deii�er to Lender <br /> �r�m time t❑ �ime �he palicies or certi�Ficates ❑f insurance in form satis�actory�o Lende�r, including stipu�a�ians �hat <br /> co�erages will nat �e cancelled or diminished withou� a� least�en �1�} days privr writken nottce to Lend�r. Each <br /> insurance poficy also shall include an end�rsement providing �hat �o�erage in �fa�ar of Lender w�I� no� be impaired <br /> in any way by any act, ❑mission ❑r de�au�t of Trustor or any o�her person. Sh�u[d the Real Property be located in <br /> an area designa�ed by the Adminis�ra�or af the Federa� Emergency Management Agency as a special �lovd hazard <br /> area, Trus�ar agrees tv obtain and ma�ntain Federa� F[vad Insurance, if a�ailab�e, for the full unpaid principal <br /> laalance o�the lvan and any prior[iens❑n�he property securing the loan, up to�he maximum po�icy �imi�s set under <br /> �he National Flood lnsurance Program, or as otherwise required hy Lender, and to ma�ntain such insurance far�he <br /> �erm vf the Ivan. <br /> Appl��ation o�Pro�eeds. Trus�or shall pr�mptly notify Lender of any loss ar damage to the Properfiy. Lender may <br /> make pravf af �oss if Trus�or fails #❑ do so within �i�fieen {�5� days v� �he �asual�y. VlJhether ❑r nvt Lender's <br />