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��15�1144 <br /> ❑FE� �F TRusT <br /> Lvan N�: ���2535�3 {Continued} Page 2 <br /> The Real Property vr its address is cvmmonly knov►rn as 93�� S 9�th �d, 1lVovd R��er, NE <br /> 6$�83. <br /> FUTURE AaVANCES. ln addi�ion�a the Note, �his Deed ❑�Trus�secures a�l�u�ure ad�an�es made by Lender t�Trustvr <br /> whefiher ❑r not fih� ad�ances are made pursuant�o a commi�ment. Sp�ci�icaily, wi�hout 1imi�ativn, �his Deed o�Trust <br /> secures, in additian to �he amaun�s speci�ied in the Nate, all future amounts Lender in its discretion may laan to <br /> Trustar,�agether with a!I in�erest�hereon. <br /> Trusfor p�-esently assigns t❑ Lender {als❑ knawn as Bene�icFary in �his Deed of Trus�} ail o�Trus�ar's right, fiifile, and <br /> interes� in and �❑ a!I presen� and future leases o�f the Property and all Rents �from the Property. In addition, Trustvr <br /> � grants fio Lender a Uni�farm Commercial Cade se�ur�ty in�eres�t in�he Personal Proper�y and Rents. <br /> TH15 ❑EED �F TRUST, INCLUO�NG THE ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS AND THE SECURITY 1NTEREST [N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, lS G1VEN TD SECURE �A} PAYMENT �F THE INDEBTEDNESS AND �B} PERFDRMANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL �6LIGATIDNS UN�]ER THE NOTE, THE RE�.ATED D�CUMENTS, AN� TH1S DEE❑ �F TF�UST. THlS <br /> DEED �F TRUST 1S G1VEN AND ACCEPTEI]�N THE FpLL�VtiI�NG TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Excep� as otherwise p�ro�ided in �his Deed of Trust, Trus�or shall pay fio Lender all <br /> am�unts secured by �his ❑eed of Trust as fihey become due, and shall s�rictly and in a timely manner perform all ❑f <br /> Trustor's o�liga�ions under the Na�e,this ❑eed of Trust, and �he Rela�ed Do�uments, <br /> P�55E551�N ANI� MAINTENANGE OF THE PR�PERTY. Trus�ar agrees that Trustar's possession and use of the <br /> Proper�y shall be governed by the follvwing pro�isians: <br /> Pvssession and Use. lJn�il �he occurrence ❑� an EWen� ❑�f aefault, Trus�ar may �1} remain in�possession and <br /> confirvl of�fihe Property; {2y use, operate�r manage fihe Praperty, and {3� colle�t the Rents�r�m�he Proper�y. <br /> Du�y �v 1tiJlain�ain. Trus�ar shall maintain �he Praperty in goad condi�ian and prampt�y per��rm all �-epairs, <br /> replacemenfis, and maintenance necessary to preserWe i�s�alue. <br /> Cvmp[iance Vllifih Env'rrvnmen�al Laws. Trustor represen�s and warran�s�a Lender tha�: {�� During �he periad v�F <br /> Trustor's �wnership❑f the Praperty,�he�-e has been no use, generatian, manufa�ture, storage, treatment, disposal, <br /> release �r threatened release of any Hazardous 5u�stance 1ay any pe�-son an, under, abou� ar �ram the Property; <br /> {�} Trustvr has no knowledge ❑�, ❑r reason �o belie�e that there has been, except as pre�iously dis�losed to and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in wri�ing, {a� any �reach or �ialation o� any En�ironmental Laws, �b} any use, <br /> generatian, manu�fa�ture, starage, �reatment, dispasal, release ❑r�hreatened release ❑� any Hazardvus Substance <br /> ❑n, under, aboufi or �F��m the Proper�y by any prior owners ar ocGupan�s a� the Property, or {G� any ac�ual ❑r <br /> th�eatened li�iga�ion ar cla�ms ❑f any kind by any pers�n relating �o su�h mat�ers; and �3} Except as preWiously <br /> disclosed t❑ and acknawledged by Lender in writing, ta} neither Trustor nvr any�enant, contraGtor, agen��r❑ther <br /> authorized user of�he Proper�y shall use, genera�e, manu�acture, store, trea�, dispvse o�or re[ease any Ha�ardous <br /> Suhstance on, under, abou�k or from�he Prvper�y; and {h} any such ac�i�ity shall be �vnduc�ed in comp�iance wi�th <br /> all applicabie fede�-af, s�ta�t�, and loca� laws, regulations and ordinances, including withoufi limitation all <br /> En�ironmentaj Laws. Trustor autharizes Lender and its agents �❑ en�er upvn the Pr�per�y �o ma�e such <br /> inspec�ions and �es�s, a� Trustor's e�epense, as Lender may deem appropria�e t❑ determine compliance ❑f the <br /> P�operty wi�h this section ❑f the Deed of Trust. Any inspe�tions ❑r �ests made �y Lender shall be �or Lender's <br /> purposes on�y and shall not 1ae cons�rued to crea�e any responsibility or liability on the part a� Lender ta Trusfior or <br /> tv any ❑ther pe�-son. The represen�atians and warranties contained herein are based ❑n Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in�estiga�king �khe Pr�perky far Hazardous Subs�ances. Trus�ar hereby 4�� releases and wai�es any future claims <br /> against Lender fvr indemni�y or cantributian in the e�ent Trustar bec�mes liable �or cleanup or ��he� casts under <br /> any suGh laws; and {�} agrees�o indemnify, defend, and hvld harmless Lender against any and afl claims, �osses, <br />� liabili�ies, damages, penalties, and �xpenses which Lender may direc�ly�r indire��ly sustain ❑r suf�er resul�ing��-nm <br /> a hreach of�his sectivn of the Deed ❑f Trust or as a cansequence a� any use, generatian, manufacture, s�korage, <br /> disposal, re[ease ar�khrea��ned release accurr�ng priar�o Trus�or's ownership or in�erest in the Praper�y, whe�he�-❑r <br /> no� th� same was vr should ha�e heen known t� Trustar. The praWisivns o� this se��ion ❑f the I�eed of T�-us�r <br /> in�luding fihe ❑b[igation t❑ indemni�y and de�end, shall sur�ive the payment o-��he 1ndelatedness and fihe satisfaction <br /> and recon�eyance ❑f�he lien of this ❑eed af Trus�and shall na�be affected by Lender's acquisitEan❑f any interes� <br /> in�he Properky, whe�her by fareclvsure or❑�herwise. <br /> Nuisance, Vllas�e. Trustor shall not cause, cvndu�� or permit any nuisance nor cammit, permi�, or suffer any <br /> s�ripping of ar waste on or ta the Praperty or any porfiion of�he Praperty. Withou� limiting fihe generaEity ❑�F�he <br /> foregaing, Trus�or will no� rema�e, or gran��o any ❑ther party the righ�to remo�e, any t�mber, minera[s �including <br /> vif and gas�r coa�, clay, scaria,soil, gra�el or rock prvdu�ts wi�hout Lender's prior written cvnsen�. <br /> Remorral of lmprovemen�s. Trus�or sha�� not demnlish❑r rem��e any lmproWemen�s from�he Rea[ Praperty without <br /> Lend�r's priar wri�ten consenfi. As a candi�ion to�he �-ema�al of any ImproW�ments, Lender may require Trus�vr to <br /> make arrangements satis�a��ory �o Lender �o replace such lmprv�emenfis with lmprv�ements �fi a� least equal <br /> �a�ue. <br />� Lender's Righfi�o En�er. L�nder and Lender's agents and representa�i�es may ent�r upan the Reat Prvperty at all <br /> reasonable fiimes tv attend �❑ L�nder's in�terests and �o inspe�t the Real Proper�y �or purposes of Trustar's <br /> campliance with�he terms and conditivns❑f this Deed of Trust. <br />