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��15�11�3 <br /> DEE�a DF TRUST <br /> Lvan Nv: '1�'128��'13 �C�nt�nued} Page � <br /> Attorney-in-Fact. lf Trus�ar�ails �o do any ❑f�khe�hings re�erred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> for and in the name ❑fi Trus�or and at Trusfivr's expense. Far such purpvses, Trustar hereby irre�ocably app�in�s <br /> Lender as Trus�or's a��orney-in-fact�o�-�he purpose ❑f making, executing, deii�ering, filing, recording, and doin� al[ <br /> other�hings�as may he ne�essary �r desiralale, in Lender's svle opinivn, to accomplish the ma�ters referred �ko in <br />' the preceding paragraph. <br /> �FULL PERF�RMANCE. lfi Borrvwer and Trusfiar pay a�[ the Indebtedness, including without �imita�ion all �future <br /> ad�ances, wh�n due, and Trustor otherwise performs aII the obliga�ions imposed upan Trus�ar under�his l�eed a�F Trus�, <br /> Lender shail execute and deli�er to Trustee a request far �full recon�eyance and shall execu�e and deli�er fiv Trustor <br />� suitable statemenfis of termina�ian a� any financing statement on �ile ��idencing Lender's s�curifiy in�erest in�he Rents <br /> and the Personal Property. Any re�on�eyance �ee required by law shal[ be paid 1ay Trustor, i� permit�ed by appli�able <br /> law. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each af the fo[�owing, at Lender's op�kion, shall cons�i�u�e an E�en� ❑f Default und�r this Deed <br /> af Trus�: <br />� Payment Default. gorr-ow�r fai�s ta make any paymen�when due under�khe lndeb�kedness. <br /> ��her Defau[ts. Bvrrawer or Trus�or fails fio �vmply with or to pertarm any ❑ther fierm, obligati�n, �ovenant or <br /> conditivn confiain�d in this ❑�ed ❑f Trus�or in any ❑f the Rela�ed Documents ar�o comply wi�h ar t❑ per�orm any, <br /> �e�-m, obligation, �vvenant�r�onditian confiained in any o�her agreemenfi between Lender and Borrawer❑r Trusfior. <br /> Compliance De�au�#. Failure to comply with any other term, obligation, �o�enant or �ondition contained in this <br /> ❑eed ❑f Trust,the No�e vr�n any vf the Re�ated Documents. <br /> De�au�t❑n �ther Paymen�s. Failure o�Trus�or w�thin th�tEme required by this Deed ❑f Trus�to mak� any payment <br /> for�axes vr insurance, ar any other paymen�necessary�❑ pre�en�filing of❑r�o�ffe��discharge❑�any lien. <br /> False 5�a�ements. Any warran�y, r�presentation ar sfiafiemenfi made or�urnished to Lender by B�rrower vr Trust�r <br /> or on Borrower's ar Trus�or's behalf under this aeed ❑f Trust or�he Rela�ed Documen�s is false or misleading in <br /> any materFa� respect, ei�her nvw vr at the �ime made or furn�shed or be�omes �False or misleading at any fiime <br /> fihereafter. <br /> Defec�ive Callateralizativn. This Deed ❑� Trus� or any ❑f the Rela�ed Documenfis ceases ta be in �ull �vrce and <br />� ��fe�� �incfuding �ailure ot any cvllate�al docum�nt�o create a �a[id and perfected se�urity in�erest or lien� at any <br /> time and�or any reasan. <br /> �nsvCvency. The dissolutivn or terminativn ❑f Borrower's or Trustor's exis�ence as a goin� business,the insvl�ency <br /> af Barrower or Trus�or, �he appoin�ment �� a recei�er tor any part ❑f Borrower's ar Trustor's proper�y, any <br /> assignment �ar �he bene�Fi� o�F credi�ars, any type ❑� creditor wor[�ou�t, �r the cammencement ❑f any p�roc�eding <br /> under any bankrupt�y or insv[vency iaws by or a�ainst gorrower a�-Trustv�. <br /> CredEtor or Forfeiture Proceedings. Commen�ement of �For�closure ar for�eiture praceedings, whether by judicial <br /> � prv�eeding, se�#-hef p, repassession ar any o�her m�thod, by any creditor ❑� Borrav►rer or Trus�or or by any � <br /> go�ernmen�al agen�y against any p�-operty secu�ing �he [ndebfiedness. This inc�udes a garnishment ❑f any of <br /> Bvrrower`s or Trus�tor's accoun�s, including deposi� accoun�s, wi�h L�nde�r. Hvwe�er, this E�ent of ❑efault shall <br /> nat apply i�there is a gaad -�ai�th dEspute �y Borrvwe�- or Trustor as �ko �he validi�y �r reasonableness o�the ��aim <br /> which is�he basis ❑�the credi��r or forfeifiure p�-aceed�ng and if Barrower❑r Trusto�-gi�es Lender written n�ti�e o� <br /> the creditvr❑r�orfeiture pr�ceeding and deposits with Lender mvni�s ❑r a surety bond for the creditor❑r farfeiture <br /> proceeding, in an amvunt de�ermined by Lender, in its svle discretivn, as being an adequate reserve or bond fvr the <br /> dispute. <br />� Brea�h of D�her Agreement. Any brea�h hy Bvrrvwer ar Trustor under the terms vf any other agreemenfi between <br /> 6�rrawer or Trustar and Lend�r that is no�k remedied wi�hin any �race period pro�id�d therein, inGluding without <br /> limitation any agreement concerning any indebtedness or other ❑btiga�ivn ❑f Borrower or Trustor to Lender, <br /> whether existing now or later. <br /> Even�s Aff�c�ing Guaran�or. Any of the pre�eding eWen�s ❑ccurs with respect to any guaran�ar, endorser, sure�y, <br /> �r accommvdat�vn pa�ty ❑� any of�he [ndebtedness or any guarantor, endorser, surefiy, or accvmmoda�ion pa�ty <br /> d'€es or becomes incompeten�; ❑r revokes ❑r dispu�es the �a�idi�y ❑f, ❑r liahili�y under, any Guaranty o-� the <br /> Indebtedness. <br /> Ad�erse Change. A ma�eriai adverse change oc�urs in gorrower's or Trus-�ar's financia� cvnditian, ❑r Lender <br />� belEe�es the praspect o�f payment or perfarmance❑�the lndebtedness is impaired. <br /> insecurity. Lender in g�od fai�h belie�es itsel�insecure. <br /> Righ��a �ure. l�any defauft, o�her-than a default in payment is curable and if Trus�or has no�been given a notice <br />� o�a breach ❑-��he same pro�is�on o�this Deed o�Trust within the preceding tv�ef�e ���} manths, it may be cured E� <br /> Trusfior, after Lend�r sends wri�tten notice �o Borrower demanding cure o�f such defaul�: {'1 y cures the defau�� <br /> within fif-keen {'i 5y days; ar ��} if the cure requires mare than fif�een ��5� days, immediat�[y initiates st�ps which <br /> Lender deems in Lender's sole discretivn to be su��icEent �o cure fihe de�Fault and thereafter cvntinues and <br /> cvmpEetes all reasonahle and necessary steps su��ici�nt�o produce compl3ance as soon as reasonab3y practical. <br /> RIGHTS AND REIVlED1E5 DN DEFAULT. I�an Event of Defaul�o�curs under�kh3s I�eed ❑f Trust, a� any�ime�herea�F-ker, <br />