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��15�11�3 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: ����83��3 �Continu�d} Page 5 <br /> C�NDEMNAT��N. The fall�win� proWisivns relat�ng�o candemna�ian pro�eedings are a part❑�fihis Deed ofi Trus�: <br /> Praceedings. [f any p�roceeding in candemna�ion is filed, T�rustor shall pramptfy notify Lender �n wri�ing, and <br /> Tr-us�or shall promp�ly take such sfieps as may be n�cessary t❑ de�end �he a�#ion and abtain �the award. Trus�ta�- <br /> may be�he naminal par�y in such proc�eding, but Lender shall be entitled�a part�cipate in�he praceeding and�a be <br /> rep�esen�ed in �he proceeding by caunse! vt its vwn choice, and Trus�or will deli�e�- or cause �❑ he deli�ered fio <br /> Lender such instrumen�s and documen�ation as may be reques�ed 1ay Lender from �ime �o time �a p�rmi� such <br /> pa�ticipa�ian. . <br /> Applicativn vf�Ne�Proceeds. If.all ❑r any part of�he Praperty is condemned by eminen�dvma�n pr��eedings or by <br /> any proceeding or pu�-chase in lieu of candemnativn, Lender may at i�s �lec�ivn require that al� ❑r any portion o�F fihe <br /> net proceeds of�he award 1ae applied to the Indeb�edness ❑r �he repair or �estora�ion a� fihe Property. The net <br /> proceeds of the award sha[l mean�he award after payment o� all reasonable costs, expenses, and a�torneys' �ees <br /> incurred by Trus�ee or Lender�n connection w�fih the �nndemna�ian. <br /> 1MP�SlTI�N ❑F TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GflVERN11JlENTAL AUTHDRiTIES. The �oflowing pra�isi�ns rela�ing <br /> to ga�ernmen�ta[taxes,fiees and charges a�-e a part o�f fihis ❑eed❑�Trust: <br /> Curren# Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trustar shall exe�ute such documents €n addi�ion t❑ <br /> . this Deed ❑f Trust and�ake wha�e�er o#her ac�ion is requested by Lender�o perfect and con�inue Lender's lien on <br /> the Real Proper�y. Trus�or shalC reimburse Lender fvr aIl taxes, as described below, �ogether wi�h all expenses <br /> incurred in recarding, perfecting ❑r cvntinuing this Deed of Trus�, €nc[uding wi�hou� limifia�ion a�l �axes, fees, <br /> documen�ary s�amps, and v�her�harges�or recording or registerEng this Deed of Trus�. � <br /> Taxes. The folfvwing shall cons�i�ute taxes tv wh�ch �his sec#ian applies: ��� a specific tax upvn fihis �ype n� <br /> Deed ❑fi Trus� ❑r upan all ❑r any part ❑f�he Indeb�edr�ess secured by this �eed a�Trusfi; {�� a specific tax an <br /> Borr�wer which Barrvwe�- is au�hori�ed or requ�red fi❑ deduct from paymen�s on the Indebtedness secured by�khis <br /> type o� Deed of Trus�k; �3} a tax❑n fihis type of L�eed ❑-�Trust chargeab�e against�he Lender or the ho�der❑f the <br /> Nofie; and {4} a specific tax on a3i or any portion of �he Indel�tedness ❑r ❑n payments ❑f principal and interes� <br /> made hy Borrawer. <br /> 5ubsequ�n� Taxes. If any tax �❑ which �his section applies is enac�ed subsequent �o �he date of�this Deed of <br /> Trus�, �his e�en� shaEl ha�e �he same ef�ect as an E�en� ❑f De�faulfi, and L�nder may exerc�se any or all of �ts <br /> a�ailab�e remedies for an E�ent of Defaul� as pro�ided 1aelow unless Trus�or either {�� pays �he tax hefore it <br /> becomes delinquent, or {�} con�ests the tax as prvWided abave in�khe Taxes and Liens section and depvsits wi�h <br /> Lender cash ar a sufficien�t corparate surety bond ar other securifiy safiisfac�ory to Lsnder. <br /> SE�URITY AGREEMENT; FINANCIN� STATEMENTS. The fial[awing pro�isians rela�tEng tv this Deed o� Trust as a <br /> securi�y agreem�n�are a par�❑f�his Deed ofi Trust: <br /> SecurEty Agreement, This instrument shalf cons�itute a Security Agreement �❑ the extent any ❑f th� Praperty <br /> const�tutes fixtures, and Lender shall ha�e a!� of�he rights �f a secured par�y under the Llniform Commercial Cvde <br /> as amended�Frvm time tv time. <br /> 5ecurity �nterest. Upon request �y Lender, Trustor shall take wha�e�er actian is reques�ed by Lender to pe�-�ec� <br /> and cvn�inue Lender's s�curtty interes� in �he Ren�s and Personal Praperty. ln addifiion �v recardFng this ❑eed a�F <br /> Trus� in �he real prop�rty recv�-ds, Lender may, at any �ime and wi�hout fur-�her authvrizativn from Trus�ar, �ile <br /> executed coun'terparts, ��pEes or reproductions v�F this ❑eed ❑f Trust as a financing stat�men�. T�ustar shall <br /> reimburse L�nder-Far all expenses incurred in perfec�ing ❑r continuing this securi�y interest. Upon defaul�, Trus�or <br /> shall not remv�e, se�er �r detach �he Personal Property from #he Property. Upan defaul�, Trus�or shall assembEe <br /> any P�rsonal Praperty not affixed to the Property in a manner and afi a place reasonably canvenien��o Trusto�r and <br /> Lender and make it a�ailable fio Lender within three �3} days aft�r receipt v� wri��en demand from Lender �o �he <br /> ex�en�pe�-mitted by appEicable Eaw. <br /> Addresses. The mai[ing addresses o� Trustor {deb�kor} and Lender {secured party} �rom which in��rma�ion <br /> concerning the se�urity in�eres� granted by fihis Deed of Trus� may be alatained �each as required by fihe Uni�arm <br /> Commercial Code} are as stated�n the firs�page of�his Deed o�Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-�N�FA�T. The �vllowing pro�isians rela�ing �o fur�her assurances and <br /> attarney-in-fac�are a part of this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Fur�her Assurances. At any�ime, and frvm time tv fiime, upon request of L�nder, Trust�r w�1� mak�, execute and <br /> deli�er, ❑r wili cause ta be made, execu�ed or deli�ered,�❑ Lender❑r�o Lender's designee, and when reques�ed by <br /> .Lender, cause to be �i�ed, record�d, re�Filed, ❑r rerecorded, as the case may be, at such �imes and in such v��ices <br /> and places as Lender may deem appropria�e, any and al� such mvrtgages, deeds o-�trus�, security deeds, security <br /> ag�r�emen�s, �inancing s�a�ements, con�inuation sta�emen�s, 'tnst�uments ot further assurance, certifiica�es, and <br /> ❑ther dacuments as may, in the sale opinion ❑�Lender, be necessary❑r desirab[e in order t❑ effecfivate, �omplete, <br /> perfect, cvntinue, or preser�e {�� Borrower's and Trus�or's o�iigations under�he Nvfie, �his ❑eed v�Trust, and <br /> �he Rela�ed Documen�s, and {2} �he liens and security int�res�s c�ea�ed by this ❑eed•of Trust as first and priar <br /> liens an the P�operty, whe�her naw owned vr hereafter acquired by Trusta�-. Uniess pr�hibi�ed by �av+i or Lender <br /> agrees to the contrary in wrifiing, Trus��r shall reimburse Lend�r for alI costs and expenses incurred in connection <br /> wi�h the matfiers referred tv in this paragraph. <br />