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<br />' �DEED �F TRUST
<br />�
<br />� Lvan No: �o�2g��4� ���ntinued} Page 5
<br />�
<br />' Title. Trustor warrants �hat: �a� Trustar halds goad and marke�able �itle of record �❑ �he Prvperty in �ee simple,
<br /> �ree and clear ❑�F aii iiens and encumb�ances �ther than �hvse se� forth in the Real Prvper�y description or in any
<br /> titfe insu�ance poiicy, �itle report, or �inal title ❑pinivn issued in fa�or o�, and accepted by, Lender in connec�ion
<br /> i with�his Deed ❑f Trus�, and �b} Trustor has�he�u�� right, power, and au�h�ri�y tv execute and deli�er�his aeed vf
<br />' Trus�t❑ Lender. -
<br />� Defense of Title. Subje�� t❑ �he excep�ian in the paragraph abo�e, Trus��r warrants and will fore�er defend the
<br />�
<br /> ti�le to the P�vper�y agains�the iawful claims of all pers�ns. In �he e��n� any action a�- proceeding is commenced
<br />' �ha�questions Trustor's tifile vr the interes�af Trustee or Lender unde�fihis Deed o�Trust, Trus�ar sha�l defend the
<br /> ac�ion afi Trustar's expense. Trustor may be�he nvminal party in such praceeding, but Lender sha�� be entitled �❑
<br /> participa�e in �he �roceeding and t❑ be represented in the proceeding by counsel of Lender's ❑wn chaice, and
<br /> Trustor wilf deli��r, or cause ta �e deli�ered, to Lender such instrumen�s as Lender may request�rom �ime�o time
<br />; to permit such part�cipativn.
<br /> Comp�iance VIJi�h Laws. Trustor warran�s �ha� the Praperty and Trusfivr's use ❑f the Prop�rfiy complies with all
<br /> existing applicable laws, ardinances, and regu�ations a�gavernmen�al authorities.
<br /> 5urvival of Representaf�ons and Warran�ies. All representations, warran�ies, and agreements made hy Trus�or in
<br /> this Deed of Trus�shal[ sur�i�e�he execut�on and deli�ery❑f this Deed ❑fi Trust, shall be cantinu�ng in nature, and
<br /> shall remain in full�vrce and e�fec�unt��such time as gorrawer's lndebtedness shall b� paid in full.
<br /> CflNDEMNATI�N. The fol�awing pro�isivns �-e�a�ing�o condemnation pro�eedings are a part of�his ❑eed o�Trust:
<br /> Proceed�ngs, �fi any proceeding in candemna�ion is fi�ed, Trustar shall promptly nati�y Lender in wri�ing, and
<br /> Trus�or shall promptly�ake such s�eps as may be necessary ta de�end the action and obtain the award. Trust�r
<br /> may be�he nominal par�y in such proceeding, but Lender sha�[ �ae ent�tled�o participate in the proceeding and�❑ be
<br /> represented in �he proceeding by cvunsel of its vwn choice, and Trustvr will deli��r or cause fia i�e delivered ta
<br /> Lender such instruments and documentatian as may be requested by Lender from fiime ta �kime �❑ permit such
<br /> par�i�ipa�ion. �
<br /> Applicativn of Net Prviceeds. I�a�� �r any par�❑�F�he Property is coridemned hy eminen�domain proce�dings ar by
<br /> any praceeding or purchase in lieu v�condemna�ion, Lender may at its ele�tion �-equire�hat all or any portion of�he
<br /> net praceeds o�F fihe award be applied �a the lnd�btedness or �he repair or res�kora�ian ❑f th� Property. The n��
<br /> , proceeds ❑t the award shall mean �he award after paymenfi vf a�� reasonab€e costs, expenses, and a��arneys' -�ees
<br /> incurred by Trustee ar Lender in cvnnec�ion with the condemnat�an.
<br /> IMP�SITI�N ❑F TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTHDRIT[ES. The fo[[owin� proWisivns �elating
<br /> �o go�ernmental fiaxes,�Fees and charges are a part of�his Deed a�T�ust:
<br /> Curren�Taxes, F�es and Charges. Upon re�uest by Lender, Trustor shafl execute such documents in addi�ion fia
<br /> �his Deed o�Trust and fiake wha�e�er vther ac�ion is requested by Lender fio pe��ec� and cont�nue Lender`s lien �n
<br />� �he Real Praper�y. Trustnr sha�� reimlaurse Lender �or all �ax�s, as described belaw, �ogether with all expenses
<br />,
<br />� in�urred in r�carding, perfect�ng ar con�inuing �his Deed.of Trust, in�luding withvut limitation all fiaxes, fees,
<br />� dv�umentary s�amps, and other charges fvr recarding or regis�ering�his Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The �ollawing shall cons�itu�e taxes to which this secfiivn app[ies: �'i y a sp�cific fiax upvn �his �ype ❑f
<br /> �3eed of Trus� ar upvn all or any part af�he lndebtedness secured by this Deed a�Trust; �2� a specific tax ❑n
<br /> Sarrvwer which Borrower is au�hori�ed or required to deduct fram paymen�s ❑n the Indebtedness secured by�his
<br /> �ype of Deed of Tr-ust; {3� a tax on this type of Deed ❑f Trust chargeah�e against the Lender or the holder of�he
<br /> � Nvte; and �4y a speci�ic tax on all ❑r any portion of �he lndeb�edness ar ❑n paymen�s af principal and inte�-es�
<br />� made by gorrower.
<br />, 5uhsequen� Taxes. If any tax t� which this secti�n applies is ena�ted subsequenfi �o �he date o� this Deed of
<br /> Trus�, fih�s eWent shall ha�e the same effec� as an Even� of ❑efaulfi, and Lender may exercise any or al� ❑� its
<br />� a�ailable remedies for an E�ent of ❑efau�� as pro�ided 1aelow unless Trustor either �1} pays the tax hefore it
<br /> becom�s delinquen�, or {2} cvntests �he�tax as provided abo�e in the Taxes and Liens sec�ion and deposits �rvith
<br /> Lender cash ar a suf�icxen�t carporate su�-ety hand vr other securi�y sat�sfa�tory t� Lender.
<br /> SECUR[TY A�REEMENT; FINANC�NG STATEMENTS. The followin� p�-o�isions refafiing tv �his ❑eed ❑f Trust as a
<br /> se�uri�y agreemen�are a part of�his Deed v�Trust:
<br />. Se�urity Agreemen�. This instrumen� shall cvnsfiifiute a 5��uri�y Agreement �o the extent any �f �he Property
<br />� consfii�utes fixfiures, and Lender shall ha�e all nf�he rights ❑f a secu�-ed party under�he LJni�form �amme�-cial Cvde
<br />' as amended�ram�ime to time.
<br />�
<br />; 5ecurity �nterest. lJpon reques� by Lender, Trust�r shall �ake whate�er action is reques�ed by Lender �❑ perfe�t
<br />� and continue Lender's security in�eres� in �he Ren�s and Persanal Prvperty. In addi�ion t❑ recordEn� �his ❑eed o�
<br />� Trust in �he real property recards, Lender may, at any fiime and withvut further authorization from Trustvr, file
<br />�
<br /> i executed caun�terparts, copies or reprndu��ions of �his ❑eed of Trust as a financing sta�emen�. Trustar shall
<br />� re�mbu�-se Lender-for a�� expenses �ncurred �n perfecting vr cantinuing this secu�-�ty interest. Upon defau�fi, Trustor
<br />�
<br />, sha�l not r�mo�e, se�er or deta�h the Personai Proper�y frvm the Praperty. Upan de�au�t, Trus�or shall assemble
<br />� any Personal Prvperty not affixed �o�he Property in a rnanner and at a p�ace �-easonak�ly �on�enien�tv Trus�vr and
<br />! Lender and make i� a�a€lable �o Lender within thr�e {3} days afte� rece�pt o� written demand �rom Lender�a the
<br /> i
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