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��15�1�45 <br /> B�RR��VL�'ER C�VENANTS that Borrawer�s �awfu��y se�s�d of th��sta�e hereby conveyed and has�h�right t� <br /> grant and c�n��y th�Praperty and that the Proper�y �s unencum.bered, �xcept for encumbrances�f record. <br /> Bflrrawer warran�s a�ad w��l defend genera��y�he����e�o �he Fr�p�r�y aga�ns�a��c�a�ms ax�d d�m.ands, subject�� <br /> any�ncumbrances af r�cord. <br /> THIS SECUR�TY�NSTRUMEN`T cambines un�form c�venants f�r nat��na�use and non-uniform co�enan�s with <br /> limited varia�z�ns by jurisdic�ion�o consti�ute a uniform securit� instrument cavering real proper�y. <br /> Unifurm C�v�nants. Barrawer and L�nd�r�ovenan�and agre�as fo��ows: <br /> 'I. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrov►r Items, Prepayment �harges, and Late Charges. Borrow�r <br /> shall pay w�en due the principal of, and in�erest on, th�deb�e�idenced by�he Nate and any prepa�rm�nt <br /> charg�s and�ate�harges due under the N�te. Borr�wer shall alsa pay funds for Escrow ���ms pursuan�to <br /> Section 3. Paym.en�s due under�he Nate and this 5ecurit��ns�rument shali be made in U,�. currency. <br /> �ow��er, if any check�r ather instrumen�received�y Lender as payment under the N���e or t�is Secllri�y <br /> Ins��umen�is return.ed to Lender unpaid, Lender may requxre that any or a�.� subsequent payments�ue und�r <br /> the Nnte and th�s Secur�ty �nstrument be made in�ne ar mnre of�he fo��aw�ng f�rms, as sele�t�d by. L�nder: <br /> �a}ca�h; �b}�,�ney arder, �c} c�rtif��d ch�ck, bank check, treasur�r's ch�c�or cash��r's che�k, prov�ded any <br /> �uch ch�ck��drawn upon an in�titut�on whose deposits ar� �nsured by a federa� agency, instru�enta��ty, or <br /> enti�y; ar�d} E�ectronie Funds Transfer. <br /> �'ayme��s ar�deemed rec�iv�d b�Lender when rece�ved a�the��ca�ion des�gnated in the No�e or at such <br /> other l�ca�ian as may be designated b�Lender ir�accordance�vith the notice provis�ons in Sect�an �S. <br /> �ender ma�return an�r paymen�or partia�pay,m�nt �f�h.e paymen�or par�ia�pa�rments ar� �nsuff�cient t� <br /> br��.g th�Loarl eurrent. Lender ma�r accep�any payment or par�xax payment�nsuff�c�ent to bring the L�an <br /> current, w�th�u�wai�er of any r�ghts hereunder or prejudzce to �ts r�gh�s to refuse such paymen�or par��a.� <br /> payment�in the futur�, but L�nder is nat ob�iga��d to apply such payrnents at the�im�such paymen�s are <br /> accept�d. If each Fer�odic Paymen�is app�ied a��f its schedui��du�date, �hen Lender n��d n��pay �nteres� <br /> �n unapplied funds. Lender may hnid such unappli��funds until Borrower mak�s pa�ment�to bring the <br /> Loan curren�. If Borrawer does n�t do so w�th�n a reasona���p�r��d�f txme, Lend�r shall ei�her app�y suCh <br /> funds or returr��hem ta B�rr�vver. �f n��appl�ed earlier, suCh fund�vvi�l be app�ied�a the outstanding <br /> princ�pa.I ba�ance under�he No�e imm�dia�e�y prior�o foreclosure. No offset or claim which Borrovver might <br /> ha�e naw or�n the future aga�nst L�ender sha�� re�i�ve Borrawer from making pa�ments due un�i�r�he N��e <br /> and this�e�uri�y�ns�rumen���performing the�ovenants and agr�emen�s secured by�h�s Secu��ty <br /> �nstrument. - <br /> Z. Application vf Payments �r Pr�ceeds. �xcep�as ather�ise described in thi�Section�, a��payments <br /> accep�ed and app�ied by Ifender shall be applied in��e f��lowing order�f priority: �a} in�erest.due und�r�he . <br /> No�e; �b}princ�pa�due under�he N�t�; �c� amounts due under S�ction 3. Such payments sha��be applied t� <br /> �ach P�ri�di� Paym�n� �n the order in whi�h i�b�came due. Any remaining amaur�ts sha.�.�be app�ied �rst ta <br /> lat�charg�s, second t�any other amnunts due under�his Security�nstrumen�, and�hen�� r�duce th� <br /> princxpa�halance of the No�e. <br /> If Lender rece�ves a payment fram Borrower far a delinquent Period�c Payment vvhich�nc�udes a suff�cient <br /> arnflunt to pay any�a�e charge due, �he paymen�may be app�ied to t�e delinquen�payment and�he�ate <br /> charg�. �f more than ane Periodic Payment is outstanding, Lender m�ay apply any paymen�recezved fronl <br /> Barrawer to�he repaymen�.af th�Periadi�Payments if, ar�d to the e�ten�tha�, each paymen�can be pa�d�n <br /> fu��. To the exten��hat any e�cess e�ists after the pa�ment is appl�ed to the full paymen�of one or more <br /> Per�odic Pa�men�s, suCh excess may b�appl�ed�o any la��charges due. Valuntary prepayments sha��be <br /> applied f�rs�to any prepayment charges and th�n as d�scr�bed in�he N��e. <br /> NEgRASKA-Sin�le Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNt��RM INSTRUM�NT Form 3��$'t141 <br /> VMP[� VMPF�N�)�13�2y <br /> Wvlters Kluwer�ina�cial S�r�ic�s Page 4❑f'i 7 <br />