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��15�1�4� <br /> All insurance poiicies requir�d�y L.ender and renewals�f such pa�ici�s shai�be sub�ec��o Lend�r's right to <br /> disapprove such paiic�es, sha�� inc�ud�a s�andard mor�gage ciause, and shall name Lender as mor�gagee <br /> andlar a� an addi�i�na1 loss payee. Lender shal� ha�e�he righ�to hold the po����es and renewal cer�ifi�ates. �f <br /> Lender requir�s, Borrower sha��pramp�iy g��e�o Lender al� re�eipts of paid prem�ums and r�newai notices. <br /> �f B�rrower obtains any form af insurance�oWerage, not��herwis�requ�red by L.ender, f�r damage to, or <br /> destruc�ion of, the Proper��, such poiicy shal� include a s�andard mortgage Glause and shall name Lender as <br /> mortgagee andlor as an additi�nai Iass payee. <br /> �n th��v�nt of�ass, B�rraw�r s�al� gi���ramp�t na���e���h�insr�ran�e ea�rier and ]�nder. �.aender�a� <br /> make pr�of of Ioss if not made promp��y by B�rrower. Un�ess Lend�r and�Barrower o���rw�se agree in <br /> wri��ng, any insurance proceeds, whe�her or na�th�under�}�ing insurance v�ras required by Lend�r, sha11 be <br /> applied to restoration or repair of�he Prop�rty, if the restorati�n or repair is economi�ally feasible and <br /> Lender's security is not l�ssened. During such repair and restorat�on period, Lender shal�have the right to <br /> ha�d such xnsurance proceeds un�i� L.ender has had an flppo�unity�o �nspect such Pr�per�y���nsure�he <br /> work has been compl�ted�o Lender's sat�sfact�on, pro�rided that such inspect�on shal��be und�r�ak�n <br /> promp��y, Lender may disburs�proceeds for th�repa�rs and restora�ion in a sing�e payment or in a series of <br /> pragress payments as the w�rk is comple�ed. Unless an agreemen�is made in writing ar App��ca�le�aw <br /> requ�res xnterest to be pa�d on such�nsurance pr�ceeds, I.�nder sha��not be requ�red to pay Borrower any <br /> in�eres�or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public ad�usters, or o�her third par��es, re�ained by Borrower <br /> shall na�be pa�d out of�he insurance proceeds and sha��be the so���bligati�n af Borr�wer. If the res�ara�i�n <br /> or r�pair is n�t economica��y f�asibl�or I�nder's secur�ty v��uld be�ess�ned, the insurance pr�ceeds sha11�e <br /> applied to the sums se�ur�d by this S�curi�y�nstrum�nt, v�rhe�her or not then due, wi�h�h�excess, xf any, <br /> paid to Borrower. Such insurance proce�ds shail be appl�ed �n�he order pro�ided for�n�ect�on�. <br /> If Borrower abandons�h�Property, Lender may f�le, nego�ia�e and s���ie any ava�lable insurance c�aim and <br /> related matters. If Borrower does no�respond within 3�days ��a not�ce fr�m Lender�hat the insuran�e <br /> carrier has offered to set��e a claim, �hen Lender may nego��a�e and sett�e�he claim. Th�3�-day period v�ri�� <br /> begin when the no��ce is �i�en. In ei�her ev�nt, nr if Lender acquires�he Property under Sec�i�n 2�or <br /> otherwises Borrower hereby ass�gns�o Len�er�a} Borrower's rights�a a�ay �nsurance praceeds in an amount <br /> no��o�xceed the amoun�s unpaid under the Not�or this S�curity Instrument, and�b} an��th�r of <br /> Barrower's righ�s �ath�r than�he righ���any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borr�wer}under aIi <br /> insurance po���ies c��rering the Proper�y, insofar as su�h rights are applicab�e to�he co�erage of the <br /> Property. I.�nder may use the insuran��proceeds�ith�r to repa�r ar restore�he Property or�o pa�r amaunts <br /> urrpaid und�r�he No�e or this Securi�y �nstrument, wh��her or not�hen due. <br /> �. Dccupancy. Borr�vver shall occupy, es�ablish, and use the Praper��as Borrower's princ�pa�resx�ence <br /> vv�thin 64 days af�er�he e�ecut�on of th�s Security Instru�nen�and shall continue to occupy the Proper�y a� <br /> Borrower's principa� residence for at�east ane year af�er the da��of occupancy, unless Lender o�hervv�se <br /> agrees in wri�ing, wh�ch c�nsent shal�no�be unreasanably withheld, ar un�ess extenuating circumst�nces <br /> ex�st v�hich ar�beyond Barrav�er's�ontrol. <br /> 7. Preser�ratian, Niaintenance and Pr�tecti�n af the Prflperty; [nspections. Borr��ver�hal�not destroy, <br /> darnage or impair the Proper�y, a�low�he Praper���o de�eriorate or comm�t v�as�e on�h�Property. V�The�her <br /> or n��B�rrow�r�s residing in�he Prop�rt�, Barrower�ha��maintain�he Propert�r in order to prev�nt�he <br /> Proper�y from de�er�ora�ing or de�reasing in�a1ue due to its �onditian. Unless i� is d��erm�ned pursuant�o <br /> S�c�ion 5 that repair or restora�i�n is not economically feasible, Borr�wer sha��promptly repair fhe Pr�perty <br /> if damaged to avaid further deteriara�ion or damag�. �f insurance or�ondemna�.ian praceeds are paid in <br /> conne�tion w��h damag���, or�h�taking af, �he Froper�y, Bnrrower shall be responsib�e for repairing ar <br /> restor�ng the Proper�y only �f Lender has r�l�ased proceeds for such purposes. L�nder may disburse proceeds <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie MaelFreddi�Mac UNI�QRM INSTRUM�NT �arm 3428 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP5SNE3�73�2) <br /> Walters Kluwer Finar�cial Ser��ces Page 7 of 17 <br />