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��15�1�4� <br /> requir�d by RESPA, and Borrawer sha11 pay ta L�nder the amaunt necessary ta make up�he de�ci�ncy in <br /> accardance�ith RESPA, but in no more than I2 man�hly payments. <br /> Upon payment in fuil �f all sums secur�d by this Security �r�strument, Lender shail pr�mp�ly refund t� <br /> Borrovver any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Gharges; Liens. Borrnv�er shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and impositions a�tributab�e to <br /> th�Proper�y wh�ch can at�ain priority o�ver this Security Instrument, l�asehold payments nr grQund rents�n <br /> the Pr�p�rty, �f any, and��mmunity Ass�c�at�on Dues, Fees, and Assessments, �f any. To�he ex�en��hat <br /> these zte�ms are Escrow It�ms, Borrov�rer sha��pay �h�nz�n the manner pravided �n 5�ct�on 3. <br /> Borrower shail promptly discharge ar�y lien which has priarity o�er this Securit�Instrumen�unless <br /> Borrower: �a} agrees in wri�ing to the payment�f�he abligatian secured by�he lien�n a manner ac�eptable <br /> to Lender, bu�an�y so �ong as Borrower�s performing such agreement; �b} contests �he�zen�n good fa��h�y, <br /> or defends against enforc�ment of the��en �n, �ega� proceed�ngs u�hzch�n Lender's�p�ni�n apera�e to pre�en� <br /> �he enf�rcemen�of the lien�vhi�e th�s�proceedings are pending, but only until such practedir�gs are <br /> conclud�d; �r�c} s��ur�s from the hol�tr af the�ien an agr�ement sat�sfa�t�ry to Lender subordina�ing �he <br /> li�n to th�s Secur��y �nstrumen�. If Lend�r determines that a��part of the Pr�p�r�y�s su��e���o a��en whzch <br /> can attazn priority o�er�his Se�urzty �nstrument, Lender ma�g��e B�rrower a n�tzce�den�ifying�he lien. <br /> Within 1�days of the date an wh�ch that natic��� g�ven, Borrower shall satisfy the�ien or take one or more <br /> af�he actions set for�h above in this Sectian 4. <br /> Lend�r may r�qu�re Barr�v�er t�pay a one-�ime charg� f�r a real estate tax Werifi�a�ion ar��l�r repor��ng <br /> s�rvi��u�ed by Lend�r�n connect�on w�th�his Laar�. <br /> 5. Property �nsurance, Borrawer shali keep�he impr�vemen�s now e��stzng ar hereaf�er erected on the <br /> Proper�y insured agains��oss by �re, hazards included w�th�n the term "�xt�nded caverage," ar�d an�r other <br /> ha2ards in�Iud�ng, �ut na��imited to, ear�hquakes and f�o�ds, far which L�nd�r r�quir�s insuranc�. This <br /> �nsuranc�sha��be ma�nta�ned in the amaunts �including deductibie le��ls} ar�d f�r�he periods�hat L�nder <br /> r��uires. 'V�hat Lend�r requires pursuant�a�he preG�ding s�n�en��s�an change�urxng the�ernz�f th�Loan. <br /> The insurance carr�er prav�d�ng the znsurance sha�l b�chasen�y B�rr�wer suhjec��a Lender's right tfl <br /> d�sapprove Borrower's chaice, whzch r�ght sha��na�be exercised unreasonably. Lender may re�u�r� <br /> �arrovver ta pay, in cannect�on with this Loan, either: �a} a one-time charge for fiaod zane determinatian, <br /> cer�ification and tracking serWices; or�b} a ane-t�me charge far flood zone d���rmina�ion and c�rti�catian <br /> services and su�s�qu�nt charges each time remappings or simi�ar changes�ccur which r�asonably might <br /> affect such determina�ion or cert��ca�ion. Borrovver sha�i alsa be respansible far�he payment nf any f�es <br /> impased by the Federa� Emergen�y Management Agency in conneCtion w��h the re�iew of any t�.Qad zone <br /> de�erminat�an r�su�t�ng fram an o�jectian by Borro�ver. <br /> �f Borrawer fails ta main�ain any�f the co��rages described aba�e, Lender may ob�ain�nsuranc�co�erage, <br /> a� Lender's�ptian and Barrov�er'�expense. Lender is under na obligation to purchase any part�cular type or <br /> am�unt of coverage. Th�ref�re, such coWerage sha11 cover Lender, but m�ght ar might no�protect Borr�wer, <br /> Barrower's equity xn�he Property, or the c�ntents of the Pr�per�y, against an�risk, hazard flr�zab�l�ty and <br /> migh�pro�ide greater or�esser C�verage�han was pr�vzausl� in effec�. B�rrfl�ver acknavv�e�ges tha��h�cost <br /> flf�he insuranc�c�verage so o�ta�ned m�ght s�gni�cant�y e�.ceed the cost of�nsurance that B�rrov�er cou�d <br /> have obtained. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Sect��n S sha�l become addi�ional debt�f <br /> B�rrower secure�by this 5�curity Ins�rumen�. Thes�amounts shall bear int�res�a��he N��e rat�from the <br /> �a�e of d�sbursem.en�and shall be payable, �vi�h such int�rest, upan nntice fr�m Lender t�B�rrawer <br /> r��ue�ting pa��rz�ent. <br /> N�6RASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNtFqRM INSTRUMENT �orm 3q28 11D'# <br /> VMP� VMPBtNEy 41302� <br /> Wvlt�rs Kluwer Financiai Ser�ices Page 6 vf i 7 <br />