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��15��953 <br /> Any appiica�ian�f pa�m�nts, �nsurance proceeds, or M�sc�llaneous Froceeds to principa� due under the Note <br /> shal� no�e��end or postpone the due date, or change the am�unt, of the Periodic Paymen�s. <br /> 3. Funds for Escrow I��mS. Borro�v�r sha�l pay�a Lender on the day P�riod��Payments are due under the <br /> Note, unt�l the Nfl�e�s paid�n full, a surr���he "Funds"� t�pro�ide for payment of amaunts due f�r: �a}�axes <br /> and assessm�n�s and o�her it�ms which can at�ain priar�ty o�er�his S�cur�t��ns�rumen�as a�ien or <br /> encum�rar�ce on the Pr�perty; �b� leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; �c}prem�iums <br /> for any and all insurance r�qu�red by Lender under Sect�an 5; and�d} Mortgage�nsuranc�prem�ums, if any, <br /> or any sums payable b�Borro�er to L�nder in�ieu of the pa�ment of M�rtgage Insurance prem�ums �n <br /> accordance w��h the provzsions af Sec�ian 1 D. The��items are�a���d "Escr�w �tems." A�nrig�natian or a� <br /> any time dur�ng the term of�h�Loan, Lender may r�quire tha�Commun�ty Assaciat�on Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessments, �f any, be escrov�ed b�Borrov�er, and such dues, fees and assessments sha��be an Escrflv� <br /> �t�m. Borrower shail pr�mpt�y furnish�o �ender a��notices of amounts to be paid under�his Section. <br /> B�rrower s�a��pay Lender the Funds for�scrow �tear�s unless Lend�r waives Borrow�r's obl�gat�on�a pay <br /> the Funds far any�r all Escraw �tems. Lender may wai�e Borrower's o�l�gation�o pa��a Lender Funds for <br /> an�or a�i Escrov���ems at any t�me. Any such wai�er may on�y�e in�r�t�ng. In the�vent of such wai�er, <br /> B�rrower sha�l pay d�rectl�, when and where payable, the amounts due for any Escrow ��ems far which <br /> paym�.en�of Funds has�een wa��ed by Lender and, if Lender requ�r�s, shall furn�sh ta Lender re�eipts <br /> e�zdencing such payment�ithin su�h�ime per�od as L.�nder ma� requir�. Borrovver's ob��gat�on��make <br /> such paymen�s and�o pr��vide rece�pt� shai� for aI�purpases b��.eemed to be a�a�enant and agreemen� <br /> c�ntained�n�his Secur�ty �nstrument, as �he phrase "covenant and agreement" is used in Sec�ion 9. If <br /> Bnrrawer�s ob�iga�ed to pay Escraw �tems direc�Iy, pursuant to a wa��er, an�Borrow�r fails ta pay the <br /> amoun�due for an�scrov� Item, Lender may ex�rcise i�s r�ghts under Section 9 and pay such a�maunt and <br /> Barrawer shall�hen be obl�ga�ed under Section�t� repay to Lender any �uch amoun�. Lend�r may re�oke <br /> the wa�ver as ta an�or a�l Escrow ��ems at any�ime by a not�ce given in a�cordan�e with Sec�ion IS and, <br /> upon such revacation, Borrower shall pa�r to L.ender ai� Funds, and�n such amaunts, �hat are then required <br /> under�h�s Sec��nn 3. <br /> Lender may, a�any time, col�ect and ho�d Funds in an amou�t�a} suf�cient�o permi�Lend�r�o ap�l�the <br /> Funds at�he�ime specified under RESPA, and�b}not t�exceed�he maximum amount a lender�an requ�re <br /> under RESPA. L.�nd�r shall e�t�mate the amount of Funds due on�he basis�f curren�data and r�asonable <br /> �s��mates of expenditures af fu�ur� Escrow I��ms or othervv�se in acc�rdance with 1�pplicable Law. <br /> The Funds sha11 be h��d in an insti�u�ion whase deposits ar�insured by a federa� agency, instrum�ntal.�ty, or <br /> enti�� �inciud�n� Lender, if L.�nder�s an inst�tu�ion whose deposi�s are sa �nsured� or in an�Federal �ome <br /> Loan Bank. Lender shai� appi�the Funds to pay �h� Escrov�r Z��ms no later�han the t�me speci�ed under <br /> RESPA. Lender shaii no�eharge Borr�wer for holding and app��ing the Funds, annually ana�yzing the <br /> es�row account, or verifying the Escrow It�ms, un�ess Lender pays Borrav�er interest an�h� Funds and <br /> Appiicable Law permi�s Lender to m.a�e such a charge. Unless an agreemen�is mad�in wri�ing�r <br /> Appiicable Law requires �nteres��a be paid an the�unds, Lender sha�l nat be r�quired ta pay Borr�wer any <br /> �n�erest or earnings on�he Funds. Borr�wer and L�nder can agr�e in writing, �owever, that�nterest shall�e <br /> paid an�he Funds. Lender shali g�ve�o Borro�er, wi�hout charge, an annuai ac�ounting of�he Funds as <br /> requir�d�y RESPA. <br /> �f�here is a surplus of Funds held in es�row, as defined under RESPA, I..�nder sha�� accoun�to Borrower fvr <br /> the excess funds �n ac�ordance wi�h RESPA. �f�here is a shor�age�f Funds held in escr�w, as defined under <br /> RESPA, L.�nder sha��no�ify Borrower as requzred b� RESPA, and BarrQwer sha��pa�t� Lender the amount <br /> necessazy to make up the shor�age in a�cordance with RESPA, but �n no more than 12 mon�hly pa�rmen�s. �f <br /> there is a def�ciency of Funds held in escraw, as defin�d under RESPA, Lender sha1�notify B�rrower as <br /> NEBRASKA-5ing(e�ami�y-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF4RM lNSTRUM�NT Form 3��8 1 Jni <br /> VMP[+� VMP6(N�y�13021 <br /> WQ�t�rS KIL1wEr Fin�r1C€��S�r�iCBS Page 5 af 17 <br />