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��15��SSS <br /> A1� �nsurance policies r�quired by Lender and renewa�s�f such po�icies shal� be subje���o Lender's r��h� to <br /> disapprove such policzes, shall includ�a�tandard martgage ciause, and shal�name Lender as mor��a�ee <br /> andl�r as an additional Ioss payee. L.�nder shall ha�re the righ��o ho�d the pol�c�es and renewai cert���cates. if <br /> Lend�r requires, Borrower sha�l prompfly�ive to Lender all rece�p�� of paid premiums and renewal not��es. <br /> �f B�rrnwer��tains an� form of insuran�e�o�erage, not o�herwise required b�r Lender, for darnage��, or <br /> destruction of, the Prnper�y, such p�Iicy sha�� �nc�ud� a standard mor�gage clause and shali name L.�:�ader as <br /> mor�gagee andlor as an additiona� �oss payee. <br /> In�he event of los�, Borrower sha�� gi�e pr�mp�n�tice to the�nsuran�e carrier and�...�nder. Lender may <br /> make proof af�oss if na�made pr�mp�ly by B�rrow�r. Ur�less L�nder and Borrfl�ver��h�rw�se agree in <br /> wr�ting, any insurance proceeds, whether or no��he underl�ing insurance�va�r�qu�red b�Lender, shal�be <br /> applied t�res�ora�ion or repa�r nf the Proper�y, if�he restora�i�n or repair is e�onom��al�y feasib��and <br /> Lender's security is not�essened. Dur�ng such repair and rest�ratian period, Lender sha��ha�e the r�ght ta <br /> hoid such �nsuranc�praGeeds until L.ender has had ar�apportunity t� inspect such Pr�perty�o�nsure the <br /> work has been c�mpleted to Lender's satisfaction, pro�id��.�ha� such �nsp����on shall be under�aken <br /> pro�rnptly. Lender ma� disburse proce�ds for�he repairs and r�st�ration in a sing�e payment ar in a series of <br /> pragress pa�ments as th�work is completed, Un�ess an agreement is made in�riting ar App�icable Law <br /> requires in�erest to�e pa�d�n such �nsuranc�proCe�ds, Lender sha��no�be requir�d to pay Borrflwer any <br /> �nteres�or earnings on such pro�eeds. Fees for pu�lic adjusters, or�ther third par��es, r�tained b� Borrovver <br /> shall no�be paid flut of the insurance�roceeds and sha��be the sole obligation of Borrav�er. If the res�oration <br /> or repa�r is not economxcally feasible or Lender's secur�ty wauld be lessen�d, �he insurance pra�eeds shall be <br /> applied to�he sum5 secured by this Securi�y �nstrument, whe�her or not then due, with�he e�cess, if any, <br /> paid to B�rrower. S€�ch insurance proceeds shall be applied in th�order pro�ided for�n Sect�an�. <br /> Zf Barrower abandons the Proper��, Lender may f��e, neg��ia�e and set�le any a�a��able insurance claim and <br /> relat�d matters. �f Borrower daes nat respond within 3�days�o a no�ice fram Lender�hat th�insuranc� <br /> carr��r has offered to sett�e a c�aim, �hen Lender may�ego�iat�and se��le the claim. The 3fl-day periad v�ill <br /> beg�n when the not�ce is g��en. �n ei�her event, or if Lender acqu�res�he Property und�r Sec�ion 22 or <br /> other�v�se, Borrow�r hereb�assigns to Lender�a} Borrower's�ights�o an� ins�rance praceeds �n an anz�unt <br /> no��� exceed the amoun�s unpaid under the Note ar t�is Security Instru�m�nt, and�b} any ather of <br /> Borrower's rzghts �other than�he r�gh�t� any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borro�rer} under ai� <br /> insurance p�lic�es cover�ng the Property, insafar as such rights are a�p�icable tfl �h�co�erage of�he <br /> Prop�rty. L�nder may use th�insurance proceeds ei�her t� r�pa�r or restore�h�Proper�y flr to pay amaun�s <br /> unpaid under the No�e ar this S��urity Instrument, �vhether or not�hen due. <br /> �. C]�cupancy. Borrow�r shal�occup�, �stablish, and use�he Proper�y as Sorrower's prin�ipal res�dence <br /> w�th�n d4 days af�er�he execu��fln of thxs Se�urit� Ins�rumen�and sha�� con�inue to occupy the Proper�y as <br /> Barro�rer's pr�ncipa� residence fflr at Ieas�one year after the date af accupanc�r, unl�ss I.�nder other��se <br /> agrees in v�rit�n�, vwhich c�ns�nt shall no�be unreasonab��r withheld, or unless e�tenua�ing circums�ances <br /> exist which are beyond Barrower's�ontro�. <br /> 7. Preser�at�vn. N�aintenance and Pr�tect�on af the Pr�perty; �nspecti�ns. Borrovver shal� n��des�roy, <br /> damage ar�mpair the Proper�y, allovv the Praperty to de�eriorate or comm�t vvast�on the Proper��. �Tl�he�her <br /> or not Borrower�s res�d�n� �n the Proper��r, Borrower sha�l main�a�n�he Property in arder to pre�ent�he <br /> Proper�y from deteriorating or decreas�ng �n�a�ue due to its cond��ion, Unless it is determined pursuan�to <br /> S�ction 5 tha�repair or restorat�on is ��ot econom�caliy feasible, Borrower shal�prompti�repair the Propert� <br /> if damaged to a�oid fu�her deterioratifln or damage. �f�nsurance or co�demnation pr�ceeds are paid in <br /> conne�ti�n wi�h damag�to, or the�aking of, �he Propert�y Barrov�rer shall ��respons�b�e for repa�ring or <br /> r�storing the Prape��on�y �f Lend�r has rel��sed proceeds for such purposes. Lender�m.ay disburse proceeds <br /> N�BRASKA-Singl�Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT fvrrn 3��8 11d� <br /> VMP[� VMP6[N�f�1302} <br /> Wa(t�rs Kluwer Financi�l S�r�ic�s Page 7 of 17 <br />