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��15��SSS <br /> requ�red by RESPA, and Borrow�r sha��pay�o Lender the amount nec�ssary t�make up �he deficiency in <br /> a�:c�rdance v�i�h RESPA, bu� �n nfl more�han �2 mo�thiy paymen�s. <br /> Upon paymen� �n ful� of a�� sums se�ured by th�s Security Instrum�nt, �.ender sha�� promptl� refund�o <br /> B�rrower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Barrower sha�l pay a�l taxes, assessments, charges, f�ne�, and imp�sitions attr�bu�ab�e ta <br /> the Prap�rty which can attain pri�rity av�r this Se�urity �nstrum�ent, leaseho�d payments or�rflund rents:on <br /> the Property, if any, and �ommunity Ass�ciation Dues, Fees, and Assessmen�s, if any. To�h�extent that <br /> thes�i��rr�s ar�Escrow It�m�.s, Borrower shal��ay �h�m in�he manner pravided in�ec�zan 3. <br /> Barrower sha��prompt�y d�scharge any ��en which has priarity o��r this Security�nstrument unless <br /> Borr�wer: �a} agrees in v�riting�o the pay�ment af the ob��ga���n se�ured by �he�ien�n a ma.r�ner accep�able <br /> to Lend�r, but�r��� sQ l�ng as Borrower�s perfarming such agreement; �b}contests the l�en �n gaod faith by, <br /> ar defends against�nf�rcemen��f�h���en �n, ��gal praceedings wh��h in L�nder's op�nzon operate�o pre�v�n� <br /> th�enforc�ment�f�he��en whi�e those proG�edings are p�nding, but only unti� such procee�ings are <br /> cQnc�uded; ar�c} secures from the ho�der�f�he l�en an agreemen� sat�sfactory to Lender subar�.�nating�he <br /> �ien t� �his Secur�t� Instrum�nt. If Lender determ�nes that any par�of the Property is sub�ec�t� a�ien which <br /> can a�tain prior�ty o�er this SeCur�ty Ins�rum�nt, Lend�r may gi��B�rro�ver a notiG��d�nt�fying �he li�n. <br /> �Vithin 14 days of th�da�e on which�ha�notice is g��en, B�rraw�r shai� satisfy the�ien or�ak�ane or more <br /> af the acti�ns set for�h abo�e�n�h�s Sec�ian 4. <br /> Lender amay require Borra�ver�o pa� a ane-�ime charge for a rea� es�at�tax v�ri�cat�an andlor repor�ing <br /> ser�ice used by Lender in cannecti�n with�his L�an. <br /> 5. Property �nsurance. Borra�ver sha�� k��p the�mprovements now existing or hereafter erect�d on th� <br /> Property insured aga�n���oss by�re, hazards�nc�uded v�ithin�he�erm "extended cov�rag�," and an���her <br /> hazards �n�ludzng, but nnt��maited�o, �arth�uakes and floods, for which L�nder r�quires insuran�e, Th�s <br /> �nsurance shal� be ma�ntained in the amflunt� ��ncluding deduct���e��ve�s} and far the periods that L�nder <br /> requires. �hat Lender re�u�res pursuant to the preceding sentenc�s can change during the�ern1 of the Laan. <br /> The insurance carri�r pr���ding the insurance sha11 be chosen by Barrower subject ta Lend�r's right to <br /> di�appro�e Borr�v�er's choice, which right shal� no�b�e�.erc���d unreas�nably. Lender may require <br /> Borrov�er�o pay, in connection with th�s Loan, ei�her: �a} a on���im��harge for f�oad zone de�ermina�ion, <br /> �er�ifica�i�n and track�n� serv�ces; or�b} a one-time charge f�r f�nad 2nne determination and cer�i��cat�on <br /> services and subsequ�nt charges each t�m.e remappings�r s�mi�ar changes occur which reasona��y m�ght <br /> affec�such de�ermination or cer�ification, garrower shal� also b�r�spansib�e far the payment flf any fees <br /> �mposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in connect�an with the r�view of any �l��d z�ne <br /> determination resulting fr�m an�bjec��an by B�rrower. <br /> If Borrawer fai�s to main�ain an�of�he cflverages described abov�, Lend�r may abtain in,�urance coverage, <br /> at Lender's op�xan and Borrower's exp�nse. L�nder is under no ob��ga��an�a purchase any par�icu�ar t�pe ar <br /> am�unt of c�v�rage. T`h�refor�, su�h coverag�shai� Co��r Lender, but might or might n�t pro�ec�B�rrow�r, <br /> BorrQwer's equity in th�Prop�r�y, or�h���nten�s af�he Proper�y, aga�nst any risk, hazard or izabili�y and <br /> mu.ght pro�ide greater or l��ser�o��rage�han was pre�iously in effect. Barrow�r acknow�edges�hat�he cost <br /> of th�insurance c��erag�sa nbta�ned na��h�s�gni�cantly exceed�he cast of insurance that B�rr�wer couid <br /> ha�e�btained. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Se�tion 5 shai�became ad�iti�na�debt of <br /> Borro�ver secured�y this Security Instrum�ent. These amnunts sha��bear�nteres� at th� No��ra��from the <br /> da�e of disbursement and shall be payabie, with such�nt�res�, upon notic�fram Lender to Borrower <br /> requesting payment. <br /> NEgRASKA-SingIe Famiiy-Fannfe Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM lNSTRUMENT Form 3028 1101 <br /> VMP Q� VMP��NE�413Q2} <br /> WQlters KEuwer Financiat 5er�ices Pag�6 of 17 <br />