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��15��S7S <br /> B�RRU�lI�ER C��ENANTS tha� Borrower is Iawfully seised of the es�ate hereby�on�eyed and has the right ta <br /> gran�and con�ey the Prop�rty and tha�the Property is unencumbered, excep�far encumbrances of record. <br /> Barrower warran�s and�v�il defend ��neraliy the title to the Proper�y against a1I c�aims ar�d demands, subject to <br /> an�encumbrances Qf record. <br /> TH�S SECL�R�TY�NSTRUM�NT c�mbines unzfflrm covenan�s for na��ana�use and non-un�f�rm cov�nants with <br /> Iim.ited variations by jurisdictian�o constitu�e a unzforam s�cur��y �ns�rum�nt cov�r�ng real pr�perty. <br /> Uniform Co�enants. Borrow�r and Lender covenant and agr�e as�o����s: <br /> �. Payment flf Principa[. �nterest. Escrow �tems, Pr�payment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> shall pay when due the pr�nc�pa� of, and interest�n, �he debt evidenced by the Note and any pr�pa�ment <br /> charges and Ia�e charg�s du�under the Note. Borrower sha�l also pay funds for�scraw �tems pursuant ta <br /> S�ction 3. Paym�nts due under the Not�and�his Se�ur�ty �nstrument shall be made in U.S. currency. <br /> Hnwever, �f any ch��k ar�ther�nstrument received by Lend�r a�payment und�r the Note or this Security <br /> �nstrurnent i�returned�o Lender unpazd, L�nder may re�uir�that any ar al� subs�quent pa�ments due under <br /> the Note and this Securi�y�nstrumen�be m�ad��n one ar mflr�of�he fn��aw�ng f�r�ns, as se��cted by L�nder: <br /> �a}cash; �b} money order; �c} certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier'�che�k, pra�r�ded any <br /> such check is drawn upon an ins�itution vwhase depasi�s are insured by a federal agenc�, instrumentality, or <br /> ent�ty; or�d} Electr�nic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payment� are deemed r���ived by Lender when received at�h��o�atz�n d�szgnat�d �n the No�e or at such <br /> other locatian as may be designated by I�ender in acc�rdanc�w�th the notice pr��r�sions in Sec��an �S. <br /> Lend�r may return any payment or partial paymen� if the pa�ment or par�ial payment� are insuf�czent�o <br /> bring the Loan current. Lender may ac�;ept any payment or par�iai payment insufficient�a bring t�e Loan <br /> curren�, v�ri�hout waiver of any righ�s hereunder�r pre�udice to its rights to refuse such payment or par�ial <br /> paym�n�s �n�he fu�ur�, but Lender xs not�bliga�ed to apply su�h pa�ments at the time suCh paymen�s are <br /> ac�epted. If each P�riod�c Payment �s app��ed as o��ts scheduled due date, then Lender need not pa� in�er�st <br /> nn unapp�ied fund�. Lender may hoid such unapp��ed funds un��� Barrow�r makes paym�nts ta bring the <br /> L�an current, If Barr�w�r daes not do sa wi�hin a r�asona��e per�od of tirne, Lender shall ezth�r app�y such <br /> funds ar return�hem�� Barr�wer. �f not applied earli�r, such funds will be applied ta th��utstand�ng <br /> principal balanG�under the No�e�mmed�a�eiy pri�r ta forec�asure, Na offset�r claim wh�ch Borro�ver might <br /> have naw or in the future a�ainst Len�.�r sha�� re�iev�B�rrawer from mak�ng paymen�s�u�under the Not� <br /> and�his Securi�y Instrumen�or perform�ng the cn�enants and agre�n�en�s s�cured by th�s Securzty <br /> Ins�rUment. <br /> �. App�ication �f Payments vr Praceeds. Exc�p� as otherwise desGribed in�his 5��tion 2, aii paym.ents <br /> accep�ed and app�xed by Lender sha�i be app�ied in th�following�rder of priority: �a} interes�du�under�he <br /> No�e; �b} principa� due under the Not�; �c} amounts du�under Sectz�n 3. Such payments sha��be applied�Q <br /> each Periad�c Payment�n the arder�n�h�ch xt became due. Any remain�ng amounts sha��be app�ied f�rst to <br /> late charges, secand ta any a�her amflunts due under thzs 5ecur�ty �nstrumen�, and then ta reduce�he <br /> principal balance of the N�te. <br /> �f Lender rece�ve�a payment frnm Barrower for a�eiinqu�nt Periadic Payment which includes a suff�cient <br /> amaunt�o pay an��ate charge due, th�payment may b�app��ed to�he d��inquent paymen�and�h�la�� <br /> charge. �f more than ane Periodic Payment �s au�standzng, Lender may app�y any payrn�nt rece�ved fr�m <br /> Borrow�r�o�he repayment af the Periadic Payments if, and to the e�ten�that, each pa�men�can be pa�d in <br /> fu��. T�the extent�hat any exG�ss exis�s af�er the payment is app��ed to the full payment of ane or more <br /> Per�odic Paymen�s, su�h excess may be applied to any late charges du�. Voluntary pr�paymen�s shall be <br /> appli�d��rs�to any prepa�ment charges and then as describ�d �n the No�e. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie Ma�l�reddie Mac UNI�ORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1101 <br /> VMP Q VMP6tN�f�1302� <br /> Wniters Kluwer Financia[Ser�ices Page 4 of 17 <br />