<br /> cl�ar o� afl [iens and encumbrances, excep� encumbrances of record, and that Trus�ar�s) wi�! wa�ran�
<br /> and d�fend the �roperty, at Trus�or�s} expense, aga�ns� alf c[aimanfis whomsoe�er. Trus�orts} afso
<br /> hereby vvaives and ref�nqu�shes alf r�ghts o�dawer, hames�ead, distributi��share, and exemp�ion in and
<br /> to�he abo�e described proper�y.
<br /> This i� a purchase money trus�deed.
<br /> Th�s dacumen� �s executed in 2 �oun�erpar�s �o faci[i�ate recording in muEtipf� counties bu� shalf be
<br /> �eemed �o he one documen�.
<br /> Trust�r�s� and each of them further co�enan#s and agrees w�th, or certifies to, Benefic�ary
<br /> as f�llows: .
<br /> 1. To pay all liens, �udgments, or o�her assessmen�s agains� the proper�y, and �� pay when due alf
<br /> assessments, �axes, ren�s, fees, ar charges upon �he prope�y or under any �eas�, permi�, I��ense, or
<br /> pri�ilege ass'rgned �a gen�ficiary as additional secu�i�y�o�his Trust Deed, inc[uding those in or on publi�
<br /> domain.
<br /> �. To insure and keep insured huildings and o�her impraWemenfis including fixtures and attachm�n�s
<br /> now on o� hereafter placed on the property to the satisfaction of Beneficiary. Such insurance will �e
<br /> endorsed wi�h a [oss payable clause fio Beneficiary. Qn d�mand, Trusfior wil! furnish said po[i�ies or
<br /> proaf of insurance to Beneficiary. Any sums so received by Bene�i�iary may be used �o pay for
<br /> reconst�uc�ron of �he destroyed impro�ements or i� not so applied may be app�ied, at �he op�Eon of
<br /> Beneficiary, in payment of any indeb�edness ma�ured or unma�ured secured �y�his Trust Deed. Such
<br /> insurance w�li be in an amount a� least equal �o fihe lesser af fihe [oan balance, the ac�ual cash �a�ue o�
<br /> �he colla�eral, or the r�pfacement cos� ofi the proper�y, and wi�� a� a minimum, co��r losses caused by
<br /> fire, lighfining, �xp�osion, aircraft, �ehicles, �anda[ism, smoke, windstarm, and hail. Trustor�s}wil[ ob�ain
<br /> and ke�p fload insurance in �orce�o �o�er �asses by flood as required by Ben�fic�ary or by�he National
<br /> F[ood lnsurance Ac� of �958, as amende�, or by regula�ions implemen�ing �he same. Trustor�s} fur�her
<br /> agree �hat B�ne�iciary is not and wi[f no� �e lia�le �or any faiiure by Trus�flr�s} or by any insurer, for
<br /> wha�e�er reasan, �� o���in and keep th�s insurance in��r�e.
<br /> 3. To keep al� buildings, fixfiures, a�achmen�s, and ofher imp�o�ements nnw on or hereafter pla��d �n
<br /> �he prop�rty occupied and �n gaod repair, ma�n�enance, and cond��ian and t� neither comm�� nor permi�
<br /> any ac�s af waste or any impairment of fihe �a�u� af �h� proper�y. Ben��iciary may en�er upon th�
<br /> property�o insp�c�th�same or to per�orm any acts authorized herein or�n the cr�dit agreemen��s}.
<br /> 4. [n �he e�ent Trus�or�s}fails fia pay any l�ens, judgnn�nts, assessmen�s, taxes, r�nts, fe�s, or Charges
<br /> or main�ain any insurance on �he proper�y, bui[dings, fix�ures, a��achmen�s, or impro��men�s as
<br /> prov�d�d h�rein or in fihe loan agreemen��s}, Ben�f�ciary, a� �ts op�ion, may make such paymen�s or
<br /> pro��d� insurance, main�enance, or repa'r�s and any amounts paid �herefor wil! become par� o� �he
<br /> principaf �ndeb�edness secured her�by, be immedia�ely due and payabfe and bear interes� a� �he
<br /> defaul� ra�� pro�ided �n the note�s} or �red'rt agreement�s} �rom the date ofi payment until paid. The
<br /> ad�ancement by Benefiiciary of�any such amaunts will �n no manner limit �he right o� Bene�i�iary ��
<br /> declare Trustor�s} in de�ault or exerc�se any o� Beneficiary's a�her rights and r�m�dies.
<br /> �. [n the e�en� Bene��ciary is a parfiy fio any litiga�ion af�ecting �he proper�y or �he lien of �his Trust
<br /> Deed, in�luding any acfiion by Bene�ic�ary ta enforce �his Trust D�ed or any su�� in which Beneficiary is
<br /> named a defendant �inc�uding condemnafiion and bankruptcy proceed�ngs} Beneficiary may incur
<br /> expenses and ad�ance paymen�s for abstract fees, attorneys fiees ��o�he exten�allorrved by iaw}, cos�s,
<br /> expenses, appraisal f�es, and o�h�r charges and any am�un�s so ad�anc�d wi[I become par� of the
<br /> prinCipal ind�btedness se�ured h�r�by, be immedia�ely due and paya�le and bear �nteres� afi fihe
<br /> default rat� pro�ided in the note�s} or credi�agreement�s}fr�m�he�a�e a�advanc� unti[ paid.
<br /> �. Any awards mad� to Trus�or�s} or �heir successars by the �xercise of eminent domain are hereby
<br /> assi�n�� to Ben�ficiary; and Beneficiary is hereby au�horized �� co1l�G�and apply�he same in paym�n�
<br /> of any indeb�edness, mature or unmatured, secured by�his Trust Deed.
<br /> ?. In �he e�ent of default �n the payment when due of any sums secured here�y �principa[, interes�,
<br /> ad�ancements, or pro�ecti�e ad�ances}, or�ailure to �er�orm or observe any co�enants and cond����ns
<br /> c�n�a"rned here�n, �n the note�s}, credit agreement�s}, or any ��her instrumen�s, or any proceedings is
<br /> braugh� under any Bankruptcy iaws, Benef�ciary, at i�s ap�ion, may dec[are the en�ire indeb�edness
<br /> secur�d hereby �o be immedia�ely du� and payab[e and �he whole wilf bear in�eres� a��he defiaui� ra�e
<br /> as pt�av�ded in fihe note�s} ar�r�dit agreemen��s} and �eneficiary may immed�a�ely aufihorize Trus�e�to
<br /> App#:53�5028; C�F#:20�387; Note#:203 �20SQ Lega!Doc.Date:February�,2��5
<br /> F�RM 5��1,Trus�Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 3 a�5
<br />