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��15���39 <br /> r�quired by RESPA, arid Borrower sha��.pay to Lender t.�ie amount necess�.ry��make up the de�ic�eney in <br /> acc�rda:nce with RESPA, bu��n no more tha� l�monthly paym�nts. <br /> Up�n paymen�zn full of a��sums secured�y�s Securi�y Ir�trument, Lender shall pramptly refund t� <br /> Borrower ariy Funds held by Le�der. <br /> 4. �harges, L�ens, Borrower a1�.ta�es, a,�sessments, charges, �es, ax�.d�mpos��on�attribu�ab�e to <br /> the Property�xrhich can a��o�ity Qver this Secur�.ty Ir�str�ument, �easehold paymer�ts or garou�id r�nts on <br /> the Property, �.f an�, and�ommunity Associa�on.I]ues, Fees, �:I1.a.A55�SSi77�i7.fS, �f any. Ta the e�tent�hat � <br /> these iterns are Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay them i-�the manner provided in Sec�on 3. <br /> �orrower�ha11 pramp��y discharge any��en which ha.s priQrxty over this S�curity Ixistrument uxal.ess <br /> Borrotiver: [a} agre����w�~itin.g�o�.he payment af�he Qbligatzon secuxed by the�ien in a manner acceptable <br /> to Lenc�ex, but ox�J.y so�ong as Borrawer�s such.agreement; �b�cantests�h.e��en ir�.go�d faith_by, <br /> or defex�d�agains�exa.�arcem�nt a�the�ien in., Iega�proceedi-�gs urhieh�n Lender's opinian operate ta prevent , <br /> the enfarce�ent of�he lien while those pr�ceedings are pencli:ng, bu�only unt�1 such proceedings are <br /> Goncl.uded; or�c} secures fram the h�Ider af the I.ien an agreemex�t sa�.sfactory to L�r�der subordi-�at�ng�he <br /> �ien�o this Security Ins�rument. If L,ender de� that an�par�t of�he Propex-ty�s subj ect to a Izen w�.i� <br /> cax�.attain prxority aver�h�s Securit�Instrument, Lender may g�ve B�rra�uer a na�ice�.de��ify�.ng�he Iien. <br /> �it.hin 1�d:a:ys of the date on wbieh that r�otice is given, Barrower sha��sat�sfy the l�en or�ake flr�e o�more <br /> of the act�ons set forth above�n this Sectzon 4. <br /> Lender may require Borro�xrer to pay a one-�ime charge for a real esta.te tax ver�ficat�on�.dlor rep�rting <br /> ser��ce used�by L�.de��n connectio�.v�ith th�.s Loan. <br /> �. Prap��-�� [nsurance. Borrower shall keep�he�.mprov�ments�.�w ex�st�g or hereafter e�e��ec�or�t�e <br /> Prop ex ty ir�surec�a�a inst�.�s s by fire, ha.zarc�s inc�uc�ed.uri�hin.the term"extended c�verage,°p and ariy other <br /> ha.2ards i�zcluding, bu�not�.�mited ta, eart�iquak�s and t�oods, for which I�ender requx.res ir�.surar�ce. This <br /> i�xsurance sha1l be ma�.nta:�ned�n.the amoun.ts��ncl.uding deduGtib�.e Ieve�s� and for the p�r�ods that Lender <br /> requires. �hat�.ender requires pursuaxa.��o the p�ecedi�.g sentences c�n change dur�n.g the�ex�m of the L�an. <br /> The�nsurance carrier prov�d�g th�insurar�.ce shall be chasen by Borrower subj ect�a Lend�r's right to <br /> d�sapprave Borrawer's chazce, which right shall nat be exercised unreasonab�y. Lender may require <br /> Barro�er t�pay, in connect�on v�th�his Laan, either: �a}a onewtime ch.arge for f�ood 2one de�ernzinat�.on, <br /> cer�f�ca�ion.arxd tracking services; or�b�a one-�ime charge for flood zone de�e�runat�on and c�rtificat�Qn <br /> serv�ces and.subsequen.t char�es each��ne remap�ings �r sir�.�ar cl�anges occur ur�c�i r�a.sana�l.y�ight <br /> affec�such d�eterm�.nativn or cer�f catia�._ B�r�-a�ver s�a11.a�sa be�esponsib��fo��e�ayme�.t�f ax�.y fees <br /> iznposed by the F�deral Emerg�nc�Man_agemen��genc�i�cox�nec�io��th the r�-v��Rr��anv fl.��ci�o�.e <br /> determY-natzan resu�ting f�om an o�j ec��o�.�y�orr�wer. <br /> If Borrow�r fails to mai.ntain a�y of�he coverages descri.bed above, Lender n�ay obtain 7:nsuranee coverage, <br /> at L�r�der's opt�on and.Borrower's Lender is under r�� obl�ga��an to purchase any par�cu�.ar type or <br /> amount of coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but might or might nat p�o�ect Borrawer, <br /> Borrovirer's equity i-t�the Property, or the cori��nts of the Property, aga�nst any r�sk, ha,zard ar I.iabi�ity and <br /> might provxde grea�er or less�r coverage tha.�was previous�.y i.xi effect. Borrov�rer acknawled.ges�ha��e cost <br /> of�ie insurance coverage so o�tained might significan�ly e�ceed the c�st�f��urarice�at B�rr-o�er cou�d� <br /> Jhave obtaix�.ed.. �ny am��.u�.�s d:-�sbursec�by I�e�der vir�der this Section 5 s1�a1�beeoxne add:�txo�al debt�f <br /> Borr�wer�s S�curity Instrum.e�nt. T`hes�amau�ts sha��bear�nterest at-�e No��r�.�e fi��m�he <br /> d.a.te of d:isl�ursemen�an�.sha��be paya��e, w:ith�uch in.terest, upox��otice�om Lender�t��or�o�xrer <br /> requestzn��ayment. <br /> 240�7834 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-�annie N[a�IFreddie Mac�N[FORM INSTR�MENT Fflrm 3D28�1�'E <br /> VM P Q VM P6tNE}t�3a2} <br /> Vlfoiters Kluwer Finar�cial 5�rvices Page�vf�7 <br />