<br /> Any ap�lica�i.on o�pay�nents, insurance proceeds, or M�.scellarieous Froceeds to princxpa�due under the Note
<br /> shal.I�ot extenc��r pos�p��.e the due date, �r�han�e the amount, of�e Period�c Payments.
<br /> 3. Fw�:ds for�scr�w I�e�s. Barrower shall pa�to Lender on�he day Period�c Payments are due under�he
<br /> Note, until the Note�s pa�id in full, a su�n�th.e"Funds"�to pravide f�r payment of amou�ts due for: �a��axes
<br /> and assessments ar�d o�her�tems v�rhich can attai.�z przority over this Security Instrumen�as a Izen or �
<br /> encunlb�a�.ce on the Property; �b)�easeho�d paymex�ts ar ground rents on�he Property, if a�.y; (c�prem�urns
<br /> for any and a1�insuxanee requ�-ed by L�x�der urider Sectiar�S; and td.�1Vlartgage Insura�ce pxem�ums, xf ariy,
<br /> ar any sum.s�ayabJ:e b��orrower to Lender�n lieu of�he payment of Mortgage Insurance premiums�:r�
<br /> accordance urith.the prQvis�o�.s �f Section ��. These items are called"Escrow Items." A�ori�gina�ion or at
<br /> arzy�ime during the�erm�f-�he Loar�, Lender may require�hat Community Assoeiat�ar�Dues, Fees, and.
<br /> Assessmer�ts, xf any, be escrav�red�y Borrower; �:nd such dues, fees and as�essmen�s sh.all be an Escrow
<br /> Ite�. �3orrow�r sha1�.promptly furnish to Lende�a�I.not�ces of amfl�:nts to be paid izn.der�his Section.
<br /> Borro-vv�er��a�pay Ilender�ie Funds for Escrow Itex�.s uritess Lender waives Borrov�rer's abl�ga�i.on�o pay
<br /> the Funds for a�a.y or a1�Escrow Items. L�nder may waive�3arra�wer'�flbligat�an to pay to Lender Fu�ds for
<br /> any or a��.Escr�ur Items at any�ime. .A,ny su�h wa�ver may o�ly be in writvzg. In�.e event of such waiv�r,
<br /> Borro�er sha.��pay clirectly, when and wh�re pa�rable, �he amounts due for any Escr�w I�ems for which
<br /> payxnent of Furi.ds has been waived�y Lender an.d, if Lender requ�res, sha�l furnish to Lender recei�ts
<br /> evxdencz�.g such payment v�ri�n such time period as Lender may requ:ire. Bo�rflwer's abl.zgat�on�o make
<br /> such payxnents and.t�p�avide recezp�s sha��far aII purposes be deemed to be a covena:nt ax�.d agreemen�
<br /> c�ntaYn�c�.in�h�.s Secur�.ty Instx u�:nen.t, as the phrase"ca�renant and agreement41 �:s used�Sect�on 9. If .
<br /> Borrov�er��ob��iga�ed��pay Escr�w Items�ireGtly, pursuant�o�.�raiver, arid��rrawer fails�n pa�r�e
<br /> amouzzt due for an��erow Ifem, Lender r�.�.y exerc�se�ts rig�ts u�d.er Seet�on 9 anc��ay suc�annount and
<br /> Borrower sha�.�the�]�e o�b�iga�ed un:der Sectio�9��repay to JLender any suc�i�o�tA �,ex�dex-m�.y�re�roke
<br /> the�ra�v�r as t� any or a�:�Escrow I�ems a�any�ime by a notice given in accord:a�ce ticri�h Sect�.�n �S axid,.
<br /> upon such revacat�on, BorrouT�r sha11 pay to Lender aII Funds, and�.n such amaunts, �.hat are ther�required
<br /> ur�d.er�his Secti.on 3.
<br /> Lender may, at any�ime, col�ect and hold Fuxa.ds�n an amount�a� suff cient to permit Lender to apply the
<br /> Funds at the ti.m.e specif�.ed under RESPA, and�b�nat�o e�ceed the ma�imu�n a�otant a Iex�der can requi.re
<br /> �nc�er RESPA. Lender sha.11 e��imate the amou�t Qf�unc�s du�fln the basis of current data and reasanab�e
<br /> estimates of e�pendi_tures of future Escrow I�ems or o�ierwise�accordar�ce vUit�.App�.i.�abie I�aw.
<br /> �`he Funds s�xa:l�be h�I�d in an�:nst�tu�iorz whose d.eposit�ar�vasured by a federa.�agency, �s�.ur�e�.ta�ity, �r
<br /> er�.�ity[�ncl:ud.ing L��.d.er, if Lend�r is ax��sti�tion wh.�se depos�ts�re so 7.nsurec�} ��-�r�any]�ec�e��.�.�ome
<br /> Loar�Bar�k. Lender shall app�y�he Funds�o pay�he Escrovv Itenls na later�han�1i�tYme s�pecifzed�urider
<br /> RESPA. Lender sha�.�.not charge I3orrower fnr holdYng a�rici appl.ying�he Funds, annually ax�alyzir�g�he
<br /> escravr account, or verifyi.ng the Escrow Items, uril.ess Lender pays�3orrou�er iri��rest or�the�u�ds and
<br /> Appl:xcable Law perrnits Lender ta make such a charge. Ur�ess axi agreement i�made in.vrrit7.n.g or
<br /> Appl�cab�e Law requires in.tere���o be paid an the Funds, Lender sha�.I not be requir�d�a pay Borrower any
<br /> interest or earnings or��h.e Funds. Borrower a.and Le�der can agree�writ�ng, however, that in:�erest sha1l be
<br /> �aaid on the Funds. L�nder shall give to Farrov�rer, withaut�harge, an an.xa.ua�accour�t�ng of the Fu�ds a�
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> If t.�ere is a s��.us�f Funds held ir�escr��r, as de��ne��,nder 1�ESP�, JLender sha�I�cc�unt t��orro�rer for
<br /> the e�cess�nds�.n accord:an.ce with l�ESPA. If there�s a���r�age of Fun.ds�e1�in esc�o�, as de�ned�n.�.�r
<br /> RESPA, Lend.er s�al.�r�oti�y Borrower a.�required by RES1�.A., and Bor�ow�r shall pay t�I�e�.d.er�he amount
<br /> �.ecessar�r to make up the shor�a.ge in accordance w��h RESPA, i�ut�n no mare#han 12 mo�.�h�y payments. If
<br /> there is a def�ci.ency of Funds held in escro-w, as def�ned und.�r RESPA, Lend�r shall notify Borrawer as
<br /> 24�4783d
<br /> NEBRASKA-S��g�e�amily-Fannie Ma�IFredd�e Mac L1NlFORM fIVSTR�NfENT �arm 3428 �ld'f
<br /> VM P� VM P6�NE}{�[3�2}
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