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��15��554 <br /> A�� insurance pa�icies required by I..�nder and renev�a�s of such pol�c�es sha��be subjeG��o Lender's right�fl <br /> d�sap�ro�e such pal�cies, sha1� inc�ude a standard mo�gage c�aus�, and sha��name L�nd�r as m�rtga�ee <br /> andlor as an additional �oss pa}�ee. Lender sha��have the r�gh�ta ho�d the po�icies and renewal certi�ca�es. �f <br /> I,�nder requires, Borrawer sha�l promptly g�ve to Lender a�� receip�s af paid premium�s and renewa�notices. <br /> If Borr�v�er obtains any form of�nsurance coverage, no���herwis�requ�red by Lend�r, f�r dama�e�o, or <br /> des�ruc�ian af, �he Proper�y, su�h poliGy shail �nclude a standar�mor�gage clause and shal�name Lender as <br /> mor�gage�andlor as an addit�ona� �oss payee. <br /> �n the even�qf loss, Borrovver shali g�ve promp�nat�ce�o�he insurance carr�er and L�nder. Lender may <br /> mak�pr�af af�oss i�n��made promp�ly by Borrower. Un�ess Lender and Borrower otherwis�agree in <br /> �vr�ting, any in�urance proceeds, whe�her�r not the under�ying�nsurance was required by Lender, sha1�be <br /> applied to restora�ion or repa�r af��e Praper�y, if the res�oration or repair is�conomica��y feasibl�and <br /> Lend�r's s�curi��i�na�1ess�ned. Dur�ng such repazr and restora���n period, Lend�r sha��have th�right�a <br /> h�1d such insurance pra��ds until Lender has had an oppor�un�t�tn inspec�such Proper�y�o ensure th� <br /> work has been complet�d to Lender's sa�isfac��an, provided tha�such inspec��on sha�l b�under�aken <br /> pr�mptly. Lender may d�sburse proeeeds for the repairs and res��ra��an in a single payment or�n a series of <br /> progress payments as the work is compl���d. Un�ess an agr�emen��s made�n writ�ng ar Applicab�e Law <br /> requ�res �n�er����o be pa�d�n such in�uranc�prace�ds, Le�.der shall n��be required to pay Borrower any <br /> i�terest�r earn�ngs on su�h proc�eds. Fees for pu�l�c ad�us�ers, ar other�h�rd part�es, re�a�n�d by B�rr�wer <br /> shall n�t be pa�d ou�af th�insurance proceeds and sha11 be�he so�e obliga�ion�f B�rrov�er. �f the restorat�on <br /> or repair�s not ecanorn�cally feasib�e or L.�nder's security v�ould be�essened, the in�uranc�proceeds sha��be <br /> . appiied�a�he sums secure����h�s Security Ins�rum.�n�, wheth�r or not then due, w��h the e�cess, if any, <br /> paid ta Borrow�r. �uch insura�ce procee�.s shall be app��ed �n the order prov�ded far in Section 2. <br /> �f Barrower a�andons�he Praper�y, Lender ma�f�1e, n�go�iate and set��e an�a�a��a�i�insurance claim and <br /> r��a��d mat�ers. �f B�rrower does not respand�rx�h�n 3�days to a not�ce fram Lend�r�hat th�insurance <br /> carrier has affered ta se�t�e a clairn, then Lend�r may nego��a�e and set�le�he c�aim. The 3�-day period will <br /> begin v�hen the notice�s g��en. �n��ther ev�nt, or if L,�nder acqu�r�s the Prap�rty und�r Section 22�r <br /> otherw�se, Borrov�er hereby ass�gns�o Lender�a} Bflrrtiwer's righ�s�o any insurance pr�ce�ds in an amount <br /> no�to exceed�he am�unts unpaid under the Nate or�h�s Securi��Ins�rument, and �b} any ofh�r of <br /> Borraw�r's rights �a�her�han the r�gh�to any refund of u�earned pr�miuna�pa�d by Borrawer}under <br /> �nsurance p��icies co�er�ng the Proper�y, insofar as such r�ghts are appl�cab�e t��he coverage of the <br /> Proper�y. Lender ma�use the insurance pr�ceeds ei�her�a repair�r restare�he Property or to pay amaun�s <br /> unpa�d under�he Na�e nr�his Security �nstrument, �vhether or no�then du�. <br /> 6. �ccupancy. Borrower shall �ccupy, es�ablish, and use�he Proper�y as B�rrower's pr�ncipal r�sidence <br /> within 6�days after the execut�an of�h�s Security Ins�rum�.ent ar�d shall �on�inue to occup��he Pr�per�y as <br /> Borr�v�er's principal residenc�for at��ast one year after�he date af�ccupancy, unless Lender atherwise <br /> agrees �n writing, which consent sha�� no���unreasonably wi�h.he�d, �r unless extenuating�ircums�ances <br /> ex�s�wh�ch are beyvnd Borrov�er's c�n�ro�. <br /> 7. Preservation, �Il�a�ntenance and Protection vf the Pr��erty; [nspections. Borrower shal�not des�ro�r, <br />�or impair the Proper�y, a11ow the Proper��r to de��r�orate or com.mi�was�e an�he Proper�y. �hether <br /> or not Barrow�r�s res�d�ng �n the Property, Borrower sha�� main�ain th�Praperty in arder to prevent the <br /> Pr�per�y from de�eriora�ing ar decreas�ng �n�alue due ta ��s c�nditi�n. Unless it�s determined pursuan�to <br /> Section 5 that repa�r or restora��on xs no�ec�n�mically feasib�e, Barr���r sha�l pramp�ly repa�r the Properry <br /> if damaged t� avo�d further de�erzora�ion or damage. If insurance ar�ondemna�ion praceeds are paid in <br /> connec�ian w�th damage to, or the�ak�ng af, �he Prapert�, B�rra�ver shai�be responsible for repairing ar <br /> restorxng�he Proper��only if Lend�r has re�eased proce�ds for such�urp�ses. Lender ma�disburse prace�ds <br /> N�BRASKA-5�ngle Fami�y-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM tNSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3n�$1141 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NEf{13Q2} <br /> Walters Ktuwer Financia[Ser�i�es Page 7 af 17 <br />