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��15��554 <br /> Any app�ication�f paymen�s, �nsuranc�pr�c�eds, or M�sce��aneaus Proceeds �a princ�pal due und�r the No�e <br /> sha�.�not exte��d or pos�pone�he due date, ar change�he am�unt, af�h�Periodic Pa�ments. <br /> 3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borraw�r sha��pay�o L,ender on the da� Per��d�c Payments are due under the <br /> No�e, un�il �he No�e �s paid�n full, a sum��he "Funds"}�o provide for paym�n�of amounts due far: �a�tax�s <br /> and assessments and ather��em5 wh�ch can a�ta�n priority ov�r this Secur�ty Instrument as a lien or <br /> en�umhrance fln the Pr�per�y; �b� leaseha�d pa�rxnents or ground ren�s on�he Praper�y, if any; �c}premiums <br /> for aray and ali �n�urance r�quired by Lender under Sectian 5; and�d} Mor�gage�nsuranc�pr�miums, if any, <br /> or ar�y sums payable by Borrower�o Lender�n��eu of�he payment of M�r�gage Insurance premiums in <br /> a�cordance�vith�h�pr��isions of Sectian �.�. These items are cal�ed "Escraw I�ems." A�arig�nat�on�r at <br /> any time during�he term of�he L�an, Lender ma�r require that�ommun��� Assaciat�on I]ues, Fees, and <br /> Assessmen�s, if any, be escrawed��B�rrower, and such du�s, fe�s and assessments shall b�an Escrow <br /> �tern. Borrvwer sha1l pro�nptly furnish��L,ender a�� na�ices of amounts to be paid under�h�s 5ection. <br /> Borrower sha�I pay Lender the�unds for�scrow Items un�ess Lender wa�ves B�rrower's obl�ga�ion to pay <br /> the Funds for any or a�I �scrflw �temEs. Lender ma� wai��Borrower's abl�ga�i�n tn pay ta Lender Funds for <br /> any or a�� �scrow I�ems a�any time. Any su�h waiWer may on�y be in writing. �n the��en�of such�var�er, <br /> Borrower sha��pay directly, when and where pa�ab�e, the amounts due for any Escrflv�r Items for w�.�ch <br /> payment of Funds has been wai�ed b� Lender and, xf Lender r�qu�res, shal� furn�sh to Lender rec��pts <br /> e�idencing su�h pa�rment within such time per�od as Lender ma� requ�re. Borro�ver's o�Iiga�ion�o make <br /> such paymen�s and�o pr�v�de rec�ipts sha�� for a11 purpases be d�em�d to be a co�enan�and agreem�nt <br /> contained�n�his �ecur�ty Instruxnent, as the phrase "co�enan�.and agreemen�" is used in Se�tion 9. �f <br /> Barro�er is obliga�ed �o pay Escro� �tems dxre�tly, pursuant�a a wa�ver, and Borrower�fai�s�a pay�he <br /> am�un�due for an Escraw �tem, L�nder may exercise�ts ri�h�s under Section 9 and pay such amount and <br /> Borrower sha����.en be obligated under Sec��on 9�o repay t� L,�nd�r any such amount. Lend�r may revoke <br /> �he waiver as to any or all Escrow �tems a�any t�me b� a no�ice given in accordance w�th Sec��on �5 and, <br /> upon such revocation, Borr�w�r shal�pay t�Lender aXl Funds, and�n such amounts, that are then r�qu�red <br /> under�his Sec�i�n 3. <br /> Lender ma�r, at an��ime, collec�and ho��.F�nds in an amoun��a} sufficien��a perm�it Lender�� apply�he <br /> Funds at the�ime speci��d under R��PA, and �b��ot t�exceed�he maximum amoun�a�ender can require <br /> under RESPA. Lend�r shai�estima�e the amaunt af Funds due�n the bas�s of current data and reasonab�e <br /> estimates of expend��ures of future Escrow I��ms or atherw�s��n accardance with Applicable Law. <br /> '�The Funds shal�be held in an�ns�i�ut��n whose depasits are insured b�a federa� agency, instrumen�al��y, or <br /> en�ity �in��uding I.ender, if Lender i� an.�ns��tu��an�vhose de�osi�s are so insur�d}or�n an�Federa� Home <br /> Loan Bank. Lend�r shall apply the Funds�n pay the Escr�w Items no later�han�h�time sp�ci�ed under <br /> R�SPA. �,��a��r shall ���charg��c�rr�w�r f�r h����ng ��a�p����g�����n��a a�nnually ana��zin�the <br /> escrow ac�oun�, or�er�fyxn�the Escravv Items, unless Lender pays BorrovWer�nteres�on the Funds and <br /> App�xcable Law permits Lender�o make such a charge. Unless an agreemen�is made in wri�ing or <br /> App�icab�e La�v r�quires inter�st�o be pa�d on�he Funds, Lender sha�� not be requ�red��pay Borrower an� <br /> in�er�s�or earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree�n writing, hawe�er, tha��n�erest shal�be <br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shall give�o Borrow�r, w�thaut charge, an ar�nual accounting of the Funds a� <br /> required by RESPA. <br /> If�here�s a surp�us of Funds heid in escrow, a5 defined under RESPA, Lender sha�l account ta B�rr�v�er f�r <br /> the e�cess funds in accordan�e with RESPA. If there is a shar�age of Funds held in escrow, as de�ned under <br /> RESPA, Lender sha�� notify Barro�v�r as r�quired by RESPA, and Borrow�r�hall pay to Lender the amount <br /> necessary ta make up t�he shor�age in accordance v�ith RESPA, but�n n�more than �2 month��r payments. �f <br /> �here is a de�c�ency�f Funds heid �n escrow, as defin�d under RESPA, Lender sha��no�ify Barrower as <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�amily-�annEe Mael�reddie Mac IJNiF�RM INSTRUM�NT Form 3D28 11�1 <br /> VMP[R] VMP6tNE){1302� <br /> Wolt�rs Ktuwer Financiaf 5er�ices Page a af'#7 <br />