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��15��554 <br /> s�n�ences shal�n�t apply�a the presence, us�, or storage on the Proper�y of sma�� quantities�f Hazardous <br /> Subs�ax�.c�s that are gen�ra���r�cogn�zed to�e appr�pr�ate�o normal res�d�nt�a�us�s an�i to ma�n��nanc�of <br /> �h�Proper�y �including, but no�I�rn��ed ta, hazardous �ubstan��s �n consum�r produ�t�}. <br /> Borrower shall prompt�y give L�nder wr���en notice of�a} any investiga�ion, claim, demand, lawsu�t ar other <br /> ac�xon by any govern.m.enta� or regulatory agen�y�r pr��a�e par�y in�olving the Property and any Hazardaus <br /> Subs�ance n�En�ironmen�a� Law af wh�ch Borrow�r has actual kno�ledge, �b} any En�ironm�ntal <br /> �4ndxt�on, inclu�iing but n���imi�ed�a, an�spilling, ��ak�ng, dzscharge, re�ease�r�hreat of r��ease�f any <br /> �azardou� Substanc�, and tc} an�r�andx��nn�aused by �he presence, use or release of a Hazardous �ubs�ance <br /> wh�ch ad�rersely affects�he�aiue flf the Pr�per�y. If Borrawer learns, �r is noti�ed by an�r g��rernmenta� or <br /> regula�ory authori�y, ar any pri�ate par�y, that any rerno�a� or o�her remed�a�ion�f any Hazard�us Substance <br /> affecting�he Pr�per�y is necessary, Borrower shal�pr�mp��y take al�necessary reme�iial actians zn <br /> accardanc�with En�ironmental Law. Nathxng her�in shall create any obXzga�ian�n Lender for an <br /> �nv ironm�nta� Cleanup. <br /> N�n�Unifarm Co�ena�t�. Borrower a.r�d Lend�r c�venant and agree as fflllo�s: <br /> �Z. Ac�e�eration; Remedies. Lender sha�I give nat�cQ�o Bvrrower pr�ar to acce�eration Fol�owing <br /> Barrower's breach of any co�enant or agreemen��n�his Se�ur�ty Ins�rument �but not prior to <br /> acce�erat�on und�r S�ctian 1�unless App�icable Law pro�ides�therwise). 'T`he no��ce shall specify: �a� <br /> �he default; �b} the ac��on requ�red to cure the defau�t; �c} a date, not�es��han 3U days from the da�e <br /> the notice is given to Borrower, by which�he default nr�ust�e�ured; and �d} that fa��ure�o cure the <br /> defau�t on nr before th�date spec�f�ed in the natice may resu��in acc�l�ration�f�he sums secured by <br /> th�s S�curity Instrument and sa�e of the Property. The nat���sha�� further inform Borrower of�he <br /> r�gh�to re�nstate after acce�eration and the righ���bring a caurt a�t�on ta assert the non�ex�stence of a <br /> defau�t or any ather defense of Borrower ta acceleratian and sa�e. If�he defau�t is no�cured on or <br /> �efore the date specified in the not�ce, �ender a��.ts optian rnay require immed�a��payment in full of <br /> alI sums sec�red by this Security Instrument without fur�her d�mand and may invoke�he pnwer of sa�e <br /> and any other remed�es perm�tted by Ap�licab�e Lavv. Lender shall be en�it�ed�o col�ec�a��ex�Qnses <br /> �ncurred�n pursuing the remed�e�prav�ded xn this Sec��on 22, �ncluding, but na��imi�ed to, reasonab�e <br /> attorneys' fees and costs of�x��e e�idence. <br /> If the pawer�f sa�e is invoked, Trus�ee sha��recard a no�ic�of default in each coun�y�n wh�ch any <br /> par� of the l�roperty�s located and shall mai�copi�es of such nat�ce in the manner prescr�bed by <br /> A�p��ca���e Law�o Borro�ver and��the other persons prescribed b�����icab�e Law. After the t�me <br /> �equired by App�icab�e Law, Trustee sha��gx�e pub�ic not�ce of sa�e�o�he persons and in the manner <br /> pre5cribed by Ap�licab�e Law. Trustee, w��hnut demand on Borr�wer, sha�i sel�the Property a� public <br /> auction�o the h�gh�st bidder at the time and p�ac�and under�he�erxns des�gna�:�d�n�he nv�ice of sale <br /> in one ar more parc�ls and in any order'Trustee de�ermines. Trustee may postpone sale af ail or any <br /> parce�of the Praperty�y pu���c ann�uncement at�he t�me and place of any prev�ous��scheduled sa�e. <br /> Lender or its designe�ma�purchase�h�Property a�any 5a��. <br /> Upon rec��p�of pa�ment�f the price b�d, Trus�ee sha�� del��er�o�he purchaser Trus�ee's deed <br /> convey�ng the Proper�y. The rec�tals in the Trus�ee's deed sha�l be prima facie evidence of�he�ruth of <br /> �he s�atements rnade there�n. Trustee sha��apply�he praceeds of the sale in the fallowing order: �a� �o <br /> a��cast�and�xpenses of exercising the pvwer of�a��, and�he sa�e, including the pa�ment of th� <br /> Tru��ee's fees ac�ua��y�ncurred and r�asanable at�orneys' fees as permitted�y App��cable Law; �b} to <br /> ali sums secured by th�s Security In��rument; and �c} any excess to�he person or per�ons�ega��y <br /> ent���ed to it. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fanni�Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUM�NT Form 3Q28 i 101 <br /> VMP� VMPfi4N�y{13�21 <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page�4 af�7 <br />