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��15��554 <br /> �n�h�Pr�per�y and rights under thzs Security �nstrument; and �d}takes such a���on as Lender may <br /> reasanably requir�to assu�re�ha�L�nder's in�erest in th�Property and r�ghts under�h�s S�curity Znstrumen�, <br /> and Borrower's�b�igation ta pay�h�sums secured by this Secur�ty�nstrument, shal� c�ntinue unchanged. <br /> Lend�r ma�require�hat Barrower pay such reinstat�ment sums and expenses in one or mare af the fo��awing <br /> forms, as se�ected by Lend�r: �a}cash; �b}money order; �c}c�r�if�ed check, bank check, �reasur�r's check or <br /> cashier's check, prov�ded any such check�s drawn up�n an ins��tutz�n whos�depas��s are insured b� a <br /> federa� agency, instrurnen�alit�r or en�i�y; ar�d� Electron�c Funds Transfer, Up�n rein��atement by Barrower, <br /> this Securi���nstrumen�and ob�i�ation� secured herehy shall rema�n fully effec��v�as if na acce��rati�n had <br /> ac�urred. However, th�s rzgh��o reinstate sha11 no�app�y in�h�case of accelera���n under Se�t�an �8. <br /> 20. Sale af Nvte; Change �f Laan Servicer; Natice �f Gr�e�ance. The No�e ar a partial �n�eres�in�he <br /> Note�toge�her wi�h�h�s Secur���r�ns�rument3 can be so�d ane�r m�re times wi�hout pr�ar no���e to <br /> Barraw�r. A sa�e n�.�g�it resu���n a�hange ir�th�en�i�y �knavvn as�e "Loan Servicer"} �ha�co��ec�s Periodic <br /> Paymen�s due under the Nate and���s Security �ns�rumen�and performs other mar�gage��an ser�ic�ng <br /> o�b�iga�ians under th�N��e, �his Securi�y �nstrument, and Applicable Law. There alsa might be�ne or m�re <br /> chang��of the Loan Servicer unrelated�o a sa�e af�he Note. �f�here�s a change of the I..,aan Ser�i�er, <br /> Borrow�r wil�be gi�en wr�tten notice of�he change whxch wi�� s�ate the na�me and address�f the new Loan <br /> S�r�ic�r, the addr�ss to which payments should be made and an�other informat�on RESPA requ�res xn <br /> . cannec�ion vvith a n��x��of transfer of servic�ng. If�he N�te is sa�d and th�reafter�he Loan is serv�ced by a <br /> L.nan Servicer ather than�he purchaser of�he Note, the mortgage�oan servicing ob�x�at�ons to Borrow�r wi�l <br /> r�ma�n w�th the L�an Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servxcer and are not assumed�y the <br /> Note p��.rchaser un��ss otherwise pro�ided by�h�Note purchaser. <br /> Nei�her B�rrower nor L,ender may commence,�oin, �r b�joined�a any�ud�cia� act��n�as eith�r an <br /> indi��dua� �i�igan��r�he member vf a c�ass}that ar�s�s from th���her party`s actions pursuant to this <br /> Security Instrument�r that alleges�hat the o�her party has breached any prav�s��n afy or an�r duty ovved�y <br /> reason of, th�s Securi�y �nstrumenf, until such B�rrower or Lender has no�ified the nther party ��v��h such <br /> notice given in com�liance v5r�th���requirements af Section �5� af such a�leged breach ar�d afforded t�.e <br /> other party hereto a reas�nable peri�d after the g��ing of suc�n��ice to�ake carrecti�e acti�n. If Applicable <br /> Law pravid�s a time period v�h�ch mus�elapse before cer�ain action�an���aken, �ha��ime per�od v�iil b� <br /> deemed to�e reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The n�t�ce of acceleration and oppor�un���r�o cure <br /> given�o Borr�wer pursuant ta Section 2�and�he n�t�ce of accelera��on g��en to Borrawer pur�uant ta <br /> Sect�an �.8 shali be deemed�o sa�isfy�he notxce and opportunity to�ake�orrecti�e act�on provisions of�his <br /> Sec�xon�4. <br /> ��. Hazardnus Suhstances. As used in this Section 21: �a} "I�azardaus Substances"are�hase su�star��es <br /> defined as to�xc�r hazardaus subs�ances, po�lu�ants, or wa5tes b� �n�ir�nmenta� Law and�he fo��avv�ng <br /> substanc�s: gasol�ne, kerosene, other�lamma�le or toxic petroleum products, ��xic p�sticides and herb�cides, <br /> �olat�Ie so��ents, materiaJ.s con�axn�ng asbest�s or forma�dehyde, and rad�oacti�ve ma��rials; �b} <br /> "E'nvirnn�nental�tvv rr means federa� �avvs and laws of the jurisdiction where the Proper�y is Iocated tha� <br /> re�ate�o health, safety or enviran.�men�al pra�ec���n; (c� "Ertviror�men�al Cleanu�p"includes an�respc�nse <br /> act�ony remedial ac�ian, �r remaval ac�ion, as def�ned �n En�ironmental Law; and (d} an ".�nvirortrrter�tar <br /> �'nn�'itior�"means a conditian�ha��an caus�, �ontr�bu�e to, or oth�rwise trigger ar�.En�ironmental��eanup. <br /> Borrov�er s�al�not cause or p�rm�t the presenGe, use, disposa�, storage, or re�ease of an�Hazardaus <br /> Substances, �r threa�en�o release any�azardous Subs�anc�s, on or in�he Prop�rty. Borrovver shal�no�do, <br /> nor al�ow anyone els��o do, an�r�hing affecting th�Proper�y �a}�hat�s in��ola��on of any Env�ronmental <br /> Law, ��}w�ich creates an En��r�nm�n�a� �ondition, or tc}�vh�ch, due�o the presenc�, use, or re�ease of a <br /> �azardous Substanc�, cr�a��s a c�nditian that adverseiy affec�s the value of�he Praper�y. The preced�ng tw� <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�amiiy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LiNIFQRM�NSTRUM�NT Farm 3�28�1�� <br /> VMP� VMPfi{N�f�13��} <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fsnar�cial 5ec�ices Page 3 3 0€17 <br />