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��15��55� <br /> AII �nsurance po��cies requxred b�Lender and r�newa�s�f such po�i�ies sha�I�e subjec��� Lender's right�o <br /> d�sappr��e such poli��es, sha�� include a s�andard mor�gage clau�e, and shall name Lender as mor�gagee <br /> andlor as an add�t��na���ss pa��e. L�nder shai� ha�re the righ��o hold the pol�cies and renewa��ertifica��s. If <br /> Lend�r requir�s, Barrower sha11 pr�mpt��gi�v�to Lender al� �receipts of gaid pr�miums and r�newal not��es. <br /> �f Borrow�r ab�ains any f�rm of insurance c�verage, not��herwise requ�red by L�nder, for damage�o, a� <br /> destru��ian af, the Proper�y, such poiicy shai� inc�ude a s�andard mor�gage ciause and shall name Lender as <br /> n�or�gagee andl�r as an additianal Ioss payee. <br /> �n�he ev�nt�f loss, Borrower sha11 gi�e pr�mpt no�ice to the�nsurance carr�er and I...ender. Lend�r ma� <br /> make proof af Ioss if nat mad�promp���by Borrower, Un��ss Lender and Barrau�er o�her�vise a�ree�n <br /> wri�ing, any �nsurance proceeds, wh�ther or not th�underi�ing insurance was required�y I.ender, sha�1 be <br /> appl�ed to restorat�on or repa�r of the Proper��r, if�he restora�ion or repair�s economicaily feasib��and <br /> I..�nder's securi�y�s no��essened. During su�h repa�r and restoration peri�d, L�nder shall ha�e�he ri�h�to <br /> h�Id such insurance proceeds un�il Lender has had an oppartuni�y t� inspect such Property�o ensure�he <br /> vv�rk has heen co�np�eted to Lender's sa��sfacfiion, p�ra��ded�hat such inspec�ian shal��e und�rtaken <br /> prampt�y. Lender ma�disburse praceeds for�he repairs and r�s�ora�ion in a single paymen�or in a s�ries of <br /> pro�ress pa��nents as the wark�s compie�ed. Un�es�an agreemen��s made�n wr�ting or App��cable La.vw <br /> requires interest�a be paid an�u�h�nsuran�e pr�c�eds, Lender shall not be requ�red to pay B�rrower any <br /> in�eres�nr earn�ngs�n such�roceeds. �ees far pub�ic ad�us��rs, or athe�r�h�rd parti�s, retained by Borrawer <br /> sha�i no�be paid aut of the insurance proceeds and sha��be��.e so�e abligation�f B�rrawer. If the restoration <br /> or repair is not�cnn�mica��y feas�ble or I.�nder's securi�y would be�essened, the insurance pr�ce�ds sha11 be <br /> �� app�ied to the sum� secured by this Secur���Instrument, v�hethe�or no��.hen due, W I���.��XC�SS, if an�, <br /> pa�d ta Borrov�rer. Su�h�nsurance proceeds shall be appl�ed in�he�rder pra��ded for in 5ec�ion�. <br /> If Borr�v�rer abandons�h�Proper�y, L�nder may fi�e, nega��a�e and settle any a�va�lab�e�nsuran��claim and � <br /> re�ated ma�ter�. �f Borr�wer does not respond w��hin 3�days to a no�ice fram Lender that�he insurance <br /> carrier has offered�o se���e a cXaxxn, �hen I.�ender may nego�iate and set��e the c�a�m. Th�3�-day period w�x� <br /> beg�n when�he na��ce�s g��ven. �n�i�h�r e�en�, �r�f Lender acquires the Proper�y under Sec�ion 22�r <br /> otherw�se, Borrower hereb�assigns to Lender�a� Borro�rer's rig�.ts to an��nsuran�e pro�eeds�n an amount <br /> not to exceed the am�unts unpaid under�he Note ar�his Se�uri�y�ns�rument, and �b� an���her af <br /> �orrower's righ�s �other�han the righ�t� any refund of un�arned premiums pa�d by Borrower}under a�l <br /> insura�a�e po�icies co�ering�he Proper��, �nsafar as such.r�g�ts are app�icabie to the coverage of�he <br /> Proper�y. Lender may use the�nsurance pr�ceeds ei�her�o repair�r restore�he Proper�y or to pay amounts <br /> unpaid under�he Note or this Secur��y Instrument, v�hether or no��hen due. <br /> 6. D�cupancy. Borrawer sha�l ac�upy, es�ab�xsh, ar�.�use the Prap�r�y as Sorrower's pr�ncipa� res�dence <br /> with�n 6�da�rs after the exe�ution of�h�s �ecurit�r �nstrurnen�and shal�con�xnue�o occupy the Prvper��r as <br /> Barrower's principal resid�nce for at Ieast one�rear after�h�da�e of accupan��r, unless Lender atherwis� <br /> agrees �n wri�ing, wh�ch consent sha�l not be unr�asonably withhe�d, or unless ex�enua�ing��rcums�ar�c�s <br /> �x�s�which are beyand Borrower's contro�. <br /> 7. Preser�at�an# Maintenanc� and Pratectivn vf the Pr�perty: Inspectivns. Barr�wer s�a�l not destroy, <br /> da�mage or impair�he Proper�y, a��ow the Prflper��r to de�eriora�e or comm�t vvas�e on�he Proper�y. W��ther <br /> or not Borrower is residing in�he Proper�y, B�rrower sha1�ma�n�ain the Prop�r�y in order to pre�ent�he <br /> Proper�y from deteriarat�ng or decreasing in va�ue due�fl ��s cond��i�n. Unless xt �s determined pursuan��a <br /> Sect�an S t.hat repa�r or res�ara��on is no�economically feas�ble, B�rrower shall prornptl�repair�he Prop�rty <br /> if�d to avoid fur�her deterioration or damage. If insurance or�on proceeds are pa�d in <br /> connec�ion w�th damage to, or t�e taking af, the Proper��, Borrower sha��be responsxb�e for repairing flr <br /> res�or�ng the Praper�y on�y if Lender has released praceeds far such purpases. Lender may d�sburse proceeds <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�anr�ie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Farm 3�28"i 1�'€ <br /> VMP� VMP6{NEy�13D2y <br /> Walters Kluwer FinanciaE S�r�ices Page 7 of 17 <br />