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��15��55� <br /> sentences shall not apply ta�he presence, use, ar starage�n the Praperty af sma�l quanti�ies of�azardous <br /> SubstanCes that are genera�ly recognized�fl be appr�pr�ate t�norma� residen�ial us�s and�o main�enance of <br /> th�Proper�y �inc�uding, but nat l�mited to, hazardous subs�ances in��nsumer produc�s}. <br /> B�rrower sha��promp�iy g�ve Lender written notice�f�a} any in�es��gat�an, c�a�m., dexnand, �awsuzt�r other <br /> act�on b�ar��ga�ernmen�a� or regu�atory agenc�r�r priva�e party in���v�ng�he Prnper�y and any Hazardaus <br /> Substance ar Envir�nmen�a� Law of�vhzch Borrower has ac�ual kna��edge; �b} any En��ranmen�al <br /> Candition, including but not��m�i.�ed��, any sp��I�ng, �eaking, di�charge, re�ease or�hreat of release of any <br /> Hazardous Substance, and��� an�r cond��ion�aused by�he presence, use or r���ase flf a Hazard�us Substance <br /> wh��h adw�rs��y aff�cts t�.e�a�ue of�he Proper�y. Zf Borrotiver�earns, ar�s n�t���d by any gavernmenta� or <br /> regu�a�ory autharity, ar any pr�vate party, �ha�any removal ar��her reme�ia�ion of any Hazardous Substan�e <br /> aff�eting the Pr�perty is n��essary, Barrow�r sha�� pr�mp�l� a�� necessary r�amedia� ac�ions in <br /> accordan�e w�th En�ironn��nta� Law. Noth�ng her��n shal�crea�e any obligati�n an L�nder for a.n <br /> �n���a� ���anup. <br /> N�n�Unifa�nn Cflvenants. Borrower and L�nder cavenant and agree as fo�l�ws: <br /> 22. Acceleratian; Remedies. Lender shall gi�e notice to Borrower priar to acc��erat�on fol�aw�ng <br /> Borrovver's breach of any c��enant or agreem�nt in this Securi�y Instrumen� �but n�t pr�or ta <br /> acceleration und�r Sec�x�n 18 unl�ss Appli�abl��aw pr��ides otherw�se}. The na��ce sha��specify: �a} <br /> the defau�t; �b}the act�on re�u�red�o�ur��he defau��; �c} a date, not�ess than 3D days fronr�the date <br /> the n�tice�s g�ven�a Barrowe�r, by whxch the d�Fault mus�be cured; and �d} �ha�fa��ure to cure the <br /> defau�t on or�iefare the dat�spe��f��d�n the nnt�ce may resu���n a�ce�eration af the sums secured by <br /> th�s Security Instrument and sale of th�Pr�pert�. The no��ce sha�� further�nform Borrawer oF the <br /> r�ght to re�ns�ate after ac�eleration and the r�ght to br��ag a�ourt action to assert the nan-exis�ence of a <br /> defau��or any a�her defense vf Borrawer ta acce�era�ion and sale. If the default is not cured on or <br /> befor�the date specified in the notice, Lender at i�s aption may requ�re immediate payment�n ful�of <br /> ali sums secured by th�s Security Ins�rumen�vv�thout Further demand and may�nvoke the power of sale <br /> and any ather remed�e�perm�.tted by Appi�cable Law. Lender sha��be en��t�ed�a ca��ect a��ex�enses <br /> �ncurred�n pursuing t�e remed�es prov�ded�n thxs Section 2Z, �nc�uding, but not lixnited�o, reasanab�e <br /> attorneys' f�es and cos�s of tit�e e�idence. <br /> If th��o�ver of sa�e��in.vnked, Trus�ee shal�recvrd a not�ce af defau�t�n each cvunty in vvh�ch any <br /> part of th�Propert��s�ocated and sha�l mai� copies of such notice in�he manner prescr�bed by <br /> _ App�xcab�e Law�o Borrawer and�o the ather persons pre�cr�bed by Applicab�e Lar�v. After�he t�me <br /> r�qu�red by Applica��e Law, Trustee sha��g��e pub��c notice of sale to the pers�ns and in the manner <br /> pre��ril�ed by App�icab�e Law. Trus�ee, without demand on Barrower, shall se��the Prop�rty at public <br /> auc�ian to�h�h�ghest��dder a��he�ime and p�ace and under the����ms�esigna��d in the not�ce af sa�e <br /> in�ne or more parc�ls and in any ord�r Trus�ee determ�nes. Trus���may p��tpone sa�e of a��or any <br /> parcel of the Proper�y by pub�ic announ�ement at the�ime and p�ace of any prev��us�y scheduled sale. <br /> Lender or its de5ignee may purchas��he Property a�an�saie, <br /> Upan receipt of payment of the pr�ce b�d, Trus��e shall deliver�a the purchaser Trus�ee's deed <br /> convey�ng�he Property. The rec�ta�s�n�he Trus�ee's deed shal�be prima faciQ e��dence of�he truth of <br /> thQ s�atemen�s made there�n. Trus�ee sha��apply the proceeds of the sa�e in the fo��ow�ng ord�r: �a} to <br /> a��co�ts and�xpenses of exerc�s�ng�he povver of sale, and�he sa�e, �nc�uding�he payn��nt�f the <br /> Tru�tee's f�es ac�ua�ly incurred and reasonab�e a��orneys' fees as permi��ed by App��cab�e Law; �b} ta <br /> a��sur�xs secured by t��s Secur�ty Instrumen�; and �c} any excess to�he person or persons legaliy <br /> �nta����d�o it. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFC7RM INSTI�UM�NT �orm 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP[� VMPS�N�]{i 3�2y <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fir�ancial Ser�ices Page�4 of 17 <br />