<br /> �n�h�Pr�per�y and rights under�his Secur�ty Instrument; and�d}�akes such actian as Lender ma�
<br /> reas�nably requir��o assure tha�Lender's xn�erest in�he Praper�y ar�d righ�s under this S��urity Instrurnent,
<br /> and Borrawer's obl�gat�on�a pay the sums secured by this Securi�y Instrum�ent, sha��cont�nu�unchanged.
<br /> Lend�r may requi�-e�hat Borrav�er pay such reinstatemen�sums and expenses �n one or more�f the f�l�av�zng
<br /> farms, as se�ec�ed by Lender: �a} cash; �b}mone�order; �c} cer�ifi�d check, bank check, treasur�r's check or
<br /> cashier's check, pra��ded an� such check�s drawn upan an insti�uti�n whose deposits are insured by a
<br /> federal agency, instru�nenta�ity or enti�y; or�d� Elec�ronic Funds Transfer. [Jp�n r�instatement by Borrower,
<br /> this SeGurity Znstrument and�b�igati�ns secur�d hereby shall r�main fu�i�effec���e as if no a�celerat�on had
<br /> occurred. Hovve�er, �his righ�to reins�a�e sha11 not appl�in the cas�of acc���rat�an under Section �$.
<br /> ��. Sa�e of Note; �hange of L�an S�r��cer: Noti�e of GrieWan�e. The Note or a par��ai interest in�he
<br /> Note��oge�h�r with�his Security�ns�rument}can�e sold ane or more�imes w��hou�pr�or na�ic�to
<br /> B�rrower. A sale might resu��in a change in the enti�y�known as the "Loan Servicer"} �ha�c�1lec�s Periodi�
<br /> Payments due under the Nate and�h�s Securx�y�nstrumen�and performs ather mor�gage�oan s�rvxcxng
<br /> ob��gations under the No�e, th�s Security�nstrum�nt, a�.d App�icab�e Law. There also mig��be one or more
<br /> changes�f the Ltian Serv�c�r unrelated t� a sa�e of�he Note. �f�her�is a change of�h�I.oan Servicer,
<br /> Borrower w����be g��en written n��ice�f�h�change v�rhich w�ll sta�e�he nam.e and address of�h�new Loan
<br /> Servicer, �he address��whi�h payments should b�made an�.a.ny other�nformat�on RESPA rec�uires in
<br /> conne��ion with a nflt�ce�f transfer of servicing. �f�he Note�s s��d and thereaft�r�he L�an is serv�ced by a
<br /> Loan Ser�icer o�h�r�han�he purchaser of�he No�e, �he mar�gage��an s�r��c�ng�bliga�i�ns�o Borrawer wi11
<br /> remain v�rith the Loan Ser�icer ar be�ransferred to a successar Loan Servicer and ar�not assum�d b�r�he
<br /> Na�e purchaser unless o�h�rw�se pro��ded��the No�e purchas�r.
<br /> Ne�ther Barrawer n�r Lender may commence,jo�n, ar�e jo�ned t� an�judiciai a���on�as ez�her an
<br /> indi�idual l�t�gant or the mem�er of a cla�s}�ha�arises fram the a�her par��'s actions pursuan�to�his
<br /> S�cur�ty Iristrumen�or�hat a���ges that the o�her par�y has brea�hed any pro�isian of, or any du�y owed by
<br /> r�asan of, �his Security Instrument, un�ii such Borrawer or I�nder has natif�ed the a��er par�y �w�th such
<br /> no�ice giWen in cnmp��ance w�th.�he requirements of Sect�on 15} �f such alleged breach ax�d affarded�he
<br /> other party here�o a reasonable perio�i after the�iv�ng�f suc�not�ce�o�ake correcti�e act�on. �f Applicab�e
<br /> Law pravid�s a�ime per�o�i wh�ch must e�apse befare certa�n actian can b��aken, �hat time period will be
<br /> deemed to�e reas�nab�e for purposes of th�s paragraph. The notic�of acc�ieration and appor�uni����cure
<br /> g���n to Borrower pursuan��a Sect�on 22 and�he no��ce of acce�era��on g��en to Borrawer pursuant�a
<br /> S�ction I8 sha��be deemed to sa�isfy the n�tice and opportunity to take�orrect�ve ac��an pr�v�si�ns of this
<br /> Sect�an 24.
<br /> ��. Hazardaus Substances. As used�n th�s S�ct�an�1: �a} "Ha�ardnus Su�stances"are�hose substances
<br /> de�ned as toxic ar�azardous �ubs�an�es, pol�utants, or wast�s�by Env�ronmen�a� Law and the follow�ng
<br /> substances: gas��ine, kerasene, o�her flammab�e ar�oxic petr�leum produc�s, toxic pes�ic�d�s and h�rbicides,
<br /> va�a�ile s�l�rents, ma�eria�s con�aining asbestos or forma�de�.yde, and radioaG��ve ma�eria�s; �b�
<br /> "�n�ironrrter�tal La3v"means fed�ral laws and �aws af the�urisdi�t�on v��.er��he Proper�y is Ioca�ed that
<br /> re�ate to hea��h, safety or�nvironmen�ai pratecti�n; ��} "�nvironmer�tal �`leanr�p"�nc�udes an�response
<br /> act�o�., remediai act�on, or removal action, as defined in Env�ronmental Law; and�d� an "�nvir�rtrrtental
<br /> �onditx��"means a conditian tha�can cause, contribu�e�o, or atherwise trigg�r an�nvxroz�mental C�eanup.
<br /> Bo�row�r sha��no�cause ar permi��he presence, u�e, disposal, storage, vr release of any �3azard�us
<br /> Sub��ances, or�hreaten�o relea�e any Hazardous Subs�ances, an�r in the Prop���. Barro�ver sha��not d�,
<br /> nor aii�w anyone else�a do, an�thing affecting�he Prap�r�y�a�tha�is �n v���ation of any En�iranmental
<br /> Lavv, tb} wh�ch creat�s an Env�ronmental Cond��ian, or�c� which, due�a the�resence, us�, or re�eas�of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, crea�es a candition�hat adversel�aff�cts the value af the Proper�y. The pre�eding two
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN€��RM lNSTRUM�NT Form 3D28'�1�7
<br /> VMP Q . VMPfitNE}t'�3�Z�
<br /> Wvlt�rs Kfuw�r Financial Ser�ices Page�3 of�7
<br />