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��15��531 <br /> sentences sha��na�app��t� the pres�nce, use, �r storage on the Pr�p�r�y of sma�� quantities of Hazardous <br /> �ubstax��:es ���at ar������rdlly re���,��i�e� tU bG a��rc��riat� t� �aurrr�al resi�e��t�a� us�� a���. �v rr�dinten�nce�f <br /> the Proper�� (including, but n�t limit�d t�, hazardaus substanc�s in�onsumer pr�du��s}. <br /> Borrower sha�l pr�mptly give Lender writ�en notice of�a} an� inves�igat��n, �laim, demand, �a�sui�or��her <br /> ac�ion by ar��g�vernm�ntai or regu�atory agency ar pr��ate par�y�nvolving the Praper�y and any Hazardous <br /> Subs�ance or E�viranmenta� Law of which Barrovver has actual knav�led�e, �b}an�Env�ronmentai <br /> Cnndztion, inc�uding bu�no�limi�ed to, an�spill�ng, leaking, discharge, release or threa��f re�ease af any <br /> �3azard�us Substance, and �c} any condi�ian caused b�the presence, use or release af a Hazardaus 5ubs�ance <br /> v�hich adWersely affe�ts the value of�he Pr�perty. If B�rrawer learns, or�s n��i�ed�y any go�ernm�n�a� or <br /> regu�a�or� au�horit�r, or a�x private party, that any remava� or other remed�a��on of an�r Hazardous Sub�tance <br /> affec��ng the Proper�y is necessary, Borrawer shall pramptly take all neGessar�r remed�a� act��ns in <br /> accordance w��h En�vir�nmental Law. No�hing herein sha�l create any ob��ga���n on L�nd�r for a� <br /> En��ronmenta� �leanup. <br /> Non-Unif�rm Correnants. Borrower and Lend�r covenant a.nd agree as follows: <br /> �Z. Accelerativn; R�medies. Lender shal�g��e notic�to Sorro�ver pr�or�o acce�eration follow�ng <br /> Bnrrow�r's breach�of any covenant or agree�ent xn thxs�ecurity Instrument �bu�not pr�or to <br /> acc�e�era��nx�u�nde�-������n 1 R ur���� �1pp�i�ahle Ia�w�rc�v�de����e�-w����� T�e��n�ice�ha�� �����fy. �a� <br /> the default; �b� the ac��on requ�red tv cure the d�fau��; tc} a da�e, nat less than 34 day�from the da�e <br /> the nat��e is giv�n t��arrQwer, by wh�ch�he defau�t must be cured; and �d} �ha�fa��ure ta cure�he <br /> r�e�au��on or befor�the date��ecif�ed in the n�tice may resul�in acceZera��on nf the sums secured b� <br /> �h��S��ur�t�InStrument and sa���f�he Fr�p�rty. Th�no�ic�shal�furth�r�nf�rrn Bflrrower of�he <br /> r�ght ta re�nsta��a���r ac�e�eration and�h�righ��a bring a c€�urt act�on to asser�the non-exis�ence oF a <br /> defau�t ar any oth�r defense of B�rr�wer�o acce�erat�an and sa�e. If the defau�t�s not cured on or <br /> befare the date spec�f�ed�n the n�t�ce, LQnder at�t�opt�on may require immedia�e payment�n fu�l of <br /> all sums secure�b�this S�curit�Instrument�vi�hout further demand and may�nvoke�he power af sa�e <br /> �nd any other remedies perm�t�ed by Applicabie La�v. Lender shai�be entit�ed to co��ect a�l expense� . <br /> incurrec��n pursuing�he remed�e�pro�ided in this Sectian 2�, inc�ud�ng, but no���mi�ed tt�, reasana��e <br /> attorne�s' fees and cvs�s of ti�le evidence. <br /> If�he power of sale�s invaked� Tru�tee sha��record a nv�i�e af defau�t in each caun�y in wh�ch any <br /> par�oF the Property is�ocated and sha�l mail copies of such notice in�he manner prescr�bed b� <br /> App��cab��Law ta Borrawer and ta the ather persan�prescribed by App��cab�e Law. After th�t�n1� � <br /> � requ�red b�App�fcable Law, Trustee shai�give pubiic no�ice of sa�e to the persons and in th�manner <br /> pre��ribed b�App�icab�e Law. Trustee, wi�hout dernand on Barrovver, shal�se��th�Propert�at public <br /> auction�a the highest b�dder at the time ar�d p�ace and under the�errns designa��d in�he not�ce of sa�e - <br /> in one or more parce�s and�n any order Trus�ee deter�n�nes. 'T`ru��e�ma�postpone sa�e of a��or any <br /> �arce�af�he Proper�y by pub��c annauncement a��he t�me and piac�of any pr��xous�y scheduled sa�e. <br /> Lender ar��s desi�nee max purchase the Property at any sal�. <br /> Upan rece�pt�f payment af�he price bid, 'T`rustee sha��de�iver to the purchaser Trustee's d�ed <br /> con�ey�ng the Property. The recitals in the Trus�ee's deed sh�ll be pr�ma fac�e ev�dence of�h�truth of <br /> �he s�atements made�herein. Trustee sha�l apply the proceeds of�he sa�e�n the fo��owing order: �a} ta <br /> a��costs and expens�s of e�erci�ing the pawer oF sale, and the sa�e, �nc�ud�ng�he payment of the <br /> Trus�ee's fe�s ac�ua�ly incurred and reasonable at�orneys' fees as perm��ted by App��ca�le Law; �b} �a <br /> a��sunzs secured by th�s Securi�y Instrument; and �c} any excess to�he person or persons��gal�y <br /> ent�t�ed to�t. <br /> N�gRASKA-5ing�e Family-Far�ni�MaelFreddie Mac UNIFnRM tNSTRUM�NT Form 3028 71�� <br /> VMP� VMPfi{N�;{13pZ� <br /> Walters Kfuw�r Financial 5er�icsS Page 14 of 17 <br />