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��15��531 <br /> in the Proper�y and r�ghts under th�s 5ecurity�nstrument; and �d}�akes�uch action as L�nd�r may <br /> reasonab�y require ta assure�ha�Lender's interest�n�he Pr�per�y and rights under�h�s Se�ur�ty �nstrument, <br /> and Borrower's�b�iga�ion to pay the sums secured by this Securi�y �nstrumen�, sha�� continue unchanged. <br /> Lender mr.ay requ�re�hat Barra�ver pay such re�nstatement sums and expenses in one or m�re�f the fo���win� <br /> f�rn�s, as sel�cted by Lender: �a}cash; �b} mon�y o�der; (c} cert��ed check, bank check, treasurer's check or <br /> cash�er's check, provided an�r such check is dravvn upan an inst�tu��on whose depos��s are insured by a <br /> federal ag�nc�, ins�rumenta��t�r or ent�ty; or�d� Ele�tro�ai�Funds Transfer. Upon rexnstatemen��y Borrower, <br /> this Securi�y Ins�rument and o�l�ga�ions secured hereby shai� r�ma�n fu���effect��e as if no acce�eratian had <br /> occurred. Howe�er, th�s righ�to re�nsta�e shal� not app�y �n th�case of acce�erat�on under Section 18. <br /> �Q. Sale of Note; �hange af Loan Servicer; IV�tice of Gr�evance. The N�te or a par�ia� �n�eres��n the <br /> No�e��oge�her wi�h this �ecurity�nstrume�at} �an be so�d�ne ar more times withou�pr�or notice to <br /> Borrower. A sale�r�i.ght resul��n a change xn the entity �knovwn as�h� "Laan Servicer"} that co��e�ts Per��d�c <br /> Pa�rments due under the�ate and this Secur�ty Instrument and performs o�her mortgage�oan serv�cing <br /> obX�ga��ons und�r the No�e, �his Secur�ty �ns�rum�ent, and Appl�cab�e Lav�. There a�sa m�.gh�be one or more <br /> changes of��e L�aan Serv�cer unrelated to a sa�e of�he Nvt�. �f�here�s a char�ge af�h�Loan Ser��cer, <br /> B�rr�wer wi�i be given written no��ce of the c�ange w�.�c� w�1I s�a��the name and addres�of the new Loan <br /> Serv�cer, the address ta which payrnents s�ou�d be made and any��her informat�on RESPA requ�res in <br /> �nnnec��on v�r�th a notice af transfer of serv�c�ng. If�h�No�e is so�d and�h�reafter the Loan is ser�iced b� a <br /> Loan Servi�er o�her�han�he purchas�r�f the Note, the m�r�gage��a�.s�rvic�ng o��igatians�o Borrawer�rili <br /> remain wi�h�h�Laan Servicer�r be tran�ferred�a a success�r Loan Serv�cer and ar�no�assum.ed b�the <br /> Note purchaser un�Pss o�herwise pro�r�ded�by the Nate purchaser. <br /> Ne��her Borrower nor Lender may commence,���n, or b��oined ta any�ud��xa� ac�i�n�as e�ther an <br /> �ndividual Ii�igant or the member of a c�ass}�ha� arises from�he o�her par�y's act�ons pursuan�to�his <br /> Securi�y Instrument�r that a1l�ges�ha��h�other par�y has breached an�r pravision of, nr an�duty owed b� <br /> reasan�f, th�s Secur��y�nstrumen�, un�i� such Borrawer ar Lender has notif�ed�he o�her par�y�with such <br /> no��ce given in�ornpl�an�e w�th the requiremen�s of Section I S}af such alleged breach and aff�rded�he <br /> other par��here��a reasonab�e per�nd after�he gi�r�ng�f such na�.�ce�o take cflrrec�ive act�on. �f Applicabl� <br /> La�r pro��des a txm.e per�a�.which�elapse befare cer�a�n ac�ion can be�ak�n, �hat��me p�r�od v�rill be <br /> deemed to be rea�onab�e f�r purp�ses af�h.�s paragraph. The nnt�ce�f acc�Xeration and oppar�unity�o cure <br /> g�ven ta Barrower pur�uan�to Sec�ian 2�and�he no�ice of acce�erat�an g�ven t�Borr�wer pursuan��o <br /> Section 1 S sha��be deem�d to satisfy�he notice and apportunit��o�ake corr�cti�re action provis��ns�f this <br /> Section 2�. <br /> ��. Hazardvus Su�stances. As used in this Sectian Z I: �a} "�Iazard�us Subst�ar�ces"are�hase subs�ances <br /> de�ned as���.ic or hazardous su�stances, pol�u�ants, nr was�es by En�vironmenta� Lavv and the follow�ng <br /> substan�es: gas�line, kerosene, o�her flammahle or t�xic petroleum pr�ducts, �ox�c pes�icides and herb�cides, <br /> vo�a�ile svlvents, ma�eria�s conta�ning asbestos or forma�dehyd�, an.d radioacti�e ma�erials; �b} <br /> "�'r�virar�mer��ar L�w"means federa� �aurs and�aws af�h�jurisdi���on v�rhere�he Praper�y is�ocated.that <br /> relate�o hea.�th, safe�y or en�ironmenta�prate�tion; �c} "Envirar�m��tal�teanup" �ncludes any response <br /> ac��on, rem.edia.�act�an, or removal ac�ian, as defined in Env�r�nmen�al Law; and (d} an "�nvirortme�ttal <br /> �'ondition"nr�e�ras a condx��on�hat can cause, contr�bute to, or otherw�se trigger an En�iranmental��eanup. <br /> Bflrrower s�a�1 no��ause ar perm�.�.�he presence, use, disp�sal, ��.orage, or r�lease of any Hazardous <br /> Subs�an��s, or threaten to r��ease any I-3azardous Substances, on or�n the Proper�y. Borrovver shail n�t do, <br /> nor ai1o� anyone else t�da, anything affecting the Property (a}�hat�s in vi�lation�f any En�r�ranmen�al <br /> Law, �b}�vh�ch crea�es an Environmenta� �orid�ti�n, or�c}which, due to the pr�sen�e, use, or re�ease�f a <br /> �azardaus Substance, crea�es a condition that advers�i� affects th�va�ue af the Proper��. The prece�ing two <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNEF�ftM 1N5TRUM�NT Form 3428 7141 <br /> VMP[�] VMPfi{NEy�'[3D2y <br /> Wolters K#uwer F€nancial Ser�ices Page't 3❑f 17 <br />