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��15��5�� <br /> �an be gx�en effec�with�ut the confl�cting pro�ision.To�his end the pra�isians of�hzs S��ur�ty Ins�rum�n�and th� <br /> Cantrac�are d�c�ared t�be s�v�rable. <br /> B�rrower's Copy.Barro�er sha1l be given�ne copy of this Security�nstrument. <br /> Transfer of the Property or a Benef�cial Intere5t in B�rrower, �f alI or any par�of th�Proper�y or an}�int�rest <br /> in �� is sold or �ransferred �or if a benefcial �n�eres� �n Borrower is sold or transferred and B�rrower is n�t a <br /> natura� person} w��hou� Len�er's pri�r writ��n consent, Lender may, at i�s ap�ion, require immed���e pa}�ment in <br /> full of alI sums secured by �h�s Se�ur��y rnstru.ment. �av�ever, this opti�n shall not be exercised by Lender �f <br /> exercise�s prah�bited by fed�ral lav�as of the date of this Security Inst�rument. <br /> �f Lender exercises this optian, Lender shal� give Borro�er notice of accelera�ion. The no�ice shai� prov�de a <br /> per��d of not �ess than�he min�mum number af days es�ablished by App��cah�e Law from the da�� �he not�c� is <br /> de�i�ered or mailed w��h�n �vhich Borrower must pay a11 sums s�eured by this Secu.ri�y Instrumen�. If Barr�wer <br /> fails to pay thes� sums pr�ar t� �h� expirat�an of th�s period, Lender may irivoke any rem.ed�es perm�t�ed by�h�s <br /> 5ecurity�nstru.ment w��hou�fur�h�r no��ce or demand�n Borr��er. <br /> Borrower's R�ght �o Rein�tate. If Borrower meets certa�n condi��ons, Borrower shall ha�� �he righ� �o ha�e <br /> enfarcemen� of this Securi�y �ns�rumen� discon��nued at any time prior to�he earlier of: �a} 5 days �or such o�her <br /> periad as AppXicable Law m�.y specify far reinstatem.ent�hefore sale of�he Property pursuan�to an�pavver of sale <br /> cantained in this Security ][nstrument; or �b� en�ry of a ju�gment �nfor�ing �his Security �nstrumen�. Those <br /> cond��ians are tha� Borrower: �a� pays Lender a�l sums which then would b� due under �his Se�urity Instrt�men� <br /> and the�on�ract as�f no ac��leration had flc�urr�d;�b� cures any d�fault of any o�her co�enan�s or agreemen�s;�c� <br /> pays al�expenses�n�urred i.�a enforcing�his Security Ins�rument, �nclud�ng,bu�not li.mi�ed�fl,r�asonahle at�arneys' <br /> fees to the exten�permi�ted by 1aw; and�d��akes such act�an as L�nder may reasonably require t� assure tha��he <br /> lien of�his Se�ur�ty�nstrum�nt, Lender's righ�s in�he Praper�y and Borrower's obliga���n�o pay the sums� <br /> by th�s Se�ur�ty �nstrurnent sha�l con�inue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security 7nstrument <br /> and the obliga�ions secured hereby shall remain fully effecti�e as if no accelera�ian had �ccurred. However, this <br /> righ��o reit�sta�e shall not apply�n the�ase of a�celera�ion under the section titled Tran�fer�f the Praperty vr a <br /> Bene�cia�Int�re�t in Borrower. <br /> Hazardous Substances. Borr�wer sha��not cause or permrt�he presen�e,us�, disp�sal, storage, or release of any <br /> Hazar�ious Substanc�s�n�r�n the Prop�rry.Borrovver shali na�d�,nor a1l�w anyone e1s��o do, any�hing affe��ing <br /> the Proper�y�hat is in vzo�a�ion of any En�ir�nmental Lav�. The preceding tw� sentences shal� n�� app�y to �he <br /> presen�e,us�,or s�orage on�he Propert�y of small quan��t�es of Hazardaus Substances�.a�are generally recognized <br /> ta�e appropria�e to norma�resident�al uses and ta maintenance of�he Froperty. <br /> Borrovver shall promptly gi��Lender wri�ten no�xce af any�nvestiga�ion,claim,demand, �avvsui�ar o�her ac�ion by <br /> any go�ernm��ta� oar regu�a�ary agency or private party �nvo�v�ng �he Prap�rty and any Hazard�us Su�stanc� or <br /> En�ironmenta� Lavv af wh�ch Borrower has actual knaw�edge. If Borr�v�er learns, or is nat�f ed by any <br /> g�vernmen�al�r regu�atory au�hority,tha�any r�mo�al�r flther remedia�ion of any Hazardous Substance aff�cting <br /> the Proper�y �s necessary, Borrower sha�� pr�mp�ly �a.�e aII necessary remedia� ac��ons �n a�cordance �ith <br /> Env�ronmen�a�Law. <br /> As used�n this paragraph, "Hazardous 5ubstances" are those subs�ances defined as�oxic ar ha2ardous substances <br /> by Environmenta� Law and the fo��owing subs�an�es: gasaline, ker�s�ne, other flammable flr toxic petroleum <br /> produc�s, �ox�� pes�i�ides a.r�d h�rbic�des, �nlatile so�v�nts, materials conta�n�ng asbestos or forma�dehyde, and <br /> radinactive ma�erxais. As us�d�n�his paragraph, "En�ironmental Law"means federa�1av�s and�aws of the state of <br /> Nebraska�ha�re�a�e to heal�h,saf�ty ar enviranmenta�prot�c�ion. <br /> Ac��ierat�an; Remedies. L�nder shal� gi�e n�t�ce to Borrovver prxor to acceleratian fo��owing Bvrrower�s <br /> breach of any covenant or�gre�ment in this Securi�y Ins�rument or the Cantrac�under which acce�eratzon <br /> is permitted �bu� not prior tv accelerat�on under the section ti��ed Tran�fer af the Proper�y or a Beneficial <br /> Intere5t in Borrower, unlecs Applicable Law pro�ides otherwise�. The notice shall specify: �a� the default; <br /> ��a} the act�vn required ta cure the default; ��� a date, not les� �han �he min�mum nurnber of days <br /> estab��shed by Appli�able Law from the date the notice is g�ven to B�rrower, by which the default must be <br /> cured; and (d) that failure �o cure the default on or before �he date spec�fi�d in the no��ce may re�u�� in <br /> accelerat�on of the sums �ecured by this Se�urity InStrument and 5ale of the Praperty. To the ex�ent <br /> permitted by Iaw,the not�ce shall further inform Borrower of the r�ght to reinsta�e aftQr acceleratian and <br /> the right to bring a c�urt a�tion to assert the non-exis�ence of a default or any other defense of Borrawer to <br /> acceleration and sale. If th�defau�t�s not�ured on vr befare the da�e spec��ed in th� noti�e, Lender at �ts <br /> option may require imme�iate payment in full �f a�i sums 5ecured by this S��urity Instrum�nt without <br /> further dernand and may imvoke the power of sale and any �th�r remed�es permit�ed by App�icab�e Lavv. <br /> To �he exten� permitted by law, Lender �hal� be entit�ed ta �oliect all expens�s inc�rred in pursu�ng the <br /> remed�es provided in this Se��ion, ineluding, but nnt lirnited to, rea5onable at��rneys' fee5 and costs of title <br /> eviden�e. <br /> If the power of sale �s in�ol�ed, Trustee shall re�ord a nflti�e flf default in ea�h c�unty in which any part of <br /> the Prnp�rty�s located and sha�l mail c�pies of such noti�e in th� manner prescr�bed by Appl�cab�e Law to <br /> Borrower and tn the other persons prescribed by Applicab�e Law. After the �ime required by Appiicable <br /> Law, Trustee Shall g�v� pub��� natice of sale to �he p�rsons and in the manner prescril�ed by Appli�abl� <br /> Law. Trustee,w�thout dem�nd an Barrower, sha��Sell the Property at pub��c auc�ivn to the highest b�dder <br /> at the t�me an� place and u�der the terms d�signated�n th�n�tice�f saie in vne or more�arcels and�n an� <br /> order Trustee determines. Trustee may pfls�pone sa�e of al� or any parcel af �he Property by public <br /> �24�4-24�4 CampIiance Systems,Inc,�958-F563-20 T 3L2.3.1.843 <br /> Cv�sumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2036 Page 4 oF 5 www, <br />