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��15��5�� <br /> o�er th�s Se�urzty��.strument, appear�g ir��our�,paying reasona�le attarneys'fees a�.d enter��.g�n�he Proper�y t� <br /> make repairs.A��hough Lender may take ac��fl�under th�s sec�ion,Lender daes not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts dzsbursed by Lender under th�s sec�ion sha�� becom� additianal debt of Barrower secured by �hzs <br /> Security Instrument. Un�ess Borrower and Lender agree �o ��her �erms of paymen�, thes� amaun�s shal� bear <br /> zntere�� from the da�e of d�sbursena.en� at �he same ra�e assessed on advances under �he ��ntract and shal� be <br /> payable,wz�h�n�erest,upon notice from Lender��Borrow�r requesting paymer�t. <br /> Inspection. Lender or ��s agent may mak� reasona�le er�tries upon and znspections of�he Propez-�y. Lender shall <br /> give B�rrower na�ice a��he time of or prior��an znspection specify�ng reasonable cause for�he i.nspect�on. <br /> Candemnat�on. The proceeds of any avvard�r claim far damages, dxrec�ar consequent�al, in cvnr��ction with any <br /> condemnation or o�her�aking af any par� of�he Property, or for conveyance in lieu vf condem.z�ation, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha�l be pa�d to Lender. <br /> �n the ev�n� of a total taking of th� Property, the proceeds shall be app�ied to th� sums secured by this Se�urity <br /> �nstrument, vvhether or not �hen due, wi�h any excess paid �o Borrower. �n th� �vent of a partial taking af�he <br /> Praper�y in vvh�ch the fair marke�vaiue af the Proper�y imrnedia�ely before �he �akxng zs equa�to or greater�han <br /> �he amount �f�he sums secured by �his Se�urity Instrumen� immediately �efore �he tak�.ng, un�ess Borrawer and <br /> Lend�r�th�rw�se agree �n wrxtx�.g,�he sums secured by�h�s Secur�ty�ns�trumen�sha��be r�duced by th�amount of <br /> �he proce�ds multip�ied by the foll�wing frac�ion: �a�the�otal amount af the sums seGured immediately bef�re�he <br /> �takirrg, di�ided by �b� �he fa�r market valu� �f the Propez�y �mmed�at�X� befare �h� �ak�.�g. Ar�y ba�a�ce shal� be <br /> pa�d�o Borr�wer. �n�he e�ent �f a par�zal tak�ng of the Properry in Wh�ch the fa�r marke� �a1ue af�he Property <br /> imm�dia�e�y befar� th� �akzng xs �ess than�he amount �f th� sums secured immed�a��ly befor� �he �akzngy Lln.��55 <br /> Borrower and Lender o�herwis� agree in v�ritirzg or un�ess App�xca��e Lavv o�herv�ise provides, the proce�ds sha�� <br /> be appl�ed to the sums secured by th�s Securit�Ins�rument whether or no��he sums ar�then due. <br /> �f�he Property�s abandaned by Barrower, �r if, after notz�e by Lender�o Borro�ver�hat the condemn�r offers to <br /> make an avward or set��e a c�aim far damages, Borrower fails ta respond to Lender w��hin�he minimum num�er af <br /> days established by App��cab�e Lav�after the date�he na�xce zs g�ven,Lender is author�zed to����ect and app�y�he <br /> proceeds, a� its op�ion, either to res�orat�or� �r repa�r of the Pro�erCy or to �h� sums secured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rument,v�he�her or nn�then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Barrawer a�herwise agree in wrrting, any app�ica�ian of proc�eds�a pr�ncxpa� shail no�extend <br /> or pastpone the due date of the paymer��s due under�he�ontract or change�h�amou�.t�f such payments. <br /> Borrower Not Released y Forbearance By Lender Not a Wai�er. Ex�er�sion of �h� tiime for paymen� or <br /> mod�f catzon af amor�ization �f�h� sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument gran�ed by Lender�o Barrovver or <br /> ax�y succes�ar in in�eres� af Borrower shall not opera�e �o release �he �zab�Iity of th� origzna� B�rrawer or <br /> Barrower's successors in interes�. L�nder sha�1 no�be requ�red�o cflmmence pro��edzngs against any success�r in <br /> �n�eres�or r�fus�to ex�end�ime far payment or o�herv��se mod�fy amar�iza�zon af the sums secured by thxs Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen� �y reason of any demand made by �he orzgzna� Borrower or Borrower's suc�essors zn zn�erest. Any <br /> farbearance by L�nd�r �n exer�ising any right or remedy shal�not be a v�a�ver of or preclude th� exerczse of any <br /> righ�or remedy. <br /> Successors and As�igns Bound; loint and Several Liabil�ty; AccQmmodat�an Signers. The co�enan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of�his 5ecur�ty �nstrument sha��b�nd and b�ne�it the successars and assigns of Lender and Borravver, <br /> subject �o the provis��ns af sec�ion ti�led Transfer of the Proper�y or a Bene��ia� Interest in Borrawer. <br /> B�rrawer{s covenan�s and agreemen�s shal�be j aint and severa�.Any person who cfl-signs�h�s Securi��ns�rumen� <br /> bu� has na personal liabz�zty under the �ontrac� �"Accammada�ion S�gner"�: �a} is co-s�gning �h�s Se�uri�y <br /> �nstr�ument on�y �� mortgage, gran� and convey that Accom.modat�on 5igner's interes� in �he Proper�y under the <br /> terms of �he Security �ns�rument; �b} is na� persona��y abliga�ed �n pay the sums secured by �his Securx�y <br /> �nstrum.�n�; and�c} agrees�hat Lender and any other BorrovWer may agre�to extend,m�d�fy, f�rbear or make any <br /> accommodati�ns with r�gard�o�he terms of�his Secur��y Instrument or�he�ontra��wi�hou��hat Accommodat�fln <br /> Signer's cansent. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he loan secured hy �h�s Se�ur�ty �ns�rument is sub,�ect ta a �aw v�hich se�s maximum �oan <br /> charges, and tha�iaw is fnal�y interpre��d s��hat the �n�eres�ar o�h�r�oan charges col�ec�ed or to �e collec�ed�n <br /> connect�on vvith the l�an exceed �h� permzt�ed Iimits, �hen: �a} any such �oan charge sha�� be reduced by �he <br /> amoun�necessary�a reduce�he charge to�he�ermi�ted limz�s and�b} any sums already callec�ed fram Borrower <br /> which exc�eded permit�ed limits vv��� be refunded �a Barrovwer. Lender may choase to make �h�s refund by <br /> reducing�he princ�pa� ow�d under�he Cantrac� or by making a direc�payment to Borrov�er. �f a refund reduce� <br /> principa�,the reduc��on v�i11 be trea�ed as a par�ial prepaymen�under the��ntrac�. <br /> No�ices. Any no�ice to Borrawer pr�vided for in this Security Ins�rument sha�� be given by deliverirzg it or by <br /> maiiirig i�by frst c�ass ma�l unless App�icable Lav�requir�s use of another me�hod.The notice shal�be d�rec�ed�o <br /> the Proper�y Address ar any other address Borro�er deszgna�es b� no�ice to L�nder. Barrower agrees to pro�ide <br /> Lender w�th Borrov�er's naos� current mail�ng address, as i�may chang� from��me-��-time. Any no�ice to Lender <br /> sha��be g�ven by f rst class ma���o Lender's address stated here�n or any o�her address Lend�r des�gna�es by notice <br /> t�Borrower. Any�.atice pro��ded for�n th�s Secur��y�nstrumen�shal�be deemed to ha�e been gz�en to Borrov��r <br /> or Lender when given as provxded�n�his paragraph. <br /> Governing Law; Se�erab���ty.This Secur�tiy Instrumen�shall be governed by federal Iaw and the lav�s of�he sta.te <br /> �f Nebraska. �n the eve�� �hat any pro�ision �r clause of this Security �nstrument or �he �ontrac� conf�ic�s v�ith <br /> App�zcah�e Law, such conf��ct sha�l not affec� ather provxs�ans of�hzs Security �ns�rument o��he �ontrac�wh�ch <br /> Cc�2��4�2414 Camp�iance Systerns,Iz�c.4�5�-F563-2�13L2.3.f.8a3 <br /> Consumer Reai Estate-Se�u�ity tnsttvmetat DL�a36 Pa�e 3 o�F 5 iv�vw.catn�l3ancesysterns.G�m <br />